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Text on a Path

One of my favorite things about using digitizing software is learning new shortcuts. For years, I’ve been creating text on a path in a rather laborious method. But now, thanks to Ashley Jones, Inspirations education consultant, I’ve learned a time-saving method and I think you’re going to love it.

In Inspirations’ Perfect Embroidery Pro, draw your shape. Select the Artwork tool, and Ellipse.  Path1

Left mouse click and drag to draw an oval.  Select the Shape tool and grab the handles on one node to turn the oval into a balloon.  Path2

Move the node on the right towards the center. Path3

Drag the handle on the node to make a paisley shape.  The paisley shape should measure approximately 3.25″ x 2.25″.Path4Select the Text tool and click on the screen. In the properties box, type the message on one line.  In the font selection window, scroll down to the mini-fonts and select Bauhaus.  Click Apply. Path5

Click on the Select tool. On the keyboard, hit CTRL and A to highlight the artwork and the text. Left mouse click to view your options and select Text on a Path. Path6

Boom! The software does all the work for you! Path7

If you have some open space, add a series of periods to fill the gap. Select the Text tool and type multiple periods at the end of the line of text. Click Apply.  Path8

Rotate the design, change the color and there and you have it! Path9

Thanks for sharing that trick Ashley!




  • Shelia Moreno

    Thank you! thank you! Eileen…This is exactly what I have been looking for!
    You are WONDERFUL!!

    • Elina Rodriguez

      Thank you, I was trying to do the text on path and it was coming out funky. Thanks again this was great.

  • Francine Meyer-Drasutis

    I’m so bummed I cant get it to work. I’ve tried for three hours. If I cant figure it out by the time of the cruise with you, will you help me figure it out?

    • Katie Harper

      I found there is one step missing. When you create the text, before you hit Apply, change the text pulled to Path. Then do the Ctrl A and Right click and the Text on Path option shows up.

      • Katie Harper

        Sorry I should have said the Type pulldown in the Text properties window.

  • JudiC

    where o where can 1 purhase PEP? I have checked the DME store for almost a year now & it is not sold there :o(

    • Francine Meyer-Drasutis

      Judic I’ve seen them in stores that sell Babylock or Brother sewing machines.

  • Sharron Prickett

    Good software tip. Thanks Eileen and Ashley.

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