On Friday, I showed the ShortE to students in my recent Stitching Sister event. Many were intrigued by the designs that come with The Shorte so I thought I’d give you a closer look. We’ve included two versatile sets of quilting designs for allover quilting on whole cloth quilts or pieced quilts. The stipple collection fills the embroidery hoop with linking repeats of meandering wavy lines. You’ll find nine designs in this collection: top left, top center, top right, center right, center, center left, bottom left, bottom center and bottom right.
The Chandelier collection stitches very quickly and consists of a center medallion (for the center of the quilt), a half vertical (for the left and right edges), a half horizontal (for the top and bottom edges) and two border designs. There are several ways to arrange the designs to produce a variety of quilts.
The best way to get started is to print templates of all of the designs so you can audition them on the actual quilt. I love the new Print & Stick Target Template paper – perfect for auditioning quilt designs on a quilt – and they stay put! Before printing, change the thread color on each design to black to make it easy to see. If you’re using Perfect Embroidery Pro or My Quilt Embellisher, select the design and click the 3D icon to change the image to a more vivid rendition of the design.
Place the templates on the quilt and review the layout. If you’re pleased with it, it’s time to get stitching! This week, I’m finally getting a chance to quilt my Sunkissed quilt from Nancy Zieman’s Quick Column Quilt blog tour way back in September. I’m tempted to use the chandelier designs, I’ll keep you posted of my progress.
Karen Poole
10 years agoI think the chandelier stitching would look the best on that quil!
mary walenga
10 years agoDoes anyone know where I can get the dimensions for a table runner made up of difference size circles or donut shaped circles?
Belinda Germain
10 years agoThe Chandelier design would look best, it seems to line up with the patchwork design.
Ellen perry
10 years agoChandelier it would look great and different
Love it
Patty Hapel
10 years agoi love the Chandlier design. I think it will look great on your quilt!
Kathe pollard
10 years agoChandlier
10 years agoThe Chandelier would look awesome complimenting this Quilt!
Lynette Chang
10 years agoEither would look good, and I love the Chandelier design, but on this particular quilt I would prefer the stipple.
S Hanson
10 years agoI like the chandelier design for this quilt. I am interested in learning how to quilt with my embroidery machine!
Marcia Nation
10 years agoStipple. The chandler is beautiful but too busy for the sun kissed quilt.
10 years agoI think the Chandelier design would soften the lines of your sunkissed quilt and would look better.
10 years agoEven though the chandelier is a pretty pattern, I don’t think it is the best choice for this quilt. If you have to choose an all over design, the stipple is a better choice since it won’t compete with the strong verticle shapes.
Alice Cornelson
10 years agoI would go with a stipple since the blocks are irregular. Otherwise, I would go with the Chandelier. I love it!
Sandy D
10 years agoI think the stipple design would look best on your Sun kissed Quilt
tammy wright
10 years agostipple the shorter blocks and chandelier the longer ones. then you can show off both beautiful designs.
Gail Beam
10 years agoI prefer the chandelier design.
Casie Williams
10 years agoChandelier would be my preference. To bad that the designs aren’t set up for edge to edge quilting (start of design aligns with the end of previous design. No jump stitches and looks traditionally done.
10 years agoI like the stipple
Sharon B
10 years agoI prefer the stipple design.
Maxine Macal
10 years agoThe chandelier would look best on the Sun Kissed Quilt.
Denyse Rose
10 years agoThe Chandelier looks like it is spread out enough to give it an airy look and the Stipple looks like it is too crowded.
Barbara Bratt
10 years agoChandelier will look best
Diane Cockman
10 years agoI think the Chandler collection would look the best.
Kristi D.
10 years agoI make mostly queen and king size quilts. Love the stippling or maybe the Chandelier??????? Oh just do two so I could use both.
Helen Murtagh
10 years agoThe Chandelier design looks to be too wide for the blocks.Suggest stippling.
Bonnie Gray
10 years agoChandelier. What a cheerful quilt – makes you smile!
Donna Fecteau
10 years agoCould you chandelier in the middle and stipple around the edges? If not Chandelier would be my choice.
10 years agoDefinitely the Chandelier.
Gaila C
10 years agoI think the Chandelier would be awesome on this quilt!!!
Royce Zook
10 years agoStipple for sure.
10 years agoI personally would prefer the stipple design. The chandelier design would compete with the strong vertical lines in the SUN KISSED QUILT, at least for a lap or twin sized quilt.
10 years agoI think the chandelier designs will look great on that quilt.
Doree Shandera
10 years agoI would prefer the stipple design.
The ShortE looks exactly like what I have been wanting. When will you be in the Seattle area again so I can watch you do it in person?
10 years agoWow that looks Great!!!! I was just researching some machinery and found an upcoming auction for embroidery machinery. The prices are starting at $1… I can’t believe it!!! here is a link, if any of you are interested http://auctions.tigergroup.com/cgi-bin/mnlist.cgi?tigergrp134/category/ALL
Kim M. Harrington
10 years agoI would go to the chandelier designs and use a variegated thread.
susan dennis
10 years agoI’d do the chandelier and than the stipple on the borders. I’d like my embroidery used more for quilting
10 years agoThe chandelier, I think would be my first choice.
Kathy Schmidt
10 years agoHard choice but for this quilt I think the Stipple
Carole Steigerwalt
10 years agoI took your Craftsy class for the Hourglass design. Would you be able to use those designs on the Shorte? How do I find a dealer for the Shorte? I have the Ellisimo Gold machine. Thanks.
Beth R
10 years agoI think the Chandelier design would look best – but either one would look great!
LeAnne L
10 years agoIf I could only pick those two, I’d pick the chandelier design. I think that quilt calls for a separate design in each patch of fabric.
peggy johnson
10 years agoI think the chandelier design would be the best due to the nature of the blocks
10 years agoThey are both very nice, but if I had to choose, I would pick the
chandelier design. So pretty!
Barbara Brown
10 years agoI think the chandelier design would look very nice.
10 years agoI like the chandelier design. I think either would look nice.
10 years agoI think the stipple would look great.
Chris Lyon
10 years agoI prefer the chandelier design, but on this quilt I would use the stipple designs. The quilt itself has enough vertical movement. I think an all-over stipple would make a better balance to the final product.
10 years agoI think the stipple design would look the best. With the squares it would stand out more
Karen W
10 years agoI prefer the chandelier designs would look best on the quilt, as the straight edges need something that feels “round” to soften the overall angular look, whether you decide to stay within each block or travel thru from edge to edge. If you stay within the rectangles, you might use a more showy or variegated thread to make the stitching stand out. Of course with quilting, nothing is set in stone, but this is a general rule my quilt group likes to follow when we’re deciding on the quilting. The stippling would need to be enlarged unless you wanted to compress some areas, which would be another idea — combine the designs and an alternated “embossed” effect.
Karen W
10 years agoI prefer the chandelier designs & think they would look best on the quilt, as the straight edges need something that feels “round” to soften the overall angular look, whether you decide to stay within each block or travel thru from edge to edge. If you stay within the rectangles, you might use a more showy or variegated thread to make the stitching stand out. Of course with quilting, nothing is set in stone, but this is a general rule my quilt group likes to follow when we’re deciding on the quilting. The stippling would need to be enlarged unless you wanted to compress some areas, which would be another idea — combine the designs and an alternated “embossed” effect.
Suzie Suliman
10 years agoI really like the chandelier but in this instance the stipple fits the bill especially in the variegated thread.
judy wentz
10 years agoI really like the look of the Chandelier. And I love the quilt. Is the pattern still available from Nancy Zieman’s?
mary walenga
10 years agoI want to put some embroidery in picture frames. How do I finish the back of the frame?
Ruth Hampson
9 years agoI vote for the chandelier design. Love it!
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