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Embroidery Tips & Techniques Lettering & Monograms

What’s with Lower Case Monograms?

You see it everywhere today – lower case monograms catch your eye and make you wonder if it really is a monogram. I think its popularity stems from texting. Many young people will tell you uppercase letters are a waste of time. What’s the point of engaging two fingers to type a letter when the same letter can be easily produced with one finger?

But upper case sends a message in monograms. When placed with lower case letters, the upper case letter is dominate and depicts the first initial of a surname. When lower case letters are in a string, they spell something, intentional or not. It’s acceptable and actually quite fun to mix upper and lower case. The mix can add balance and interest to a standard monogram.

Let’s take a look at a couple of monograms I created for my 22 year-old son. First I experimented with a traditional 3-letter monogram in caps.



I played with the positioning of the flanked letters.



Then I changed the first and middle initials to lower case.



And again changed the positioning.



After reviewing these options, I wasn’t quite sold so I changed to all lower case.




I like that one the least. Probably because his first name is a vowel, like mine, and whenever I see a monogram with a vowel as the first letter, I make up a word. My childhood monogram was EW followed by ER. Ugh, I never liked either one. But maybe that doesn’t bother you.

Anyway, back to my son’s monogram. I settled on a stacked monogram: first initial stacked over the middle initial and standing guard next to the upper case R with a polka dot in the center. He likes it (which, let me tell you, is huge!)

Monogram font is Newsprint found in
Machine Embroidered Monograms for the Home

I hope you enjoy the projects and tips and tidbits found on my blog. I like sharing my love for embroidery with you all and as many of you know I also teach classes on the Craftsy website. So, if you like my blog and nominate me for best embroidery blog by clicking on the Craftsy badge to the right or by clicking here you will be entered to win a FREE class over at Craftsy! Thanks for your vote and good luck in the contest.


Here’s your assignment this week:


Letters are your friend! They can turn almost anything from drab to personalized and fab. Comment below about something you’ve been wanting to monogram and one winner will be chosen to receive their very own copy of Machine Embroidered Monograms for the Home! Good luck.

Machine Embroidered Monograms for the Home

The winner of last week’s assignment is:

Look around your sewing room and tell us what your most unorganized area is. Don’t be shy! One lucky comment will be chosen to win the latest Stipple! Sassy Cats by Katherine Artines.

Stipple Sassy Cats

And the winner is…“That is really easy, it is me. I have so many things that I want to make and I have a difficult time getting organized long enough to get very much accomplished.” – Marcia Congratulations and thank you to everyone for sharing!

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  • Clem

    I, too, like all upper case. If you have to use the lower case, due to the new trend, I like the stacked look. It takes your eye away from trying to make it into an anagram. My initials make cme (look familiar?) lol

  • Clem

    oops, I forgot to add what I wanted to monogram. I have done towels for various people, but have never done any for myself. One day I will… maybe…perhaps… when everything else I have to do gets done. Sound familiar to everyone? Yup… I thought so!!! 😉

  • Susan Novak

    I’ve been meaning to Monogram some towels for ME instead of gifts for others. One of these days…..

  • Olga

    I’m not sold on the lower case monogram, but like them stacked, if I am to do something like that. I have on my list of things to do some monogrammed things for me! Everyone else gets them, so I figure I should have some too!

  • Cheryl

    I have done very little monogramming but have played around a bit and would like to monogram some towels for a belated wedding gift. lol if I dont get busy they will become an anniversary gift. I like the stacked monogram that you did for your son and would like to try something like that on a baby gift—-I can see the stacked monogram on the left shoulder of a onsie for baby boy, it would almost look like a crest.

  • Susie

    Initials can be funny. Mine as a kid were SET, then married there were SETS. I would love to do a pillow for my daughters living room, maybe just their last name–H. There are some very attractive fonts that I think would look great.

  • Lynn Poulin

    I often do gifts for other people, but the next time the monogramming bug hits, I’d like to monogram some new towels just for me!

  • Sara Seagrist

    I’ve seen so many fabulous infinity scarves, I’m going to make one for myself and monogram it for the holidays.

  • Celine

    I would like to make some monograms on the baby quilt for my first grandaughter. My daughter in law is expectinf for December 15th.

  • Cheryl

    I would like to monogram anything! Even (maybe?)the cat! Not really, just some items for my Son and Daughter in law.

  • Donna

    I recently monogramed some handkerchiefs for my father. He’s 90 and still carries them in his pockets. When I was a child I would give him monogrammed hankies every year for father’s day. I noticed a few months ago that his supply was pretty old and raggy, so I bought a dozen blanks and made him some. When I was finished with his my husband said “hey, what am I chopped liver?” so I guess I need to make him some as well. I would really like to do some monogrammed pillowcases for our bed, a scarf would be nice, then there is the totebag for my daughter. Oh dear the list seems to be endless.

    • eileenroche

      It can be a daunting task to come up with a gift for men so monogrammed hankies are a great idea.

  • Judy

    I love the look of the lower case, I think I will give it a try tonight. It really has a more modern feel. Thanks for a great idea.

  • Donna N.

    I want to monogram the sleeve edge of my black dress coat. I saw it on a very expensive coat and thought it was neat.

  • Sandra

    Love the lower case for monograms and will definitely try this on edges – shorts and jeans (just above the left leg hem), on a scarf lower edge on one side, cuffs of long-sleeve shirt and just above the hem of short sleeved summer shirt. Can’t wait to give this a try!

  • Cynthia S

    I want to monogram towels for my son and his fiance, they need so many things to start a home, towels would be perfect!

  • Marilyn Weiss

    Monogramming is so much fun. I especially like a single, large monogram on pillows and blanket corners. My next project is to place a monogram on a duvet cover I’m making.

  • Teresa Mitchell

    Cool. I would have not thought of doing this.

  • Susan J

    Eileen, I never even thought about using lower case for a monogram! Guess that shows my age. I really love the look of the stacked lower case with the capital and I am thinking about where I can try this…maybe on a tote bag. Very cool and modern. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Lilia O

    Well, I haven’t seen the new trend … guess I need to get with it!!

  • Jennifer P

    I’d like to monogram anything that isn’t nailed down! I love playing with my embroidery machine and am in the middle of a set of Christmas Stockings with names on the cuff.

  • Nancy Drake

    I think using lower case letters with one upper case is a great idea. I’d like to try it on tote bag for a niece. She teaches at a jr. college so that age students might think it cool.

  • Susan Wilson

    I’d like to monogram some bath towels for my great neice and her boy friend for their new apartment. Since they do not share the same last name, I can’t decide what is the appropriate monogram to use. Maybe others have faced this same challenge monograming for couples who decide to keep their last names after being married. I do like the stacked monogram as well as one I saw you do earlier with the letters backwards. Just as everyone likes to go where everyone knows their name, everyone feels special having their monogram on items. Thanks so much.

    • Maggie Lottinger

      I have faced a similar situation when I first moved in with my now husband. I wanted the place to look nice & not so much like a bachelor pad.

      I just went with our two First name initials ( J & M)
      I used a fleur de lis design as a center and put each initial on the side. it was enough to balance it out, without being questions where the 3rd letter was. Maybe a design they like? An embellishment?

  • Lisa Krupa

    I love the look of the lowercase monogram. I’m gonna have to try it! I seem to do things for everyone else (as we all do), so I’d like to make something for myself. I really like Donna N.’s post above – monogram on a dress coat. I may have to try that!

  • Kath H

    I was given a purple “Snuggie” by my son’s one birthday year. It would become a “special just mine” kinda warmth.

  • Kathy

    I love monograming pillow cases,shirts, really anything I can get my hands on. I have to admit thou, I have had some problems now and again. But what can I say I love embroidery, can’t get enough of it,just don’t have enough hours in the day. There’s always so much to learn.

  • Mary Haggenmaker

    At Christmastime I have one son, one son-in-law, and one grandson-in-law, who look forward to their monogrammed handkerchiefs each year. Also have three grandchildren who look forward to their whole first name on their handkerchiefs. I have an old shirt that has my monogram on it and could really stand to be replaced and updated with a nicer monogram.

  • Frances Powell

    I like uppercase letters best, but I really like the way your son’s monogram turned out using the lowercase with the uppercase.
    I have an order to monogram shirts for a bride and her bridal party. I have never done this before, so wish me luck.

  • Karen

    I like the looks of the one you did for your son. I would like to monogram pillowcases for my grandchildren.

  • Veronica

    We all love seeing our name on something. Now that I have a machine I tend to do more for others than myself. I want to make and personalize a pillow, but nothing looked right. I like your final design. Can I borrow it?

  • Mary

    It would be nice to try to monogram on a jacket. There’s some fleece in my stash just waiting for someone to make something. This would be a good challenge and love the cover of your book, those monograms look great. Towels, hankies (love that idea for the hubby) and gifts for friends and family. Great Christmas present.

  • Jan L

    I have done quite a bit of monogramming this past year; tote bags, little girls collars, towels, blankets. My next monogramming project will be on a scarf for me!

    Just recently I monogrammed towels with lower case first initials and uppercase last initial. Have to say I loved the look. Both first names began with the letter j. Placing them on each side of the uppercase letter looked very decorative. Many times the uppercase J just does not look right; lowercase is funky and fun.

  • Sandra Sanders

    A few months ago,I made a large tote bag for one of my former college roommates. I stitched the initial of her first name in the middle of the bag. She has had a terrible year that started with her dad dying and then her mother being diagnosed with colon cancer.

    My friend loves to crochet, so I thought the tote bag would be nice for her yarn and projects. I’m glad to say she loved it.

  • Casie Williams

    I have a couple of weddings coming up and will be monogramming linens for the brides. I usually fo pillow cases but would like to try table linens this time.

  • Linda

    Wow! I love the idea of lower case first and middle initials. I am getting ready to monogram koozies for our Thunder Basketball family gathering parties! What a great idea!

  • Karin

    I love the look you came up with – it’s really fun & hip, no wonder he likes it too! I’ve just nominated you & your blog – it was easy as could be & I hope you win! I’m all the time learning tricks & tips from you & really enjoy your writing style.

    What would I monogram? My next project is a messenger bag for a Realtor/JP made out of outdoor, waterproof fabric, and I’ve promised to put his monogram on it somewhere.

  • Lola Gerhard

    For more than 35 years my husband had to wear a suit to work. He bought my first embroidery machine for me so I could monogram his shirt cuffs. Well, I never got around to doing it. Now that he is retired and no longer wears dress shirts, I am seriously thinking of going ahead and monogramming these old shirts and presenting them to him for Christmas this year.

  • Patty

    I just monogrammed a diaper cover for my granddaughter. Never realized her monogram was APE! So of course I had to add a monkey.

    I would love to monogram my hubby’s cuff on his dress shirts. But what color on a white shirt? Decisions , decisions….

  • Jackie Ames

    I really prefer the all capitals, but if I were to use the smaller letters, it would be the stacked…those look alot better than the others. I am hoping to get some towels done for wedding gifts really soon, and maybe some for me also!!

  • Carolyn H

    I have done towels for others, but never got around to doing my own. I have been teased because everything I make or embroider I give away.

  • Stella

    I like the special touch that a monogram adds to the item you are making for a gift or yourself. Monogram towels for my bath is my next project.

  • Shirl R

    I am going to do a couple of Pashmina scarfs. I still like the all caps look.

  • [email protected]

    I have a hard time finding a font I like since my initials are JJ.Some fonts have a unusual J. Do like the stacked look .

  • Judy G

    I love the stacked lower case monogram you came up with! I think I’ll try that on some towels for my youngest daughter who requested towels as a gift idea as her teenage daughter always seems to hoard their best towels. Maybe initial some for each of them…

  • Genene

    I love monograms. I think it adds such a nice personal touch to items. I am a traditional gal, so I do prefer the upper case version. I can see where the ‘texting’ generation would like the lower case version though. With traditional monograms I like creating unique groupings dependant on the letters- slants work for a number of letter combinations and I like the unique look it gives without making the monogram difficult to read. Embossed monograms work nicely on some items too, but are a bit more time consuming because they must be individually created rather than joined and stitched. If it stays still long enough for the machine to run MONOGRAM IT!

  • karen

    I love monograming and can’t begin to count how many towels and soccer bags over the years. I will be doing baby bibs and burp cloths next for a new baby in our family.

  • Cathy Brown

    I’ve been meaning to monogram our iPad case. Problem is my husband and I both share it. Any ideas on how to monogram?

  • jo

    I love the towels you did your son – very fresh look. As for what I want to monogram – a new umbrella with all our monograms, to replace the one I did with all our names.

  • Carol Bartlem

    I love the way you did the flanked Letters looks like the R is out in front and the other 2letters look like they are behind

  • Pamm

    I am trying to get initials just right to put above a pocket for a friend of mine. I am very new to this and just can’t get it to look right……maybe because I was trying to create my own True Type font? Anyway, once I master that I would like to do baby items, and maybe, the cats!!!!!! I kid!

  • Sandy

    I’m making a quilt for our daughter’s wedding, and I want to monogram the label. I’m pretty new to embroidery, so this is a little worrisome, and I really want the monogram to look great.

  • CarolBreault

    I really like to monogram the walker bags for the “new hip and knee” people. My personal favorite is a large applique letter with lower case letters on the side. They are always appreciated.

  • Orvalee Roe

    I plan to monogram a laptop bag I am making but I, too, have a strange monogram, ORK. I think I will try the stacked version.

  • Tamara E Davidson

    I have often thought of monograming my shoes. Maybe my 2 dogs could read and see that they belong to mommy. I do embroider their names on all of the toys I make and they do play with those. Maybe…….this might work?

  • Darlene Gerber

    I recently monogrammed dinner napkins for a young couples wedding, I think they liked them. I love the monogram file I purchased and have used it to monogram some towels with first initials for my neighbor girls. I need to monogram some towels for my husband and I, maybe for Christmas!!

  • MargaretAnnB

    My next monogram project will be on a quilt label for my niece’s new baby. Love your stacked monogram for your son. My monogram done the traditional way is MBA, but it always looks strange to me since I actually have an MBA in Finance. It somehow feels like I’m advertising when I carry a purse with that monogram. Your stacked style would solve the problem.

  • Carole Baker

    Every towel, pillowcase etc should be monogrammed. I am a collector of all embroidery alphabets and monograms. Guess what everyone get’s for Christmas? Now is the time family and friends start letting what they are wanting to spruce up bathrooms, bedrooms.

  • Valerie Brown

    I really want to monogram a complete set of kitchen towels, oven mitts, and pot holders. I’m still looking for some nice towels that will make the monogram pop. I’ll probably end up making the oven mitts and pot holders to match. I’ve already tried monogramming a ready-made oven mitt. I had to take it apart just to get it positioned on my single needle machine, and then it slipped… But I’m not daunted. I will get it right!!

  • Dale Fedor

    I like the stacked look. I plan on making pursed for the holidays for myself & my SILs & will put monograms on them so we know whose is whose.

  • Anna Cameron

    I had found the perfect bag for my computer, but I gave it up because I already had one. But now I am stuck with a black one with only a swirl on the side for decoration. But it needs something else and I have been tempted to add my initials, but every time I pick it up it scares me. I never have embroidered on that type of material before. Maybe one day.

  • Patty Schrock

    Cool idea–the lower case letters for monogramming that is! I would never have thought of that but I’m not very imaginative!
    The next thing I want to monogram is the hood of a sweatshirt for my grandson. And I better get on it, his birthday is Sunday!

  • Jean Mateychuk

    Eileen, I do like the look of your stacked lower case and the dot. I have never monogrammed anything, I’m afraid [maybe that’s why?]. Anyway, I will give it a try as it really looks great. Please tell me how to get the dot.

  • Rosalyn

    I have never monogrammed. Been a little afraid to try. After reading all of the comments, I am wanting to run out to the store and purchase towels, napkins, pillowcases and all of the other items mentioned.

  • Colleen Gnehm

    I absolutely love the lower case letters you have used. This would be great for kids, not so formal. I plan to do some towels for the grand kids.

  • Marilyn K

    I’d like to try a really large monogram on a shower curtain.

    I love the monogram you came up with for your son. Thanks for showing us the idea progression.

  • Brenda Melahn

    You have truly helped me with my finding something my granddaughter will like (she is 9 going on 18). I think the lower case stacked is awesome and I think she will relate better to the lower case. I, like you, will use a capital for her last name — good compromise. I want to monogram her backpack and then Christmas outfits for both granddaughters.

  • Barbara McKenzie

    I just made a memory quilt for my daughter’s wedding and monogrammed the label with a standard all-caps monogram. I wish I had seen this blog before I did it – such interesting ideas! Next time…..

  • Mary Chevalier

    Next summer my husband and I are taking our family to Alaska. There will be nine of us. I plan to make luggage tags for everyone.

  • Beth R

    I want to monogram a set of hand towels for the bathroom.

  • Martine P

    I used to handembroider initials and monograms on baby items, hankies, towels, bedlinen, and as soon as I had an embroidery machine in 1992 I did it by machine and added backpacks and totes to the list of objects. But I always hear my grandma’s saying that translate as:
    fools and vandals write their names
    on doors and windowpanes.
    Which does not stop me.

    Next thing on the list: scarfs.

    I love the modern look of the stacked lower case letters, would like to make something similar for my grands but half of them have only one christian name and kP,mP,etc I don’t think I like that.

  • Patty Sack

    I want to do sheets for myself! Then I want to do a set for each of my kids along with a set of towels. I could see my son liking your stacked monogram also. He likes things simple and clean.

  • Mitzi

    I love the modern monograms; old idea taking a new twist. well, maybe no so new; apologies to ee cummings here

  • Denice Weys

    I have a purse, embroidery designs and purse pattern, to make that I would like to add a monagram of my initials to. It is challenging to find the right font and correct size then incorporate them into the design.

  • Pat

    Someday, sometime, I will monogram something for me! Monogramming always seems to make gifts that much more special.

  • Ruth Thompson

    I embroidered a shopping basket with my initial a few years ago. It looked really good. I would like to do several of them for friends and family with a monogram of small and capital letters.

  • Lorel Maple

    My daughter is the one that is always stretching my imagination with embroidery ideas that would never cross my mind. I removed and opened the backs to collapsible, camouflauge director chairs and did blaze orange monograms for a bride and groom that love to hunt. She will be getting a set of 4 of these for Christmas for her own fire-pit area since she loved how they turned out for her friends. The next thing I want to try is my soft sided luggage. Classy, Classy, Classy!

  • Liz

    Bed linens! I would love to have monogrammed bed linens but alas that project idea always ends up at the bottom of the stack of doing things for friends and family. I think that I need to just buy the linens now which should ~ hopefully ~ bump that project right to the top 🙂

    • Karen W

      Liz, I did several sets of top sheets & matching pillowcases for a friend who has a B&B. She wanted the B&B’s name to be viewed from the foot of the bed w/ the sheets turned back, so I opened up the hem about 12″ wider than necessary so I could easily position them on the hoop. Once complete I carefully re-stitched it closed. She was thrilled with them! Treat yourself to some — nothing else feels quite so luxurious!

  • Carol K E

    I would like to monogram towels for myself. I think I will start with my swimming towel since 2 in our swim group have the same one. My daughter also has a pashmina scarf that she wants monogrammed.

  • Debe

    Towels for my bathroom! I do them for everyone else as gifts & never get mine done. =0

  • Connie Walsh

    As I was sitting here thinking about it, I came up with an idea I would like to try with monograms. I love to digitize so I am thinking of making a huge design, filling in the entire area of my largest hoop size or snap hoop with all different styles, colors, fonts, sizes, etc. of my monogram initials. They would be going in all different angles, directions etc., just making it totally random. I could put it on anything……maybe the back of a jean jacket or whatever else I want.

    • Jean Mateychuk

      Love your idea!!! I own a very large number of alphabets, so will not even have to digitize any. Am going to try this myself, thanks for the idea.

    • Eliza

      Fabulous idea! New to embroidery, would love to play with this!

  • Chris Brewer Home

    My daughters monogram is elf, so some time would love to do her a monogrammed pillow with a cheeky elf. She is 26 but loves that type of stuff 🙂

  • DianeKae

    I really like the lower case/upper case stacked mix! Kind of like all the chevron stuff out there right now..clean lines and new! Not the least boring..and the teens love the format; well,so do us old(er) folk. I would love to monogram a piece of speciality textile to frame and hang in our home with my intitial, my husbands initial and our family name initial. Or…with an upcoming birth of a first grandchild, a monogramed set of handmade burp cloths, bibs, swaddlers and day gowns would be delightful!

  • Diana Cagle

    I just saw a handmade bag with monogrammed lining. I really want to make that for my teenage daughter.

  • Trina Coffey

    I would like to do some towels..haven’t done much with monograming and look forward to playing with it

  • kathy

    I would love to monogram some tote bags. I have them waiting for me, but have never known what to do. Thanks for the ideas.

  • Cheryl Greenleaf

    My daughter is having a baby boy in January 2014. I would really like to make a baby bib with his initials ~ JCR.

  • Lindae

    I have never thought of using lower case.

  • Paula Watson

    I personally like the monograms with the surname in a capital and the other letters in the lower case. It is different, and I am always looking for different! I love monogramming everything!! I have always wanted to make a monogrammed flag for my porch or yard. But, that project always gets put aside while I make monogrammed T’s and “stuff” for my grandkids!!

  • Angela Brady

    I would like to Monogram Pillow shams for 24″ Continental bed Pillows.

  • Linda Kennedy

    I would like to do some towels and some bed lines for myself, and maybe some cosmetic bags and totes… I always do for others and not for myself. I also love how you stacked the monogram, it is very different and I like that and I think my daughters would too.

  • Yvonne

    I have been wanting to monogram a set of sheets for myself, AND a set of Bath Towels complete with bath mat. I have some very beautiful monogram designs, and I would love to do them on a set of at least 600 thread count linens. I would like to add some very nice lace to the edge of the header on the top sheet and pillowcases. I would love to have 2 sets of very soft, plush towels, one set for me in my personal bathroom, and the other for my husband, to go in his. I would be very pleased with this. It would feel like a wonderful, serene retreat. And for the simple fact that I achieved this designer look using my skills and imagination, would make it that much more enjoyable!

  • Paula Roney

    Any time you add a monogram it just kicks it up a notch. I like unusual monograms that make you take a second look. I’d like to monogram my winter coat, but I’m not keen on taking it apart so I’m only embroidering one layer! I’ll get brave one of these days!

  • Connie Jordan

    I love this look-am always on the lookout for something unusual and this is a great new idea!

  • Charlie

    I just purchased a bag of leather and want to make a patchwork tote with a letter on each patch to scramble our family name.

  • Pam

    I want to try some of the personalized key fobs for Christmas gifts. Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Rosemary O'Koren

    I have a vowel that starts my last name. I never see a good “O”. With an O in your initials, many words can be made. Even my initials spell a name, RO, so I go by Rose OK. I would like make napkins with a great O design.

  • Nancy Weber

    While the lower case monograms are nice for the younger set, I still prefer upper case. I have always wanted to monogram and embroider on sheets for myself. As others have pointed out, I do so many things for gifts, my wants are pushed to the bottom of the list. Hugs.

  • Peggy Forbes

    My son is getting married this month and I have been trying to think of what I could embroider for them … especially since they will be living with me while he completes school next year.

    Towels are on their list and this blog gave me a wonderful way in which to personalize something for them but with a more edgy feel! They are “doing the paperwork” with my friend who is a noarty so their anniversary will be on Halloween (I know weird right) but their ‘reception/wedding vows’ will be on November 2nd and that’s where she’ll be wearing her traditional wedding dress with blue hair on one side, shaved on the other side!

  • Kitt

    I do love the stacked idea, but the lower case letters in my opinion do not do the first and middle name justice. So, i will try the first and middle initials stacked with the dot and then the large last initial on the right of the dot. You are right, it does look a lot more modern. thank you for the idea.

  • Barbara

    I’ve always struggled with how to make monograms look good — my initials were BAM, a sure-fire way to make a statement — and our family’s fist names spell BRAT, another deterrent to monogramming. That being said, I still want to experiment with creating something unique for a couple of market totes that deserve more than the company logo.

  • Dell

    I have several totes I want to embroider. Love the stacked monograms.

  • Karen W

    I’m currently working on an extra-large shopping bag holder (to recycle plastic store bags), specifically requested by my daughter-in-law. All the ones she had previously tried were just too small to keep all the bags in one place. She saw the one I made one for my laundry room about 5 yrs ago & since they also have the dark red washer & dryer, I chose a red print (paisleys & scrolls) & I plan to embroider “Bags” down the front side in large letters; the bag is approx 30″ long, with a shoe box inside to form the top & bottom shape.

  • Eliza

    My dear friend puts in flowers for me. I would love to thank her with a set of monogrammed towels and washcloths.

  • Ruth

    Wanted to embroider some aprons for my ‘winter’ friends in Florida. I put it off because I don’t like the traditional look…but the stacked lower case is right up my alley..thanks for the great idea. I’m on it….

  • Diane S.

    I like uppercase monograms. I would like to learn to monogram caps and sun visors.

  • Gerry Barrett

    I have never thought of doing a monogram like you did for your son! I love it. I think I want to put one on a fleece jacket I just got. Love monograms, but not fond of the all lower case. Looks sorta whimpy!!

  • Marilyn Mobley

    I took a typography class at the local junior college, our assignments included: calligraphy lettering with a broad pen and ink, designing our own font, leading and kerning (spacing) on the computer, drawing using the letters spelling the objects name, looking for signs and errors in our area- some were hilarious. It helped me look at monograms and all lettering more critically.
    I believe that what is appealing to one person may not be the answer for other applications. Personally, I like the two letter monogram-it is professional looking. Sometimes on a towel or more formal engraving I am a traditionalist and like the surname centered and larger, but all capitals. More power to making your son happy and keeping your towels the way you like!

  • Barbara Lahman

    I’ve always wanted to monogram a nice linen tablecloth for family heirlooms for my two kids, just never got around to it yet. I love the fancy scroll work style myself, in caps.

  • Embroidery Digitizing

    Nice monograms. I like them…..

  • Cheap Digitizing

    Wow……..what a design…….
    Try other stuffs also…….its amazing…

  • Belinda Germain

    I dislike paying a lot of money for a purse, so instead I bought an inexpensive, plain black purse and placed a beautiful large scroll monogram in pink on one side. It made my inexpensive purse look like a custom made, expensive one that everyone asks “Where did you get that? It’s beautiful!”

  • Sandra Fidler

    I like your choice for the stacked monogram. I will be doing towels,shower wraps and mug rugs as b’day and Christmas gifts. It will be fun to try some of the different combo’s on them. Thanks for this info.

  • Lynne Ashby

    I really like the lower case monogram illustrations in this article. I want to make some baby boy gifts for my niece and I think you have just inspired me to try something different. I want to make him some bibs, burp cloths and a few shortalls and I will use the lower case monogram instead of the traditional upper case. love it!!

  • Pam

    Love the Idea of the lower case letters in the monogram. I make a lot of baby gifts with monograms and I think the parents will find this fabulous. I am moving and hope to make monogramed bedding for my text crazy son for his new room. Love the idea of stacking the first and middle initials.

  • Babs Myers

    I love to monogram but I recently was at a loss. I have this beautiful jumper for my great niece (6 months old) that has a wonderful white square collar. I want to monogram it for her and want something a little different and special. I also want it to be very dainty. I love the idea of stacking the initials but would not want to do it for this project. Maybe for my next project.

  • Jean Tribull Harris

    I’ve been using lower case letters for my signature for many, many years, so I’m thrilled with the look of lower case monograms! I’m obviously not creative enough to have thought of it myself!

  • Melissa W

    i like the new stacked monograms. I’ve been waiting for the newest addition to my brother & sils family to arrive so I can monogram his baby blanket (and lots of other things for him). Liam arrived yesterday!

  • Anna Reatherford

    Oh my, I have found my new favorite monogram! I believe I will start with tote bag. Totes are one of my favorite things to use daily for lunches and books.

  • Karen Roberts

    I just got my embroidery machine for Christmas, and so far nearly everything in the house is a target for an embroidery design or monogram! The first thing I am going to monogram is our pillowcases so I know if my husband steals my pillow 🙂

  • Debbie McBride

    I would love to monogram a piece of material with initials, using the lower case and the upper case letters. I would like to frame for a new baby due in the first of the new year. I think I could manage doing this.

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