In 1988, I took a beginner’s sewing class from Mary Hayes of Hayes Sewing Machines (now in Wilmington, Delaware). Shortly after that introduction to sewing, I found Sewing with Nancy on PBS. I never missed a show. I taped every episode and watched diligently. When my children were born, I scheduled their naps around Sewing with Nancy. If I were to list every sewing technique I learned from Nancy Zieman, you would think I never took a stitch without referencing one of her books or SWN episodes. And you might be right.

On the set of Sewing with Nancy
But I have learned so much more than sewing techniques from Nancy. I have been blessed to become dear friends with her over the years and we have partnered on many projects together. Brush aside the sewing, Nancy taught me how to set and reach goals, lead a team, tackle large projects, cherish family and friends and weather turbulent relationships. Most of all, Nancy teaches me to walk in my Christian faith. And she does that by her example, she doesn’t preach, she doesn’t try to convert yet she lives her faith. Oh, how blessed I am to having Nancy as my friend.
Today, she announced her retirement and, well, she broke the internet. Her blog crashed – for hours! That’s actually very hard to do. You see, thousands and thousands of sewing friends tried (hundreds were successful) to leave messages for Nancy. Messages of encouragement, gratitude and hope.
She means so much to so many but especially those who learned to sew through Sewing with Nancy episodes, her blog, books and personal appearances. Do you think of Nancy every time you perform a certain sewing task or technique? Would you share what you have learned from Nancy? I think she would enjoy knowing how her ingenious techniques have helped you in your sewing room.
Ennis A
7 years agoI’m certain that I have learned so much from her. Love all her tips on easier ways to do things and then some of the things that we should do always, like pressing. But recently I’ve been most inspired by her love and knowledge of landscape Quilting. I just love it and never thought I would be able to do it. But Nancy and her colleagues make it look doable. And that making mistakes is just a learning curve. Nancy’s caring personality and her inspiration are both things I’ll always remember and will miss so much. She certainly has a legacy That will be around always in the sewing community. Love and prayers for Nancy!!
7 years agoI was 24 when I got a machine, knowing less than nothing. I didn’t want to take classes locally. If not for Nancy’s books and her show, I’d have given up. She made everything so clear. She literally taught me to sew.
Jean Eason
7 years agoHow will I exist without Nancy on TV???? I think I have every one of her books and have gone to so many of her events in May. Always seemed to celebrate his May 7th birthday in Beaver Dam! We haven’t gone there the past few years as we felt being over 90 years we have given up out of town long distance driving. I also met you there one of your first years you were there. Last time there my husband bought me a Koala Quilting cabinet for two machines and a matching chair. Also watch your show diligently! Watching U. S. Tennis now but will watch TiVo recording of Nancy after Hubby goes to bed tonight!
Gina French
7 years agoNancy has a way of simplifying quilting blocks that make me now want to tackle them. What was once difficult is now enjoyable. I’ve enjoyed her guests and their projects too.
Sandra Sanders
7 years agoNancy showed me that I could tackle the impossible!!! One of the first things I made with her help was a slip with elastic shoulder straps. It was the first slip that didn’t fall off of my shoulders!!! I altered pattern after pattern with Nancy’s help. I looked forward to her program on PBS. Nancy, you’ve been an inspiration to me!!!!
Doris hehl
7 years agoI see a very courageous woman who hosted a tv show, despite Bell’s palsy, since the 1980s. She knew that her incredible knowledge of sewing took precedence over any physical condition. Her poise, determination and professionalism is unparalleled. I read her retirement announcement today through tears and with a heavy heart. Then I read her message again and realized that she is the same courageous Nancy that we know and love. In the days ahead I will continue to pray for her continued courage and strength and will do the same for her family.
7 years agoIt struck me as well that this was the same “friend” who had been in my home since I watched while feeding my baby in the 80’s. I was hanging on until I got to the end, where it wasn’t the comfortingly familiar “Bye for now.” I think we’ll all miss that terribly.
Cathie Paski
7 years agoI got married in 1982 and moved to Texas. Shortly after I discovered Nancy Zieman on PBS. I watched her throughout her career. I was fortunate to go visit Nancy’s Notions in the latter 1980’s and met Nancy. I recently met her again when she had an event in King of Prussia, a few years ago. Such a gracious lady. I can’t even begin to list everything I learned from her. Her pivot and slide, fitting techniques, wrapped corners for collars, to name just a few. The list would be endless. Thank you Nancy for making my sewing better. I wish you well. I will miss your shows, but I have learned so much from you, you are unforgettable.
Chris Ranick
7 years agoOf course, I have learned a great deal about sewing from Nancy. But I have also learned to appreciate her graciousness in the face of adversity, her humour, her openness and her down to earth nature. If we all aspired to be just a bit more like her, what a better world we would have! She has been an inspiration to many generations of sewers and non sewers alike. I feel priviledged to have net her on several occasions. I hope shw feels uplifted by the outpouring of love and admiration her followers are sending her way. God Bless you and yours, Nancy
Kathy Harrison
7 years agoGod bless you Nancy! Earlier today I was showing off your painting that I won years ago (at a DIME event). Grace, humility and talent all rolled into one!
7 years agoI have learned many things from Nancy. Her book on pattern alteration enabled me to sew for a children’s choir making matching dresses for girls from sixpence 10 girls to 18w and actually have them fit attractively. All the helpful techniques with elastic in waistbands, etc made sewing easier, but the best things on Nancy’s show were the episodes that showed how home sewers could impact people around the world with the skills they learned. Thanks Nancy for letting God use you to inspire me and 1000s like me! I am praying for you and yours!
Shirley Clark
7 years agoI was so fortunate to meet Nancy a few years ago in Shreveport, LA for a Babylock event. She was just incredible! She allowed us all to take individual pictures with her. She did some demonstrations on landscape quilting that I remember so well because she made it look so easy. She was always cracking jokes and telling funny stories. I’m so very sad that this is happening to her.
Carolyn H
7 years agoI have watched sewing with Nancy for over 20 yrs. It’s part of my Saturday morning. I met Nancy when she was in Phoenix one year for a 3 day Baby Lock event. We all asked if we could take her photo. Her answer was “Yes, but only if you are in it” Still have that photo. I will certainly miss seeing her on TV every Saturday. Prayers for Nancy and her family.. I know she has the courage and faith to beat this if it is possible.
Barbara Giamportone
7 years agoI feel like I’m losing a good friend as I have watched her so many years & bought many of her products. Prayers to her & her family. She will never be forgotten by sooo many of us, that she taught us so much info on sewing. Only met her once & she was just so giving as she was beautiful. Will always remember her joy of sewing & her sewing friends. God bless you & your family, Nancy.
Barbara Giamportone
7 years agoYour smile will be missed. Your teaching will be missed as we’ve all learned so much from you & your show, cd’s & books.
Alice Brinkerhoff
7 years agoOver the years I have continued to learn something new and useful from Nancy.
I agree that she has been gracious through difficult times with her health. She has shown us courage, to reach out and help others with our skills, to be kind and smile.
She is one of a kind! She was a pioneer in TV and a working woman that sewed.
Wow! It is good she is retiring to spend time with those she cherishes the very most but she will be missed as a friend.
Aprille Sweatt
7 years agoNancy’s retirement announcement on her blog broke my heart. I never met her in person, yet I think of her as a good friend and mentor. The Bible verse that she mentioned really touched my heart. Nancy has had such a positive impact on so many lives. I love her “Nancy’s Corner” segments – especially when she introduces us to charity sewing projects. I will keep Nancy and her family in my prayers. Many thanks to the BEST of the best, and best wishes!
Kit Ritter
7 years agoDear Nancy
I have learned so much over the years. You are such a giving person! You are an inspiration! I have tried to donate to various Charities featured on Nancy’s corner. Little Dresses for Africa and Days for Girls to name a couple. One thing I learned from Nancy is perseverance. Through all her illnesses she has made every effort to produce her shows and give her talents away to others. I will think of you often Nancy, as I make stitch after stitch.
7 years agoNancy you are the reason that I campaigned everyday for six months for a Pfaff sewing machine not just any Pfaff a Pfaff 1471, when we moved and we’re stationed in Germany. This was 1985. I was relentless, I would find ways to interject this machines talents into breakfast conversation etc… This was the machine that Nancy sewed on and I just knew that if I had it, I would be able to create the magical things that she produced. My husband bought that machine for me and it created first day of school outfits, costumes, presents, and clothes for me. It has been a wonderful lifetime passion and skill that Nancy helped ignite in me. I watched her show obsessively. I learned so much and was so inspired. I treasure all of your teaching opportunities. Thank you Nancy. Prayers to you and your family.
Cindy Long
7 years agoI think I’ve been watching Nancy since she started her TV program. Nancy has a way of making everything look easy and that we could do anything with a little patience. She has been a part of my life for many years, always there if I needed her sewing wisdom to get thru a project. I had the pleasure of meeting her at a Babylock event in Pittsburgh where I found out we were both living in Virginia MN at the same time. God bless Nancy and her family with strength and guidance thru this difficult time.
Betty M Monroe
7 years agoI “met” Nancy way back, on PBS must have been in the 80’s or before. She taught me much, very much about sewing and yes, about living life to its fullest. I was fortunate to meet her in Madison one September show. My thoughts and prayers go out to Nancy and family. Thank you Eileen for giving us this chance to greet Nancy.
7 years agoI live in Europe so watching Sewing with Nancy is hit and miss and her books hard to come by but all the same I have learnt so much from her although I only discovered her late in her career and already knew how to sew but felt an instant bond when she told how she had started her sewing adventure. Such a talented woman and so very, very human. Watching her shows is like having her in the room with you. Thoughts are with her and her family as well as her friends.
Karen Poole
7 years agoThe great thing now days is the internet and now you can access the show and store online so you have access to all the books too!
Gail Beam
7 years agoI have always enjoyed all of Nancy’s tips, tv shows, videos, and books. My only actual inperson sewing lessons came from my 8th grade home ec teacher, so I have always been an avid fan of all of Nancy’s online progrms to learn her techniques on how to do things the right and easy way. I will miss her and hope that her TV shows and videos will continue to be presented as reuns for all of us to continue to enjoy..
7 years agoI have “known” Nancy all my sewing life – on the internet – I live in South Africa and far away from everything really but Nancy was my “life saver”. It has been a joy to listen to all her “classes” – I have many of her books and cd’s and shall remember her with such love. Her passion for all she does is so infectious and I am so grateful to her. My prayer is that she will have such peace in her faith and being with her beloved family. Nancy we will miss you but are richer for having known and loving you. God bless and keep you precious Lady.
7 years agoI’ve been watching Nancy all the way back to TLC days. I’ve learned SO much from her and crammed 12 to 13 episodes on who knows how many ‘VHS’ tapes over the years. In addition to sewing, she taught me perseverance. Best wishes Nancy. Joanne
Karen Poole
7 years agoOh my gosh, what HAVENT I learned from Nancy Zieman? I too have watched all her shows and have all her books! Two things come to mind that help me every time I see; the big one is how to alter patterns so they fit right! I now can take any pattern, along with measurements and make wonderful clothes, costumes, etc. it’s very rewarding to see something I’ve made fit someone so perfectly and have them marvel over the fit! The second big thing I learned from her was how to get a great square or point on a seam or collar by folding over the seam allowance on the seam next to it and catching the seam allowance in the new seam! What a difference that has made for me!! Seams pretty simple in hindsight but I had always done the typical clipping the corner fabric. It never laid as nice! I was one who tried to sign in to read the blog and couldn’t, so I was only able to read the first sentence or two! I’m sa to see her retiring but being retired myself, I love the free time I have now! I love family time and sewing time, not to mention more time for watching my sewing shows!!
Lynn Wilson
7 years agoI started sewing at the age of six. By thirteen, I was making most of my clothes. I loved to sew, but I became a teacher and time for sewing was hard to come by. Then in 1984 and 1986, two children came and I quit sewing completely.
I would still carve out an hour each week to watch SWN. That hour, filled with beautiful fabrics and expert techniques and Nancy’s sweet spirit, filled the hole in my soul. I soaked up the knowledge. When my girls were grown, the first thing I made was a small landscape quilt inspired by Nancy’s series on that technique. I was so happy with that little quilt.
Love you, Nancy!
7 years agoI watched her show this morning, as usual. Then I read her retirement announcement and I wanted to cry – it broke my heart. I have been watching SWN since the very beginning in 1982 and still have many shows on VHS tapes, which are completely full. I’ve learned so much from her shows, cd’s and books. No one has contributed more or inspired as many. I met her once several years ago at the Puyallup Sewing Expo – she was so gracious. Such a beautiful, classy lady.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love you.
Patty Cline
7 years agoI don’t think I can list all of the things I have learned from Nancy, it would take me a very long time. I always watched her shows and most of the time I would say “Oh that’s how you do it!”. I started sewing when I was 7 and taught myself through the years through trial and error until I discovered Nancy! She always inspired me to try more new things and to do them the right way. I will miss her teaching, her smile, her kindness, and her love to teach. My prayers are with you and your family. “Good bye for now” we will meet again.
Tina Smith
7 years agoI’ve cried like a baby ever since I read her letter. I’ve watched her for years, gleaning all of her techniques and tips. She introduced me to Landscape Quilting, my absolute favorite. I’m still praying for a miracle for Nancy and her family.
Sandra Cunningham
7 years agoMe too!Tina, Me too!
Carol Grimes
7 years agoI feel almost like I was losing a family member. I have always admired her personally and have learned so much. Talking with her the one time I met her, was like talking to a good friend. I have always wished she lived next door. I share her favorite scripture.
Pat DiPietro
7 years agoI learned to sew at my Mother’s and Grandmother’s knees but Nancy has improved my knowledge of all things sewing. I’ve watched her show when our local PBS airs it and tape (now DVR) it to watch again to catch the little things I missed in the first viewing. Nancy got me started in machine embroidery and I got my first machine at Eagle Sew and Vac in Drexel Hill, PA. I have met Nancy at one of the quilt shows I would go too. She is a joy to talk too. I will continue to enjoy your shows. Nancy I wish you well in the coming months and I know God has His hand on you. Praying for you and your family during this time.
Sylvia Sayers
7 years agoI didn’t start sewing until about 7 years ago. I had taken Home Ec back in the 70’s when I was in high school, and vowed I would never sew again. Well, my youngest daughter wanted to learn to sew. I bought a cheap machine, and I started watching SWN. She made everything look easy. I upgraded my machine, and now I am doing embroidery, and quilting. It also helped me teaching both my daughters to sew. She is an inspiration. She will be missed.
Melissa Chase
7 years agoI have been using Nancy’s sewing books and videos for many years. As a fashion design student in the late 1980’s, I became very familiar with her mail order company. I could hardly wait to receive her catalog in the mail so that I could see (and order) the latest sewing notions and gadgets! I then began watching her “Sewing with Nancy” series at least 20 years ago, and I have been so excited to be able to have access to her television show on the Internet so that I could watch them any time. I consistently refer to the “Sewing with Confidence” books series (one of many books I have from my library of books authored and co-authored by Nancy). These have been so helpful! One of my favorite DVD’s is the “Denim Re-design.” As a former family and consumer sciences Extension agent, I used this book to teach sewing classes to teens in one of the school systems with whom I collaborated. The students were so excited to bring old jeans from home (with their parents’ permission, of course!) and be able to make something special out of them. Thank you, Nancy, for inspiring us professionally, personally, and spiritually. You will continue to inspire us in the years to come. You and your family will continue to be in my utmost prayers and thoughts.
7 years agoI’ve learned so much from Nancy thorough the years, and although I didn’t get her shows often, my Mother and I soaked up as much as we could when it was on the TV. One of the things Nancy taught me, maybe from a pattern I purchased, but the 10-20-30 minutes of time to do something sewing related has changed how I view sewing. I no longer have to cut and sew all the same day. It really is amazing how much you can accomplish in just a 10 or 20 or 30 minutes of available time.
7 years agoI also could not access her retirement announcement. What I did read led me to exclaim “Oh! No!” Her TV shows, her blog, her wonderful advice and helpful hints have been a blessing to all of us. I also have the recorded shows save from earlier years as wells as het books and leaflets. I have been sewing since 6 years old, so my husband asks when I buy another book, “Don’t you already know that?” Love her well-written reference books on just about anything! I wish I could have met you in person! The world and I will miss your friendly passion, but God bless and reward you and your family as you continue on your journey. We love you!
Carol Milleson
7 years ago28 years ago we built a home in the country. no cable tv, maybe 1 channel on a good day….that is when I found sewing w/Nancy on public television, the one channel we could get w/no problem. fast forward, we now have satellite tv and my husband records every episode of Sewing With Nancy for me. I watch and rewatch all of them. Many prayers to Nancy and her personal friends and family.
Jane Jarvis
7 years agoI’ve learned so much from Nancy. And still learning. She showed how easy it could be and how to fit I your day with four children. Her easy ways that took less time then the pattern said. Loved my special friend from the air waves. She gave me the courage to teach sewing and quilting. I will always keep learning from you. So with a smile I said Nancy thank you for all you taught me and for being my friend.
Kathleen (Kitt) De Verville
7 years agoI hate seeing you retire, everywhere in my sewing room your picture smiles out at me from the numerous items I have purchased from you through the years, notions, books, templates, etc. Also all the youtube videos and your Nancy sews site that I have picked up tips in sewing to make things easier. You will be missed greatly. I know, nothing lasts forever so I have found out in my 76 years on this earth. Hopefully your legasy will live on in your many videos on sewing for the future generations of sewers. Much luck to you in your retiring years and a big thank you for your sharing of your sewing knowledge through the years.
susana molnar
7 years agoNancy’s shows were my mental therapy from the very beginning. I used to work as a RN for 52 years & many times is depressing. Nancy’s teaching style is one of the bests. I was born with 10 thumbs, but with her teachings I was able to do few crafts. God bless her & her family in this hard time of her life. Love her forever.Thanks a lot Nancy.
Marti Morgan
7 years agoAs everyone else has already stated, many, many. But one thing I truly got was when I wasn’t in a “sewing” mood, I would watch her show and be right back in the mood. I will miss having her as a guide and inspiration. I can’t believe how many years I have watched her.
Claudia Hermansen
7 years agoI have watched all her shows as soon as I realized she was on PBS in Tucson and now Phoenix. I have been machine sewing (on grandma’s lap)since I was 4 years old. I continued to sew all my life making my first maternity clothes and then children’s clothes. I re-entered with Computerized sewing and embroidery in 1990 and it was then I discovered Nancy. I bought all her books, purchased from her newsletter and catalogues. I have learned more than I ever expected! I LOVE sewing and embroidery and am now teaching it to elementary and high school students in a program called Teens Sew Cool! in Tucson, Oracle and San Manuel! Passing on the love of sewing as well as recycling old clothing into new exciting projects. Thank You Nancy for all the years and your continuing shows.
Sandra Cunningham
7 years agoRegardless of what I learned from Nancy, I cried reading her latest fight with her health. I am crying right now reading how many people she has touched. If you haven’t read her book, Do IT! Her legacy will live on, but the world IS a brighter place with her in it 🙁
Jo Mimms
7 years agothe corners, the zippers, the pockets – the list goes on. The genius of her show is that we could see ourselves in Nancy – i.e., her teaching style never shouted out from her personality “I am the smartest sewist ever and don’t forget it!” I felt like I was in the room with her and she just couldn’t wait to show me something new that she had learned or discovered. You felt confident that what she was showing you was something you also could learn and put into practice. Owning a number of her books helps bring back the TV shows, and now internet shows. I also remember one of her programs where the little dresses – pillowcase dresses – for little girls in distressed places in Africa, and others where she reached into the community to highlight people engaged in helping others. Those are just a few of the things I’ve learned and appreciated. Could go on and on! God bless her!
7 years agoWhat did I learn from Nancy Zieman?
So very much, just as many others have beautifully said about this beautiful lady. I think most of all, the reminder and example of respect and kindness toward others. What a blessing to have “known” Nancy Zieman. Prayers that she will be blessed and comforted.
Cyrill Long
7 years agoI still have VHS tapes from Sew with Nancy! I would watch her shows religiously. My husband put a TV and player in my tiny sewing room so Nancy and I could spend many hours together . I made tailored pants using her book which I still reference today! The best technique that I learned and still use today was the “pivot and slide” method for darts. She made everything look easy. Her videos helped me solve so many fitting issues. I hope she knows how many people have been influenced by her love of sewing. Where would I be without all the clever tools that are sold in her catalog that simplify my sewing life?
7 years agonanxy has been such an inspiration with her sewing programs. i have been to beaver dam for her sewing weekends. Nancy hosted a great event complete with evening entertainment. She was so kind and doen to earth. we enjoyed our time with her. Nancy, you have given us so much and your legacy will live on. May God bless you as you take tbe journey. Thanj you for all you have given. God bless your family and friends. Know that you are loved bu many. blessings to you.
Doree Shandera
7 years agoNancy Ziemen is such a treasure to anyone that uses thread for any project. Sewing, quilting, crafts, & embroidery. She has knowledge and down home wisdom for it all. She is a golden treasure and we will all be at a loss to not have her guiding us regularly.
Connie Berg
7 years agoMany things! The two that quickly come to mind….the pivot & slide method to adjust patterns!
The slick way to hem jeans leaving the original hem!!!!!!!
Anita McDaniel
7 years agoI never knew how to sew started watching Nancy on PBS bought a machine and have not stopped since sewing shows will not be the same without you but I guess we all have to rest sometime. Enjoy
Rebecca Hunt
7 years agoI loved watching Sewing With Nancy!! I know she taught me many things over the years but one technique in particular always comes to mind. Each time I make crisp corners I think of Nancy, she showed us how to fold the corners and they are perfect every time. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and love of sewing. My prayers go with you, blessings, Rebecca
Debbie Crawford
7 years agoI have been watching Sewing with Nancy forever it seems. I have learned so much by watching her shows. After reading Nancy’s bio and learning all the health issues she has had to over come in her life she was like a hero to me. Like myself Nancy was a 4-Her. I can’t believe what she is going through now. I pray for her healing.
Dara Lanning
7 years agoNancy,
I will be lost every Sat. morning when I can’t watch you on TV you are so helpful..
Several years ago all I wanted for my anniversary was to go to your store in Beaver Dam so my husband took me I live in TN. It was the best anniversary ever. Bless you Nancy.
Kay Menefee
7 years agoI started watching Nancy when my kids were little. I learned so much from her and I went on to teach a lot of people how to sew, so I used her teaching methods as well. I feel like I know her and it is weird she doesn’t know me, but we all love her. She will be so missed, but she started something and we appreciate that.
I used to make all my clothes, even my suits back when I was forced to wear them. Nancy’s methods made making suits easier and much more professional. Now I usually just make quilts. She and her family will stay in my prayers and we will never forget her. Thanks Nancy and you too Eileen.
Leta Smith
7 years agoDear Nancy has been such a loving inspiration to us all. I have benefitted from her teaching so much, I wouldn’t know where to begin. I just know I was devastated to know of her illnesses and you would never know to watch her shows! What impacted me the most about her shows was her compassion for others when she frequently spoke about others who had needs when she herself was having such great difficulties. I hope we will be able for generations to come to watch her tips and sewing techniques that have so many, especially me.
I am so happy about her hope in Jesus and her leaning on His Word. And I have witnessed sooo many answered prayers after the doctors have given up.
I am here to tell you, we serve THE awesome God! So pray with believing, if it is His will, for Nancy’s cancer to be overcome! If it is not his will, may she and her family be at peace, knowing she has been a great servant to mankind in sharing her awesome sewing and quilting knowledge with us all.
I hope you are reading this, Nancy, and I will say this as a Christian sister, bye for now!
Eileen costello
7 years agolearned how to make purses, quilts,do embroidery and most of all how to use a serger. I met her at a sewing with nancy event in lady lake ,fl a few years ago. she and her husband were so loving and kind. I wish her and her family God’s mercy on this journey
7 years agoNancy has been an inspiration. Seeing her television inspired me to sew, back in the 80’s. On TV she was using PFAFF, of which I then went and purchased. She introduced many useful products, of which I went out to buy for myself. I love looking at her magazine, then buying more tools needed for sewing. Her magazine has everything. Most of all I miss her on TV. And hearing this sad news, I am devestated. There are no one that can fill her shoes. I wish her the best
Ginger Emmel
7 years agolast year when I finished machine embroidering a major gift I found that the stitches around the eye were not there. I sat back totally crushed , then I remembered many years ago watching Nancy teach us how to embroider using our sewing machine. Thank You Nancy . That flash back saved my project.
Debi Schoedel
7 years agoI can’t even tell you what all I learned from Nancy! I used to watch her diligently, but lately found other things (*gasp*) that took my time other than sewing. I need to get my priority back to sewing/embroidery!
beth d.
7 years agoI have learned a lot from Nancy. I learned how to quilt in 15 minutes, how to do many quilting techniques, how to use my notions correctly, got plenty sewing, embroidery tips and quilting tips from her. I will miss her dearly on PBS every Saturday morning. (Hope pbs still shows her old shows anyway).
Joan Burton
7 years agoWhat have I learned from Nancy? More techniques that worked than I can count, but most of all the confidence to try them. Her careful explanation and calm demonstrations were the ‘hands-on’ many of us needed to fly with our sewing. I thank you, Nancy for adding so much to all of our lives.
7 years agoI have learned that if I only have 10-30 minutes to sew I can accomplish something. I can look at a project and break it down into do able sections! Thank you Nancy!
Jean DeRoest
7 years agoIt is hard to put into words what she means to. I was a teen mom when I started watching her. Through her shows I was able to supply my children with the clothes they need and presents that we couldn’t afford. I so looked forward to her weekly program and was never disappointed. I am very grateful at this moment to be able to say thank you for all you have taught me. I continue to sew for children in the family and I always think her when I do. I also love to watch her videos and point them out to others who are learning. She most certainly fulfilled her purpose her on earth.
Bonnie VanHouten
7 years agoI am 86 and I too sewing classes from Nancy in Ida Grove Iowa. This was before she started sewing with Nancy. I really learned as I was sewing for people at the time. I try to never miss her show. I still make quilts and give them away. I am just finishing on to give to our Hospice program. I am praying for her as she goes through rough time May God Bless and Keep you in HIS care. Thank you for all the sewing lessons Bonnie VanHouten
Doreen Linehan
7 years agoI had a company that was 24/7, 365 days a year. Around the 16th year I was so exhausted. I looked around to see what I could do to fill some of the time on the job as a distraction. I thought I could start to sew again. I purchased a used embroidery/sewing machine in 2002. I found Nancy’s site and purchased tons of patterns, embroidery designs & notions. Haven’t a used them all, not even close but it was a start to opening a small embroidery business & selling a company that had become a prison. Thank you Nancy. I met you in Rhode Island once. It was a pleasure. You have given me ideas and assistance over the years.
Kathy Silva
7 years agoI was so sorry by Nancy’s retirement announcement and her reasons. I have loved watching Nancy’s show on PBS ever since I got TV that got the channel that it was on. I record the episodes so I can go back and look at them again to make sure I really understood what she is doing. She is an awesome person and a fantastic teacher. I have used her tools, books and techniques to create my own ideas when making items. I don’t think that there are any words to express how deeply saddened I am about what is happening and I just keep her in my prayers daily for strength, courage and peace. She has been an inspiration to so many and I am so glad to have had the opportunity to see what this amazing woman has done. I know that I would not be the same sewer without her wonderfulness. Thank you Nancy for all your years of inspiration and encouragement.
Peggy Paige
7 years agoWatching Nancy all these years gave me confidence that I could create beautiful things I too have almost all her books. I don’t know where I will get that courage to try new things because there will not be another Nancy to take her place.
Kelly Curran
7 years ago“You don’t have to be rich to travel well.” – Eugene Fodor
Kristian Garney
6 years agoWe really like your blog, it has good content, Thanks.