I have been spending the last few weeks ramping up for a great 2019 and it has totally consumed my time. In February, we are celebrating National Embroidery Month by partnering with Baby Lock and fellow embroiderers to bring you a blog tour based on quilting with your embroidery machine. If you’re a frequent visitor here, then you know I love to quilt with my embroidery machine. So I’m really pumped to see what the other bloggers will create! You’ll learn more about that on February 1st.
My friends over at Nancy Zieman Productions are hosting a giveaway on my Quilt with an Embroidery Machine in 8 Easy Lessons book during the month of January.

quilting with your embroidery machine in this book.
Stop by Nancy’s blog and leave a comment to be entered into the drawing. One of my favorite tips in that book is using pool noodles to baste a quilt. Yesterday, I basted a whole cloth quilt in under an hour with the pool noodle technique. So much fun!

In 2019, you’ll find a new block of the month quilt and you will be able to download all of the embroidery designs for piecing and quilting in the hoop! Look for the first block in the coming weeks here on the blog.
I’ll be back to my regular posting schedule this weekend. I hope you had a great holiday and I wish you good health and happiness in 2019.
Karen Poole
6 years agoOh my gosh! I can’t wait for these blogs. I love to use my embroidery machine for quilting! I’m not very good at machine quilting myself because of major back problems but using the embroidery machine makes it easy and fun!
6 years ago AUTHORKaren, you’ll love quilting with your embroidery machine – the machine and the hoop does all the work!
6 years agoHappy New Sewing Year! Here’s to health, happiness, love, family and peace for us all and a few new projects also won’t hurt.
6 years ago AUTHORHappy New Sewing Year to you, Becky!
Barbara Siverts
6 years agoI am so looking forward to these lessons about quilting on my embroidery machine. Please, hurry Frbruary.
6 years agoI’m really curious. Never heard of the pool noodle technique and one of my goals for this year is to learn to quilt on my embroidery machine.
Esther Grant
6 years agoThank you for the new year inspiration! Love the idea of using pool noodles!!
Marti Morgan
6 years agoWill be so interested in seeing what tips you will be sharing. The pool noodle is an idea I have never heard of before. That would be a good start.
Susan Milikas
6 years agoI love the idea of using the embroidery machine to quilt. I also have the monster hoop which makes it really easy.
Lynda Case
6 years agoThis is something I want to try so need to make time for it
Kathy Almquist
6 years agoI’ve been wanting to learn to quilt with my embroidery machine! I love embroidery but have quilts I need to quilt!
Janet Starkey
6 years agoI have been wanting to quilt with my embroider machine also, I have several tops made and hope to finish them in this way. I do need to learn how to do this!
Linda E Ramage
6 years agoPool noodles sounds very interesting, and I luv my embroidery machine. Keeping her busy quilting is such a great idea.
6 years agoI love quilting my quilts with the embroidery machine.
Ann Cotton
6 years agoI look forward to your blogs on quilting with embroidery machines. After a 3-year hiatus, I’m sewing again, and still have a pile of quilt tops to quilt, and more grandkids and coworkers’ babies who could use quilts. Thankyou for your efforts to provide us new techniques and tools!
6 years ago AUTHORYou’re welcome, Ann. It’s been my lifelong passion to share embroidery techniques with others. i want everyone to get the most out of their machine!
J Curtis
6 years agoI am always open to learning to do something easier and faster. Thanks for another clue to help.
Pam Carter
6 years agoEileen, I started using my embroidery machine for quilting when you came out with the Cheater Quilts! Best teaching tool ever with the magnetic hoops!
6 years agoI cant find designs to quilt with my embroidery machine that aren’t so close together. I need help.