2019 Block of the Month
By PJ Wong of PJ Designs
Join us for the 2019 quilt-along. You’ll master piecing and quilting in the hoop. Here’s how it will work. In each 2019 issue, you’ll find the instructions for three blocks. You can download the block designs and precut files every month on the first of the month. In addition to the downloadable designs, you’ll find a video illustrating how to create the block files in
My Block Piecer and My Quilt Embellisher. If you have the software programs, these videos will help you master creating and decorating your own blocks. If you don’t have the software, you can download the files, send them to your embroidery machine and stitch the blocks.
Finished size: 37” x 46”
Embroidery Products
Embroidery machine with a 200mm x 200mm sewing field
8” x 8” Snap Hoop Monster (for Baby Lock/Brother machines only) All others, use a standard hoop
No Show mesh cutaway stabilizer
Fabric glue stick
Embroidery bobbin
40 wt. polyester thread
#90/14 Quilting needle
Temporary Spray Adhesive
Plaid: ½ yd.
All Over Flowers & Scissors: 3/8 yd.
Grey Scissors: ½ yd.
All over Scissors Dots: 5/8 yd.
White Scissors: ½ yd.
Twenty-one 10” squares of a variety of fabrics
Backing: 2 1/3 yd.
All fabrics are available for purchase at www.MyFabricDesigns.com
Publishing Schedule
January/February 2019 – Blocks 1, 2 and 3
March/April 2019 – Blocks 4, 5 and 6
May/June 2019 – Blocks 7, 8 and 9
July/August 2019 – Blocks 10, 11 and 12
September/October 2019 – Piecing the Quilt
November/December 2019 – Quilting the Quilt
Do I have to have My Block Piecer software to participate?
No, all embroidery files will be provided to you at www.dzgns.com/blog
How will I quilt the blocks? Do I need to purchase quilting
No, all block quilting is provided in the digital files.
I have My Block Piecer software. Are there additional instructions for creating the blocks in the software?
Yes! You will find full-length videos for creating each block in My Block Piecer at www.dzgns.com/blog
Are quilting designs also created in My Block Piecer?
No, all of the quilting designs for the 2019 Quilt Along were digitized in My Quilt Embellisher. The instructions for digitizing those designs are included in the full-length videos for each block.
What size hoop do I need?
All files are provided in 200mm x 200mm in C2S, PES, EXP, DST, JEF and VP3.
Do I have to purchase Monster Block Maker to participate in the
No, you can use a standard hoop but you will have to fill a 200mm x 200mm hoop with No Show cut-away stabilizer for each block. Monster Block Maker economizes on stabilizer.
Can I purchase the fabric shown in the sample?
Yes, all fabrics are available at www.MyFabricDesigns.com
How do I cut my fabric patches?
Digital files (SVG and FCM) are provided for each block for digital cutting machines. PDF patterns are also provided to cut patches with a rotary cutter.
I’m new to piecing-in-the-hoop, can I handle this project?
Absolutely! You’ll find step-by-step instructions with images for each step of each block.
I’ve never quilted before; will my blocks turn out wonky?
The beauty of piecing-in-the-hoop is the digital files produce precise
patches and seams. Just follow the instructions and your blocks will be square and sharp.
This week, we’ll post the materials for the first three blocks. Make sure you subscribe to this blog so you’ll when each block is posted. You will be able to watch the videos and download all embroidery files. If you have My Block Piecer software, I encourage you to watch the videos and work through the steps to create your own embroidery files. You’ll be so familiar with the steps, you’ll be designing your own blocks in no time!
Beth Weigt
6 years agoHow do I sign up to get the blocks
Denise Holguin
6 years agoBeth,
We will have a link to download the files, beginning with Block 1. We are publishing Block 1, 2 and 3 in the next 3 days.
Thank you,
Maryann Williams
6 years agoLooking forward to this block quilt
Denise Holguin
6 years agoThank you, Maryann!
We are excited to present it to you and all our readers!
6 years ago[email protected]
Susan Greene
6 years agoI’m confused-do we need the magazines or just a subscription to the blog?
6 years ago AUTHORPlease subscribe to the blog to receive notice of when the blocks are posted.
6 years agoWhere is the link? Not on this site and I didn’t find it on your home page.
6 years ago AUTHORHi Pat,
Yesterday’s post was the introduction. We’ll posting all materials over the next 3 days. Please subscribe to the blog to receive notification.
6 years agoI am subscribered. Still nothing coming.
Kayla Gilchrist
6 years agoHello Pat!
We will be posting blocks 2 and 3 this week! Hang tight!
6 years agoWasn’t there a starter file out on last Saturday?
Mary Ann
6 years agoSame question as Susan.. do we need the magazine?
6 years agoWHERE do we find the patterns????
6 years ago AUTHORYesterday’s post was the introduction. We’ll posting all materials over the next 3 days. Please subscribe to the blog to receive notification.
6 years agoBeth;
I have an 8×8 all fabric hoop with my Pfaff, will that work with your files?
6 years ago AUTHORYes, Cathy, your 8×8 Pfaff hoop will work.
Melissa Szarszewski
6 years agoI can’t find the bom designs on the site. Please tell me where to get them to download the files. Thanks
6 years agome either!!!
Denise Holguin
6 years agoSaturday’s post was the Intro to the Series. We have just published Block 1. Look for Block 2 and Block 3 in the coming days.
Denise Holguin
6 years agohave rec thought sure I was signed up~~
Nancy Leech
6 years agoIs this a free program?
6 years ago AUTHORYes, this is a free program to magazine and blog readers. Subscribe to the blog and you’ll be notified when the blocks are posted this week.
6 years agoSame question(s) as others: Is it FREE; Where is the Link; Will it work with the Bernina 770 Mega Hoop????
Thank you
Karen Poole
6 years ago[email protected]
Sylvia M Erspamer
6 years agoI cannot find two of the fabrics (All over flowers and scissors and All over scissors and dots) on My Fabric Designs and the two I did find grey scissors and white scissors) do not sell in yardage less than a full yard.
6 years agoIf you search “scissors” on My Fabric Designs” all of the listed fabrics will pop up. The fabrics aren’t labeled “all over flowers” and “all over dots”, but it is obvious from the design and designer’s name that these are the intended fabrics.
Susan Wallick
6 years agoAre these block patterns in the magazine or online. I do not have a subscription to the magazine any longer.
6 years agoI am anxious to start this project.
Mary Cloninger
6 years agoWill the cutting list be included?
Susan Greene
6 years agoThe Intro above says there will be a pdf file with instructions for cutting using a rotary cutter. However, this does not seem to be the case for blocks 1 & 2. Am I missing something? Also, what is fabric #1? There is no instruction for placing it – does it go on the back before the quilting steps?
4 years agoAm going to try blocks of Celebration quilt soon. Read instructions in Designs for block 1 & watched videos but need to know when & how the back fabric is added before embroidery? Thank you.
6 years agoI would like the size of pieces of fabric for the appliques if we’re NOT using a cutting machine.
Linda Wolka
5 years agoPer the above introduction,
How do I cut my fabric patches?
Digital files (SVG and FCM) are provided for each block for digital cutting machines. PDF patterns are also provided to cut patches with a rotary cutter.
I have not been able to locate any PDF patterns except for the PDF yardage requirement for each fabric with miniatures of the patches to be cut from each fabric. Please provide the information to locate the full size PDF patterns for each block.