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Embroidery Tips & Techniques

How to Install a Zipper with an Embroidery Machine

Installing a zipper with your embroidery machine is great for in the hoop projects, like bags. There are many in the hoop projects available or you can digitize your own project that installs a zipper using your embroidery machine.  One of the first things needed will be thread.  Thread is an important item in stitching a successful zipper project and any embroidery project.

Listen in as Eileen Roche shares about the thread she uses and recommends.

Other benefits of Exquisite Polyester Thread include 100% trilobal polyester fiber, a real thread color chart, brilliant sheen, trouble-free stitching, colorfast, and easy snap-spool base. The Exquisite Summer 24 spool thread kit can be used in many summery projects. One project is using an Urban Threads embroidery design featuring 3 wine glasses in three different thread colors with the stems saying Cheers. Another project is making a cosmetic bag with a rainbow of hexies using different patterns and all 24 colors of the Summer thread kit.

Now let’s look at some tips for installing a zipper with an embroidery machine:

  • Use a nylon zipper at least 2-3” longer than the opening
  • Use Exquisite FuseMe Fusible Web for folding and fusing the top of the fabric pieces
  • Use a Double-sided basting tape for holding the fabric in place along the zipper teeth
  • Use regular tape for taping the zipper and fabrics in place
  • Use a thread to match the fabric
  • Use a tear away wash away stabilizer, Exquisite Tear ‘N Wash

For a concealed zipper, the zipper will go over the placement line. Simply tape in place to keep from moving. Stitch the tackdown stitch. Add the lining fabrics with a folded top on the wrong side of the hoop. Use a double-sided basting tape to help hold the fabric close to the zipper tape. Tape the corners of the fabrics to keep from flipping over. Stitch the fabrics into place.

Now do the same for the outside fabrics on the top. Add the outside fabrics with a folded top on the right side. Use a double-sided basting tape to help fold the fabric close to the zipper tape.  Tape the corners of the fabrics to keep from moving. Stitch the fabrics into place. Finish stitching according to design.

The other type of zipper is a decorative zipper.  It features decorative stitches along the zipper instead of a straight line.

For more details on how to install a zipper with an embroidery machine and choosing threads,  watch Eileen Roche on Facebook Live from May 26, 2022. Enjoy!

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