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Digitizing Software

What’s Your Favorite?

Just a quick blog post today since I’m buried in new projects.  I’ve been working in Inspirations’ Vintage Embroidery Software and designed three different groupings.  One is supposed to be a pillow but I’m having trouble deciding which one.  I need your help but first, a little background on these on-trend stitches.

Vintage Embroidery software has hundreds of built-in designs that have been digitized to give an old world charm to your embroidery.  The designs require a mixture of 15 wt. polyester and 40 wt. polyester thread. This unique combo gives a high-end retail look to your stitches.  They’re so much fun to stitch because the designs are all low-stitch count designs in a minimum of colors so they stitch quick.  With my busy schedule, I’m always looking for fast and easy with big results.  Vintage fits that bill.

Before I proceed any further on this project, I thought I’d ask you – my fellow expert embroiderers – what’s your favorite grouping?  Do you like the pink Vintage design Abs_0213_Ornamental_D?


The green Vintage design Abs_0259_Icon_D?


Or the blue Vintage design Abs_0024_Icon_D.?


Sometimes, I fall in love with all the samples and then, well, pillows become quilts. So help me stay on track and select one.  Your vote counts!




  • Karen

    Love them all but the blue stands out the most as my pick!

    • Jan Homberger

      All three are wonderful, but for a pillow, I like the rose because it fills the square. When I look at the other two, I felt that something was missing.

  • Debbie


  • Cyrill

    Love the green

  • Debra Cole

    Pink or blue



  • Mildred Moschel

    I like them all but the BLUE stands out to me the most.

  • Marilyn Kropp

    Blue! It just jumps out and says stitch me!

  • Barbara

    Usually don’t care for, but I pick the blue this time

  • Ennis A Weeks

    Love the pink but blue is a close second!!

    • Sandy

      Ditto here: pink first, blue right behind it.

  • Sandra Sanders

    The pink seems too busy. The green or the blue, but the blue is my favorite.

  • beth d.

    I like to blue

  • Sheila Wagner

    I was torn between the green and the blue. But I go for the blue.

  • Laurie

    I think the blue one.

  • Julie

    I like the pink.

  • Thurma Livingston-Morrison

    Definitely the blue for me.

  • Nathalie Culotta

    Like the green but I think the blue makes a better pillow

  • Chris Morrow

    First is blue, second is pink, third is green.

  • Elaine Chapman


  • Judy Warren

    Blue is beautiful!!

  • Gail Beam

    I like them in this order pink blue green

  • Michelle Hall

    My favorite is the pink design, but all of them are nice.


    I like the Pink because it fills up the front of the pillow. It’s also a very pretty pattern!

  • kate

    You asked for grouping, I’d have to say the Pink grouping/design is the most attractive and eye appealing. thank you for us.

  • Anne


  • Judy

    Blue- more professional look- adequate white space to rest the eye & enjoy all aspects of the design

  • marie

    Love the blue but all are pretty.

  • terry freeman

    I like the green Vintage design Abs_0259_Icon_D. it’s different. Seems I’ve seen the blue one or something very close and the pink is ok, but I’m not a fan of pink. perhaps in a different color

  • Jean

    I like the pink and the blue comes in as a close second.

  • Dalene Hokanson


  • Janet Kirby

    Blue. The design itself makes this one stand out from the rest.

  • Kate Hartwell

    Pink vintage then green

  • Annette Canonica

    I like the design on the pink one but the blue color looks more “vintage” to me. Guess it depends where your are putting your PILLOW!

    • eileenroche

      So true, Annette! But the beauty of stitching for a magazine is you design the room around the pillow. Not like real life where the palette is selected by the room decor.

  • BiBi Khan

    Love the blue.

  • Eve Hutchison

    The blue one speaks to me, really pretty.

  • Linda

    I love the blue but that’s my favorite color but the blue looks like something I’ve seen on old vintage hankerchiefs.

  • Debbie

    I love the pink

  • Elaine Davis

    The blue is definitely my pick!

  • Jan

    Blue, pink, then green!

  • Marti Morgan

    Blue first – the other two are hard to decide but I think I agree wth Jan above, pink then green.

  • Cindy Freeman

    I love them all, they will make phenomenal pillows. Why does it have to be one and not all? I like to make multiple pillow covers so I can switch them out as the season or mood changes. If I have to select one, the blue.

    • eileenroche

      Cindy, that’s a brilliant idea and really cuts down on the amount of pillows on a bed or sofa but still let’s you use a variety – just spaced over time.

  • Denice

    I like the blue for a pillow because it is the most complete single design. The other 2 designs could easily be part of a continuous border and therefore seem more quilt like to me.

  • Mary

    I love the blue for a pillow.

  • Alice

    Blue is my choice. Green is calling for something in the middle, maybe a monogram. Pink doesn’t do anything for me.

  • JoAnne

    Blue definitely

  • Karen

    Picking one is hard, but would say pink.

  • Mary Esser

    I pick the blue one.

  • Pam


  • Josie

    My favorite is the pink one because it has a classic and classy feel to it. The green has too many shapes-round, oval, diamond and circles-so there it seems disjointed to me. The blue is pretty, but my eyes are drawn to the edge stitch around the hearts instead of the entire design.

  • Char

    Beautiful designs. I like the Blue or pink for the pillow.

  • Doree Shandera

    The Blue design is my favorite but I would like it in a deep red
    They are all fabulous designs.

  • Mary Lu Teruya

    The pink

  • Susan

    Another pick for pink

  • Kay Simolke


  • Kay Bee

    The Pink is the “warmest” one to me.

  • Vonee Davison

    Blue, I would love that design in most any color! A cream color would look very vintage to me.

  • Betty Smith

    As I’m not a “pink” person my choice first was the green, the contrast with the background was just right. Second would be the blue.

  • Chris

    I love the blue!

  • Abs_0213_Ornamental_D? IN THE BLUE COLOR

  • Debbie

    The blue one is beautiful.

  • Royce Zook

    Use one with most “white space” as it is less busy and the eye will see the design without clutter. Blue.

  • Sandy Porto

    I like the pink and blue, but favor the blue

  • Kathleen De Verville

    Definitely the Blue is my first choice, then pink. the green does nothing for me.

  • JD

    Love all 3 but will go with the pink one because it seems to cover the pillow area better than the other 2.

  • Kaiti Hasenberg

    Blue, Love anything with Hearts.