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Multi-Needle Monday: The New Kid on the Block

Well it’s not really a “kid” but the machine I want to talk about is the single needle, multi-thread embroidery machine. Brother and Baby Lock have created a simplified version of the traditional multi-needle embroidery machine. Brother has developed the Persona and Baby Lock designed the Alliance. Both machines are very similar and feature the amazing technology of both companies. They have listened to the consumers and designed a sleek, user friendly and efficient embroidery only machine which holds 4 spools of thread.alliance1BL

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting my Stitching Sister in Dallas for a few days which was planned just for fun. We see each other fairly often although it generally has work involved. This time however we had no “real” work scheduled and we took a little side road trip to Waco, Texas, more on that in a bit. We did go to her office so she could get caught up with emails and magazine details and I had the opportunity to check out her new toy- single needle multi-thread embroidery machine.

I have seen this new style of embroidery machine at shows and dealers around the country but have not had the chance to actually stitch on it until that week. My current embroidery machines consist of; one 10 needle, two 6- needle machines along with sewing/embroidery machines. Therefore, I do not need a new embroidery machine nor do I have room for more but you can always test drive.

What is easy to understand with this embroidery machine is the functionality of the hoops, the 7 inch LCD touch screen (perfect for onscreen editing), the simplified threading and that the machine is quiet; it is much quieter than my other multi-needle embroidery machines. The embroidery field is a bit smaller but to me it more manageable and practical. The largest hoop size is an 8×8 and the smallest size hoop is 1.5 x 1.75. There are a variety of other hoops along with a free arm extension hoop which is perfect for bags and other tubular items and a cap frame for embroidering hats.

As I approached the new single needle multi thread machine I wanted to get started right away. Eileen was busy in her office and I was working in an adjacent room. The machine was just calling my name, I didn’t see a manual but I am comfortable with these machines and just started to “play”. Believe it or not my first project was stitching on the sheer organza I brought in my suitcase for my next article. The machine is so easy to use.alliance2BL

If your embroidery is mostly personalization this is the perfect machine to have. It would be make a great compliment to a multi-needle machine as well. Take a visit to your local sewing machine dealer and test drive the new single needle multi thread embroidery machine; I think you will be pleased and surprised.

Take advantage of this $20 coupon for my Craftsy class “How to Start a Machine Embroidery Business”.




  • Gayle

    I Tried to download the free sample software but cannot select a store although it defaults to South Africa it will not accept my zip code so I cannot create an account. Please help,or is it only for overseas ?USA visitors to the site.

  • Joanne Dillon

    Marie….I am the proud owner of the new Babylock Alliance and I have to say it is an awesome machine. I have been playing around with it and it is everything it promises to be and a little bit more. I also have your class “How to Start an Embroidery Business” – great class and so very helpful. You are an excellent teacher and provider of inspiration for our amazing embroidery world.

    • marie zinno

      Thank you so much Joanne. I’m glad you are enjoying the new machine…I think it’s a great fit for many of our readers.

  • Jane

    Are you going to make your magnetic hoops for this machine? I hope so.

    • marie zinno

      I think DIME is working on it 🙂
      Thanks for writing.

  • Carolyn

    I am so tempted with this machine. I think it would be a good investment to take to shows to personalize items like Christmas stockings. I’m trying to convince my husband that I really, really need it.

  • jhon

    very nice