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My Quilt Planner

My Quilt Planner software program is the easiest way to figure out how to quilt your quilt! Just tell the software the dimensions of your quilt and My Quilt Planner does the rest. It fits the quilting designs to your hoop and multiplies them across the quilt – absolutely no math required!  Click here to view the simple steps.  Visit your local DIME Inspiration dealer to see a live demo.


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  • Dottie K

    Saw Donna today at our local store. She’s great. The second time she has visited. Great gal and class.

  • Kate

    that’s it?????

  • Delores Angus

    I have a Janome 11000 SE with it’s latest upgrade. Would I be able to use your software? Thank you, Eileen. I have been following your work for years and have learned so much from you.

  • Shirley

    Where can we get this software?
    Thank you

  • Nancy Stansbury

    That is a straight set. Can it do custom sets or quilts that have different size blocks within the quilt?