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My Block Piecer Block of the Month: Block 9 – Around the Block Software Instructions

My Block Piecer
Block of the Month : Block 9 Around the Block
Software Instructions
By Nancy Stansbury

This ongoing Block of the Month series was designed to inspire you to learn new techniques using My Block Piecer.  As a reminder, the first Saturday of every month will feature the software lesson using My Block Piecer.  The following Wednesday will feature the sewing lesson.

  • You are free to adapt the block to a size of your preference.
  • A free trial of My Block Piecer is available if you’d like to try it before you buy it.  Note the “Save” feature is deactivated until the software is purchased.
  • Interested in learning more about My Block Piecer and other Inspirations Software?  Join us at an Inspirations Event.  Click the Events link for events near you.
  • If you’re late to the Block of the Month “party” have no fear!  Start with Block 9.

Let’s continue the journey of learning and creativity!


  1. Open MBP.
  2. Click on Create a New Design.
  3. If the units for the ruler on the design page show mm, Right Click on either one of the rulers on the Design Page, and Click on Inches.
  4. Right Click on either ruler again and click on Grid Settings.
    1. Check marks by:
      1. Maintain aspect ratio.
      2. Snap to grid.
    2. Set Horizontal spacing to 0.25.
    3. Click OK.
  5. Click on the Block Icon.

    1. Enter Around the Block #2 in the Find box at the bottom of the window (DO NOT CLICK THE ENTER KEY).
    2. Click on the Down green arrow.
    3. Click OK to place the block on the design page.
  6. In the Properties Window on the right side of the screen click on the Transform icon.
    1. Have Maintain aspect ratio checked.
    2. Change the Width to 6.
    3. Click Apply.
  7. Click on the Reorder icon.
    1. Click on each patch as numbered below. Do not need to number the lower row as it is identical to the first row and just rotated 180 degrees.
    2. Right Click to end the numbering. The numbers will disappear but the numbering is still there.
  8. Click on the Select icon and draw a box around the top row (patches 1 through 7).
  9. Click on the Workflow icon.

    1. Select a 200mm x 200 mm hoop or similar for your machine.
    2. Click the Auto Build button. The patches are in more than one unit, so the embroidery needs to be manually created.
    3. Right Click in the window on the right side (with the numbers) and Click Reset.
    4. Holding down the CTRL Key, Click on the 1 and 2.

      1. Right Click and Group.
      2. Holding down the CTRL Key, Click on unit and 3.
      3. Right click and group.
      4. Repeat ii and iii for patches 4 – 6.
  10. Click Preview.
  11. Click Save.
    1. Click on Create a New Folder icon and name it Block 10.
    2. Double Click on the folder to open it.
    3. In the File name box enter Around_The_BlockA.
    4. Save as type select Inspiration Series (C2S).
    5. Click Save.
    6. A window will open showing you the files that have been created.
      1. Around_The_BlockA_001.c2s.
      2. Around_The_BlockA _artwork.c2s.
      3. Around_The_BlockA _preview.pdf.
    7. Close the file window.
    8. Close the Save window.
  12. Click on the Select icon and draw a box the patches 8-13.
  13. Click on the Workflow icon.

    1. The numbers have been changed to 1-6.
    2. Click the Auto Build button. If there is only one unit go to Step 14.
    3. Right Click in the window on the right side (with the numbers) and Click Reset.
    4. Holding down the CTRL Key, Click on the 1 and 2.
      1. Right Click and Group.
      2. Holding down the CTRL Key, Click on unit and 3.
      3. Right click and group.
      4. Repeat ii and iii for patch 4 and 5.
      6. Go to Step 15.
  14. Click Sort Numbers.
    1. Click Yes to update piece numbers.
  15. Click Preview.
  16. Click Save.
    1. In the File name box enter Around_The_BlockB.
    2. Save as type select Inspiration Series (C2S).
    3. Click Save.
    4. A window will open showing you the files that have been created.
      1. Around_The_BlockB_001.c2s.
      2. Around_The_BlockB _artwork.c2s.
      3. Around_The_BlockB _preview.pdf.
    5. Close the file window.
    6. Close the Save window.
  17. Click on the Select icon and draw a box the patches 14-18.
  18. Click on the Workflow icon.

    1. The numbers have been changed to 1-5.
    2. Click the Auto Build button.
    3. Click Sort numbers.
    4. Click Yes to update piece numbers.
  19. Click Preview.
  20. Click Save.
    1. In the File name box enter Around_The_BlockC.
    2. Save as type select Inspiration Series (C2S).
    3. Click Save.
    4. A window will open showing you the files that have been created.
      1. Around_The_BlockC_001.c2s.
      2. Around_The_BlockC _artwork.c2s.
      3. Around_The_BlockC _preview.pdf.
    5. Close the file window.
    6. Close the Save window.
  21. Click the Select icon and draw a box around the entire block.
  22. Click the Cutter icon.

    1. Seam allowance default is .25”. Normally I change this to 0.4” or 0.5”, to make it easier to place the fabric pieces no matter which output format I choose.
    2. How you are going create the fabric pieces for the block, will determine which file format (hoop) to choose for the templates.
      1. If going to print the templates, and use them to manually cut the fabric pieces, select the Paper Letter 210×279.
      2. If going to use the Scan and Cut, select Brother SCN 12×12”.
    3. If going to use the Silhouette, select Silhouette 12×12”.Can Unclick Optimize Orientation if using a directional fabric (This will optimize how the pieces file on the paper.)
    4. Click Apply.
    5. Click Save.
      1. In File name enter Around_The_Block Templates.
      2. Click Save and select the proper format for your cutting device.
      3. The Following Files have been created.
        1. Around_The_Block templates.
        2. Around_The_Block templates_preview.pdf.
      4. Close the files window.
      5. Close the Cutter window.
  23. Click on Create a New Design.Note: When using the Merge to open a file, SAVE is actually a SAVE AS and the original file is not overwritten.
  24. Click on the Hoop icon and choose a 200mmx200mm or similar hoop for your machine.
  25. Click File, Merge.
    1. Locate the file. Around_The_BlockA_001.c2s.
    2. Move to top of hoop.
    3. Click Copy, Paste.
    4. In the Properties window.
      1. Click on Transform tab and rotate 180 degrees.
      2. Click Apply.
    5. Move to the bottom of the hoop.
    6. Click File, Merge.
    7. Locate the file Around_The_BlockB_001.c2s.
    8. Move to middle and left side of the hoop.
    9. Click File, Merge.
    10. Locate the file Around_The_BlockC_001.c2s.
    11. Place on the right in the middle of the hoop.
  26. Stitch all placement stitches at one time.
    1. CTRL-A or draw a box around all of the designs.
    2. Click UnGroup.
    3. In the Sequence Window move the second set of placement stitches up to the top of the window.

    4. Repeat for the other two sets of placement stitches.
  27. Click File, Save As.
    1. In the name field enter Around_The_Block.
    2. In the Save as type select the format for your specific machine.
    3. Click Save.
  28. Print the templates, or prepare your fabric and send the templates to your cutter.
  29. Load the design/designs onto your machine stitch the pieces for the block.
  30. Manually sew the pieces together to make the block.


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