I love embroidered bed linens. They are such a treat to slide between as you end a long day. Here are some tips for stitching gorgeous machine embroidery designs on…
I’ll let you in on a little-known secret – I hate to remove the hoop during the embroidery process to trim applique. I dislike it so much, I rarely do…
1. Find a focal point. Examine the garment to determine if there’s a design detail that could serve as the starting or focal point for the embroidery. On this plain…
We talk so much about planning embroidery and hooping fabric but we rarely discuss what to do with a project when we take it out of the hoop. Just like…
Combining embroidery with patterned fabric is challenging but here are a few tips for a successful outcome. • Add a plain fabric as the base for the embroidery. • Take…
I am a new fan of the basting feature. What’s to love? Two things, it firmly attaches the item to the stabilizer and is a fabulous alignment tool when mishaps…
Really, it is, I didn’t make it up! And if I did, I would have never settled on just one month because it’s always National Embroidery Month here at Designs.…
Sometimes I rush through an embroidery project and don’t take the time to think through each step of the process. Often, this is how mistakes are made. Print this checklist…
It’s that time of year….surely someone has asked you to personalize a Christmas stocking. Did you agree? Do you wish you hadn’t? Afraid to tackle the long, furry fibers of…
Recently, I was inspired by a sweater I spotted in a high-end ladies clothing store and digitized the flowers, testing, tweaking and finalizing the designs. Then, I started the embroidery…