What’s on Your Bucket List?
What’s on your embroidery bucket list? Want to get the whole embroidery experience? Then write an embroidery bucket list. You’ll find if you write it down, you’re apt to tackle some of those easy-to-put-off complicated embroidery projects. And once you do, you’ll probably discover that they were way easier than you imagined.
I’ve compiled three embroidery bucket lists – one for newbie, intermediate and advanced skill levels. This post will feature the bucket list for newbies. Look for the bucket lists for Intermediate and Advanced skill levels in upcoming issues of Designs in Machine Embroidery!
- Select a built-in a design from your machine and stitch it on a knit fabric, cotton quilting fabric and a piece of denim. Experiment with different stabilizers until you’re satisfied with the results. You’ll see how changing the fabric can really change the design – and you’ll learn what stabilizer works best on each fabric. Write the name and type of the stabilizer on these samples and keep them for future reference.
- Play with color by selecting your favorite go-to thread color and stitching the same design on several different colored fabrics. You might be surprised at the results. That pink that you always thought was so bright might actually be a bit dull on blue fabric. Look at the difference between these two shades of pink.
- Get comfortable with the editing features on your machine. Experiment with rotating, duplicating and mirror imaging. Then move the design(s) all over the sewing field, filling the hoop. Use the jog keys to move the design. See how many designs you can squeeze into the frame. I did this when I created an e-reader cover.
- Practice perfect placement. Draw a horizontal line on a piece of fabric. Hoop the fabric keeping the line within the sewing field but not dead center. Create a simple word like PEACE and position it on the line. Someday you’ll have to place a monogram above a pocket and this will teach you how to approach that task.
- Make it a habit to use the basting file with every design you stitch. The basting file is similar to auto insurance, you don’t have to be insured to drive a car but you should have at least basic coverage. If something happens during the embroidery process, the basting file can be used to realign. See point 6.
- Learn to rehoop in the middle of a design. If your machine has it, select the basting icon and add a basting outline to a design. Stitch the outline, then begin stitching the design. Interrupt the machine and yep – take the hoop off of the machine and the fabric out of the hoop. Make a note of the stitch number. Now rehoop as best you can. Here’s a tip – use the hoop marks as a starting guide. Reattach the hoop to the machine and see where the needle is positioned. Most likely, it won’t be centered exactly over the last stitch. Use the stitch advance key to go back to the basting file. Travel over the outline, stitch by stitch. The needle should be positioned over the stitched outline – travel around at least one corner to verify the fabric is square. You may need to move or rotate the design to align the design. This is good practice because someday you’ll have to do this on a real embroidery project. Once you’re satisfied the needle is aligned with the basting outline, advance to the stitch number where you interrupted the design and complete the design. Pat yourself on the back!
- Create a traditional 3-letter monogram with the large last name letter flanked by two smaller letters (first and middle initials). This task will teach you the basics of monogramming, spacing and sizing of letters.
- Quilt with the embroidery machine. Work in manageable sections such as blocks or strips and hoop the quilt sandwich (backing, batting and quilt top fabric). Select a quilting design and press go! You’ve mastered embroidering on multiple layers.
- Lace. Who doesn’t love lace? Experiment with a variety of water soluble stabilizer – heavy, regular weight, mesh-like and film-type. Follow the manufacturer’s directions for dissolving the stabilizer.
- Embroider a Tote Bag. Sometimes the easiest way to embroider a bag is to turn it inside out, hoop the design area and then ‘open’ the bag to reveal the design area. This keeps the bulk of the bag on top of the hoop and you can keep an eye on the straps to avoid stitching on one. I actually placed this large tote bag over the machine head to keep everything away from the needle except for the design area. Magna-Hoop was a big help for this task.
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13 years agoI am so new to embroidery, and have tons to learn – however very early on I’ve learned the importance of using the proper stabilizer for the job. So many ones to choose from! I had a recommendation to buy sample packs, and I was amazed when I received one and saw how many kinds there were! I am going to embroider a quilt label, and now I know enough to think “OK, that has some free standing embroidery, so definitely want to go with something water soluble!”
The thing that frightens me the most is taking the embroidery out of the hoop. I need to do that though – I know I need to so I’m familiar when it happens in the real world. I just need to take that first scary step with some scrap material and jump in!
12 years agowhere did you get the sample pack ,who distributes them . I REALLY NEED TO DO THIS
Joan Nichols
12 years agoI got it on e-bay this past week. It is a 12 piece package with the pieces of about 8 x 10. It is a Madeira stabilizer pack. It was about $12.00, $15.00 with shipping. I didn’t want to order a real large package in case there was something in there that I didn’t use much. I have only had my machine about 2 months and am learning more everyday.
13 years agoI have done 1, 2, 3, 4, after all this time, I am not sure if I have the basting file… silly me, and I have done 6-10.. I am further along than I thought.. hummm… did not realize that… I am in the middle of doing a weave quilt and at the same time doing embroidered towels for my brothers golfing friends. I already did them once, but in our recent move they got lost… along with other stuff. That is ok though, that means I can fix the ones I was not too happy with. Love your blog…and the tips, and the projects… now just have to get the magazine…. sigh…
13 years agoI’ve done all except 5 and 6. I’ve got to go back to my manuals and see if either of my machines has a basting file. There have been some recycled projects since I could not get the position right after having to rehoop and I’ve been hesitant to place embroidery on items that cannot be easily or financially replaced. When I master the basting “insurance” there will be a whole new world of stitching available!
Bonnie Gray
13 years agoI have done 2-5 7, 9 & 10.
6 sounds like a great exercise and I have been planning on trying 8.
Thanks for the tips!
Barbara Rowlan Wong
13 years agoTonight I realized that I’ve been truthful with myself and I really am a novice at machine embroidery. I have never used a basting file and really have no idea if I have one on my machine. I do have a basting file on my computer but I’m hesitant to use it.
I’ve never embroidered lace, nor a tote back although I have thought about doing a tote a lot. I am, however, in the process of embroidering my first quilt. So much to learn and this blog and your tips help me and push me to try new things. Thank you!!
13 years agoI’ve done 4, 5, 8 & 9. I’d like to try #6 & #3 (really like all the different words-reminds me of posters I’ve seen). Good ideas to be prepared for mistakes that invariably happen when embroidering for someone else!
13 years agoWow! I can’t believe I’ve actually done ALL of these! My “bucket list,” however, is my ongoing list of projects that I need to finish that never seems to get any shorter!
13 years ago AUTHORGood for you, Kay! You’re about to graduate to the either the intermediate and advanced levels! You’ll see them in an upcoming Designs issue.
13 years agoI’ve done 1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 9. Haven’t done a design on a tote bag yet, so thanks for the picture and instructions! I’m in the middle of a quilt project for my granddaughter whose birtday is coming up next month, to the tote will have to wait, LOL!
Wanda Leffingwell
13 years agoI have so many progets on my to do list and afraid to try some embroidery but the bucket list is definatly for me! Thanks for the ideas!
13 years agoI have done them all. Rehooping wasn’t a plan though. It is a great technique to practice. I also need to use that basting stitch consistantly.
13 years agoSo much to learn…so little time. Thanks for the idea of the bucket list. I’m going to try them all. Some I have tried already but in projects that ended up in the circular file! I just have got to grab my embroidery machine by the start button and let her go!!!
13 years agoI really am a newbie and haven’t tried any of those tasks yet! But this bucket list provides the perfect guidance and motivation for me to jump in. Thank you so much!
13 years agoI’ve had my machine for several years but tend to do the same things with it. Your bucket list idea is great. I have tried doing the same design on different fabrics to see how it changes and I learned a lot from that. I took a tote bag and stitched out a line of each of my built in stitches just so I would see them stitched out. I have done many lace embellishments and bookmarks as well as ornaments. I accidentally had to try and re hoop something once but did not do it very well.
Can’t wait to see what the intermediate bucket list will be.
13 years agoI am not a beginner, I have had an embroidery machine since 1993. But I must afmit I never rehooped in the middle of a design on purpose. Have done it when in a hurry I forgot to do the last colour.
Curious what you have in stock for more experienced embroiderers.
13 years agoGreat list…………wish I’d had it when I got my first embroidery machine. I have completed all except “successfully” re-hooping a design. Thanks for reminding me to use the basting stitch!!
Carol Seavitt
13 years agoFeeling pretty good about having accomplished all of this bucket list. I especially loved making lace bookmarks: so easy and quick!
Helene Hutt
13 years agoI tried a different approach to returning a project to the hoop to finish the design. I put a new stablizer in the hoop and run the basting stitch. Then I cut the original design on the basting stitch and fit it into the hoop. kk2000 helps hold it in place.
I think I will try your way if I ever need it again.
13 years ago AUTHORHelene – I like your method! I’ll give a try and see which works better. Thanks for sharing.
Barb Miller
13 years agoI have not learned to rehoop with multiple hoopings, and I should try it one of these days.
13 years agowhat a terrific set of skill- and confidence-building exercise! wish I’d had a list like this when I was starting out. Think I will make the e-reader cover – love using typography as a design element!
Judy Wentz
13 years agoI have done three on the bucket list. I would like to try embroidering on a tote.
Marilyn Weiss
13 years agoHi Eileen,
My bucket list contains doing cutwork, making a really beautiful table topper or runner with lace on the edges. I’d also like to do more than make a feeble attempt at continuous embroidery, and actually make something or embroider something “real” using this method. I’m sure there’s more, but this would keep me busy for a while.
13 years agoI have done all of them. Love to do lace.
Doris Van Peeren
13 years agoLove the bucket list. Have to try doing the same design on different fabrics to see the difference. Someone “messed” up a design on an embroidery machine at our sewing club – I took it home and finished it on my machine – came out perfect. (What a surprise to me.) Making the Latte Quilt taught me how to get designs back in the hoop. A fun quilt to make. Love your magazine and your blogs.
13 years agoI have tried making lace and feel confident about lining up items in the hoop. I should experiment more about color choices. It is amazing when stiching out a design how the color doesn’t look right until the next color is stitched and even better when it is done.
13 years agoI have had my embroidery module for 2 years, but have not really used it too much. Thank you for this list of exercises. They will definitely help me learn more about machine embroidery.
Jennifer j
13 years agoWell it looks like I have a lot to do! How do I do a basting stitch and or find it on designs? I never have seen this. Love to have more explanation.
Meredith Kaur
13 years agoI have not done any of them! But I am enjoying reading all the tips nonetheless!
13 years agoI’m a rank Newbie. I’ve done 1, most of 3, 5, unsuccessfully tried 6, and 8 (this worked well though am alignment challenged). I like quilting in the hoop yet need to invest in a larger hoop, digital quilting motifs, AND practice practice practice. These are all good exercises. Thanks.
Colleen Bell
13 years agoOh, I love this list!! The explanations of why to do them was very helpful. My daughter and I have been machine embroidering since December, but we have done it all. I can’t wait to see the next two lists. What a great idea!
Beth R
13 years agoI’ve done 2, 4, 5, 8, and 9 – and am going to work on the others for practice!
13 years agoI have tried all but the lace. I like the look of the lace but haven’t had an occasion to use it so I have yet to try it. Someday when I have some free (ha ha) time I will play with it.
13 years agoI have had my embroidery machines (2) for several years, but have not used either much for embroidery. Thank you for the bucket list as I intend to print it off and get started. I did not have good training when I bought these machines so my learning has been with the manual under my elbow. Thank you again for your magazine and your blog.
Karen Poole
13 years agoI have actually done all of these! I can’t wait to see the other two lists. The main two things on my Embroidery bucket list is doing bobbin work embroidery and making my own lace edgings and insertion laces with my specialty stitches on and the my custom stitch feature on my embroidery machine!
le floch, anne
13 years agoI’m not new to embroidery, but I found great tips. thanks, anne
Dolly D.
13 years agoThe one thing I need to practice is using the on-screen editing features of my Ellisimo. I am so used to doing all my editing in my Janome MBX software, before sending the designs to my machine, but I would like to become more comfortable using the machine features as well.
Cindy Amend
13 years agoI did them all! I must admit though that I have the Ellisimo so rehooping and stitching where you left off works great using the camera feature.
13 years agoHi, Eileen,
Just wanted you to know that your magazine took me from a beginner in machine embroidery to an almost expert and then to a free motion embroidery nut. Thanks for the ride.
13 years ago AUTHORWhat kind words! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
13 years agoHmmm… Not sure I am a novice have done all but realignment. I have had my “new” machine for only a few months after my first machine died. I have played with it and finally made my first lace a couple of weeks ago. I read too many horror stories, but my first piece was a cross and turned out beautifully! Was so excited I made 72 more FSL’s for my daughter to hand out for her service organization’s conventions in Florida & Tennessee. A few short sleep nights, but had them done before we left. I’ll be more willing to try more since new machine is about 10,000 times better than old one! A few more items on bucket list… a fancy collar for a formal for my mom!
13 years agoI like the idea of a bucket list. I have been embroidering for a while but still haven’t done all on this list. I have done 1,2,3,4,7 and 10 and will be doing 8 soon. I really want to try the lace and Ned to start using a basting stitch. Thanks for this idea.
Mizz Lizz
13 years agostay alive…been 14 surgeries in 20 months and going to HEAL OP yet~~!
13 years agoI believe that …yeah
Susan J
13 years agoi have tied most of the bucket list items except, for some unknown reason, lace. So maybe that is next for me after I finish the 3 or 4 projects on my “to do” list. Quilting with the embroidery module and re-hooping are part of several of those projects.
13 years agoI’m having problems locating where to download the e-reader cover you mentioned in Issue 75, page 71. Thanks!
13 years ago AUTHORHi Vicky,
You’re at the right place! The direct link to the blog post is:
Or you can search “e-reader” in the search box of Eileen’s Machine Embroidery blog and the post will come up. Scroll toward the bottom and you’ll find the design.
– Denise
13 years agoThank you! I found it!
13 years ago AUTHORWonderful! Happy Stitching Vicky!
13 years agoI have not tried a continuous design yet. I have some sheets & pillow case sets that I’d like to embroidery for gifts this year for Christmas. I like quick to do projects, especially applique.
13 years agoThis is an amazing blog. I’m probably like many. Been blogging for a year, but never experimented at all, so just feel pleased with the results I have, not knowing it could be a lot better. Thanks.
13 years agoNUMBER ONE was a learning experience for me,made a lot of mistakes which taught me so much…..
I am having such fun now i actually got over the fear factor! The piece of quilted fabric is turning into a new baby quilt for my number 5 grandchild!
this site is so amazing as are you. the encouragement has been literally a Godsend.
What do you think of hoop it all? i have ordered ur snap and magna hoops, would love to come to one of your ‘Do’s’, stitching sisters, am in Niagara Ontario though! sniffle sniffle.
13 years agowould love to hear from responses but forgot to tick the box
Denise Holguin
13 years ago AUTHORCongratulations on conquering the “fear factor” 🙂 I think many new embroiderers get intimidated and overwhelmed. I’m so happy you dove right in!
Canada is such a beautiful place! We’ve never had a Stitching Sisters event there– it’s certainly something to consider!
Happy Stitching!
Denise / Designs in Machine Embroidery
12 years agoplease please please Toronto awaits!
13 years agooh , Iam about to take your craftsy!!!!!
12 years agoI have lots of Goals one of them is to get into remission with MS and PTSD(a life long companion for all who have it). The combination of the two, culminating in a definite diagnosis of MS 18 months ago, left me shattered. With stress being a family dynamic ( I have a beautiful family) for a few years I had not left my room for a very long time , going out terrified me.ALL I could think about was sewing and quilting (new) and machine embroidery; A Very Old Passion, sew where was I, I bought a futura 250 and there it sat until last week .
Goal numbers !1 and 2 Get up 2 sew.
done it done it done it done it , YAHOO.
my strength is coming back (painfully), as whilst I am on the blog list I listen to the Golden Oldies and dance on the chair , now standing up with my walker , now standing on one leg is possible!
Tomorrow is always another day packed with stuff….I can’t wait to get to…A Great Big Sloppy Kiss to all of you your blog has encouraged me .
Keep your fingers crossed
Bucket list
number one turning out great on the bucket list, my daughter is having number 5 child , so a piece of pre qilted material (from her crib as a baby) is turning into my first piece of sewing . Had fun remembering all the things I had forgotten with the tee shirts…specially the strappy one ! hurp hum (clears throat guiltily)
12 years agoGwen,
I arrived at the office, dealing with the hassles of the morning rush hour– and saw your comment. You are an absolute inspiration! Your courage to move forward with living and pursuing the activities you are passionate about– WOW! Not everyone takes this approach and they are missing out! I do think your words, which are full of excitement and a sense of accomplishment will certainly inspire others to try.
Happy Stitching!
– Denise / Managing Editor
12 years agoI have been experimenting with number one. I must say that i have a lot to learn and will make a file to keep fabric swatches in ,listing all the possibilities ie; stabilizer and types of embroidery. Interspersing this with fun-stuff from number 2 and trying to find a basting file is great as i can use all the list to make something for my number 5 grandchild due in march……….I am convinced it is a girl????
12 years agoI would love more details on #6. ” Use the stitch advance key to go back to the basting file. Travel over the outline, stitch by stitch”. Did you do the basting by selecting it on the machine or did you edit a machine design in a software package to add the basting layer? It appears to be two separate steps on my machine so I don’t think I can back up to that step. I’m a newbie but had done a lot of sewing earlier in life. In about a month I have managed to most everything you mentioned except #6. Still having a bit of problems with registration on dense designs so maybe this would help. So far the best solution I have tried is the spray adhesive to medium weight tear away or cut away stabilizer.
Joan Nichols
12 years agoI have had my Brother PE770 about a month. I am a newbie and this is my first embroidery machine-(I have sewed for years). I would like to do this bucket list for newbies, but some of the things listed I haven’t got the slightest idea how to do them-like #4-#10. I am getting ready to put a design on a tote bag I’m making for my granddaughter, but putting it on Before I sew it up. My manual that came with the machine was just the operational manual & doesn’t really advise you on how to do alignment etc. Is there a good book out there that could help me in SIMPLE terms?? I am going to try to work on the bucket list & see how I do. Thanks for this site!!
12 years agoI bought an embroidery machine and am learning new tricks. This blog is inspiring and so, so helpful…thanks…
12 years agomy software doesn’t have a basting file, can i use another brand or make of editing software.i use a singer futura and i am happy with it except the hoop sizes i have the snap ans magna hoops and was going to get a hoop it all but can’t find any as they are having problems
Joan Nichols
12 years agoI didn’t think I had a basting stitch either on my Brother PE770, but one day was looking around & when I went to the built in “frames” I was to pick the frame & then a stitch for the frame. Low & behold there was a basting stitch, so I picked the rectagular one for my 5 x 7 & the square one for my 4 x 4 hoop & they worked just fine. Learning new things all the time about my machine.
12 years agoi do have frames ty v much
12 years agoi have done some ,haven’t really finished any or cataloged them. SO I am combining a lot . i have cut the collar,cuffs and bottom ribbing off a very old ‘white’ sweatshirt and cut up the middle making an open v neckline.i am going to do everything to that old shirt like; borders, color play, stippling ,applique. i don’t want to see any white left at all.i’m going to edit it flip it duplicate it add a new collar and facing , i shall wear my catalog.it will be famous and the stars will all be jealous of my little bomber jacket.
12 years agoThank you so much for pointing me to this Blog Eileen. It was very informative and a great help to a newbie like myself. I learned a lot with this bucket list and accomplished all 10 steps, though I must confess that I am still not liking the step 6. I just don’t feel confidant enough with myself for the rehooping in the middle of the design. I did ok with it, but not liking that one much, LOL..guess practice will make perfect, huh……
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11 years ago1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. Have not used basting files, never really saw the need, but your suggestion really sounds like a good idea, will try them. Your insurance analogy makes sense to me as I have been an insutance agent for over 30 years! Thank you!
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10 years agoWhen you have a fire or a water loss, one thing is inevitable. You will need your carpets cleaned-up and restored. Oriental rugs are normally the most expensive and therefore require special attention. Proper rug handling methods from the beginning should save you issues in the end.Immediate extraction of the water from the rug/carpet should be the first thing you do! The longer a rug sits in water the higher the chances are that the dyes will migrate. Color correction maybe difficult and maybe impossible if your rugs/carpet is old. Immediate extraction will greatly reduce this risk.When extracting the water, move your wand WITH the grain. This will do two things. One, It is physically easier to do and puts less wear on your body and Two, It will prevent and minimize fiber distortion which on some rugs is nearly impossible to fix.Do not stack your rugs when moving from one area to another! The dyes cold run from one carpet to the other. In the end you could have just a pile of wrecked carpets. To avoid this problem do one of two things. One, Roll the rugs up and place them in plastic bags (Only if you are transporting and removing quickly from the plastic, long term storage will not allow the rugs to fully dry and may cause mold growth). Two (Best Option), Place a sheet or towel on the rugs and roll them up individually.A popular and probably most damaging way to dry thick carpet/rugs is to lay them out in the sun. The sun’s ray can fade your rug/carpet in a short period of time. I would even recommend not placing your rug in a place where the sun hits it for long periods of the day inside your home let alone outside. This will surely damage your wet carpet. The best method is to extract the water and put several fans pointed at it to get air moving and dry it out faster. If laying them in the sun is necessary, put the top side down and lay on a flat dry surface.Finally, do not drip dry your rugs. Dyes can go into your wool fibres if you do this, or run into the other dyes of your carpet. It will likely end up looking more tie-dyed than neatly designed when your finished. If there are no dyes, you still should not drip dry. The thickness of the carpet/rug will prevent it from fully drying at the lower end where the water is dripping off.In summary, remember these carpet restoration tips:1.Extract the Water Immediately2.Extract water WITH the grain3.Do not stack your wet rugs4.Never dry in direct sunlight5.Do not drip dryI hope this article helps your visitors! CarpetCleanerNorwich.co.uk
Diane Roche
10 years agoMy sister recently loaned me her embroidery machine. I ‘ve been petrified to embroidery with it. Didn’t want to make mistake. Your blog is very enlighting. I thank you for sharing your knowledge.
10 years agoI have had my machine for about three weeks and really need to do all these things! Maybe this weekend… That day job is really cramping my style.
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