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The Value of Hooping Correctly

Our friends at Baby Lock have excellent advice for achieving beautiful embroidery on any machine.  As guest bloggers this week, they point out the necessary steps to take get professional results on your embroidery machine. Plus, they have a VERY generous giveaway this week!  Read on for details…


The Value of Hooping Correctly

Hooping has a huge effect on your embroidery quality. Because of improper hooping, it may look like you were using poorly digitized designs. Fortunately, that is not always the case!

To help you avoid painful outcomes. Here are a few tips:

  1. Launder the fabric you’re going to embroider on. Use the same laundry settings and detergents that you would use on an everyday basis for that item.
  2. Stabilize properly to prevent the fabric from puckering. Use water soluble topping to stop stitches from sinking into fabrics-with a high nap such as towels.
  3. Always use embroidery supplies purchased from a reputable source. Because of their quality, sewing threads for example, are not good for embroidery. Using quality embroidery supplies will keep your embroidery machine happy and healthy for many years!
  4. Change the needle with every new project you start. Because of a bad needle, your machine may miss stitches resulting in a poorly stitched design.

  5. Don’t gamble. Do a test stitch out of the design with exactly the same materials (threads, stabilizers and fabric) you plan on using on the final project. This will help you see if you made good choices with the selection of stabilizers and threads. If possible, use the same thread colors to make sure all of the colors work well together.


“In the Hoop” Embroidery – What It Is & When to Use

This term relates to placing the fabric in the hoop for stabilizing during embroidery. “In the hoop” embroidery is usually used whenever you will have little to no problem hooping the fabric. To summarize – if your item is large enough to be hooped, the fabric is not too heavy and the hoop won’t damage the fabric, it is usually easier and better to hoop.


“Floating the Fabric” Embroidery – What It Is & When to Use

This term relates to cases when you hoop only the embroidery stabilizer. The main material you want to embroider on is not hooped, but is floated over the hooped backing. Sometimes this can be achieved using temporary spray adhesive or a sticky backed stabilizer. But the result is always the same. The backing is carefully hooped, and the fabric is secured over it.

This method works well for several different fabrics:

  • Small items that cannot be hooped such as collars, cuffs, kids clothes, bags, mug mats, or any other hard to hoop items.
  • Bulky fabrics such as polar fleece, bath towels, fur etc.

Materials that can be damaged or stretched if hooped – like corduroy, velvet, knits, paper, leather or slippery fabrics. Hooping these materials could bruise the fabric leaving a hoop burn on the fabrics.

Here’s your assignment this week:

Baby Lock

If you could have any Baby Lock machine, which one would you want to own? Post your comments for a chance to win a very generous prize courtesy of Baby Lock! One random winner will be chosen to win The Embroidery Essentials Kit, a $385 value!


The winner of last week’s assignment is:

We so enjoy sharing our love for embroidery with you! What things have you done to get your children, grandchildren and/or friends interested in embroidery projects. It’s always fun to stitch with a friend or family member. One comment will be chosen to win a $25 gift certificate to use online at the Designs in Machine Embroidery website. Thanks and good luck!

DIME Gift Certificate

The winner is… Julia B.  “My grandchildren love the pillowcases for every season and interest with something embroidered on them. Also I just embroidered a mans diaper bag for my son. Has a lion on it as he’s the protector of his pack and I put the word Daddy on it. It included inside embroidered baby blanket, bibs, burp cloth and more. His 2 sons are 6 & 8 so their sort of starting over with this new baby in May.”

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  • n barry

    I would love to own a higher end quilting machine! Thanks for the info oh proper hooping… IT was helpful! 🙂

    • Barbara

      Would love to upgrade from my non-Baby-Lok machine. Would also like to try a serger.

      • Jan

        My husband bought me a combination birthday and Mothers Day gift of the Babylock Ellisimo Gold II. I’m in heaven. I can’t imagine what this machine can do. It is so user friendly and it came with everything I could possibly need and use. The only reason I go out of my sewing room now is for necessities & classes.
        The store He purchased it from. Is”The Sew Studio” in Maitland, Fl. Oh, did I tell you, I have unlimited free lessons. I can’t begin to tell you how knowledgable the instructors are. I love working with Lyn.
        I had a non Babylock top of the line (in its time) it cost a fortune just to purchase options that didn’t come with the machine, not to mention the cost of the machine. I wish I would have checked into Babylock long ago. I definitely would buy a Babylock serger.
        Good Luck shopping for your new Babylock!,,,

    • Sandra Schutz

      I would love a new serger. The Ovation would be wonderful, but would gladly be happy with the Lauren.

    • Melissa B

      The next Baby Lock machine I would love to have is the Tiara, for quilting or to upgrade my Evolution serger to the Ovation. As a proud owner of Baby Lock machines, that would be my only choices.

    • Paulette Kellerher

      I would love to get the Ovation Serger.

      • Darlene Pino

        My first serger is the ovation, and it is awesome! so easy to use.

    • Judy

      Would love the Ovation serger as my Evolve is ready to be replaced. Also, an Ellissimo Gold would be a great addition to my sewing studio! I have not used the Bacy Lock sewing machines, just the sergers.

    • Jennifer Berry

      Would love to have Ellisimo Gold 2! Thanks for the tips!

    • SpencersDd

      I love all of the Baby Lock products! I purchased the Evolution Serger last year and am still learning the marvelous things this great machine will do. I would love to have the Ellismo Gold Sewing and Embroidery Machine. I enjoy making and embroidering items to give as gifts. Everyone seems to love seeing their name or initials. Thank you so much for the wonderful products, fabulous personnel and company with a heart for it’s customers.

    • Linda Stemler

      I just purchased a new Babylock Tiara II sit down quilting machine and have completed my very first self-quilted quilt. I was very pleased with the results. It’s not a long arm, but it was affordable and fits the bill. If I could have another Babylock machine, I would go for a serger – haven’t ventured into that area yet and would be willing to try.

  • Valerie Gwara

    Of course I’d like the Ellisimo Gold 2. It has soooo many features.
    I sew for my family and don’t need (yet!) a multi needle machine. I also make a lot of garments.
    This machine seems be the best for both sewing and embroidery.

  • Tracy Payne

    I would love the Baby Lock Ellisimo Gold II. I love the precision screen, and its capabilities seem endless .

  • Nancy Eidsmoe

    Elissimo Gold, or Enterprise. I’d love to get a business going, and I’d also love a great embroidery/sewing combo. I love my serger, and think Baby Lock rocks. I’m ready to move up from my Duetta, which has the worst auto threader ever.

    • Karen

      Get rid of the Duetta….biggest mistake I ever made! It’s needle threader never worked, the thread cutter never worked and the poor thing needed the walking foot to do most of the sewing I tried to do. I just bought a 10 needle Enterprise….today! I have been saving for this machine for ten years….first lesson tomorrow. I saw the Elissimo Gold demonstrated and think it blows the Duetta out of the water.

  • Darlene Gerber

    Babylock Ellisamo

  • Beth

    I recently upgraded my Baby Lock Ellageo to the Baby Lock Ellisimo. I am amazed at all the bells & whistles on my new machine. I am taking classes from the dealer to learn what I can. I loved my Ellageo but I think I’m going to be over the top with my Ellisimo!

  • Nancy Carr

    I’d love to have the Ellisimo Gold 2. I’m ready ready for an upgrade.

  • Nita Carr

    Well, I purchased an Ellegante 3 alittle over a year ago and have fallen in love with it and the with idea of owning a 6 needle now !!! So –I would love any multi needle machine that Baby Lock sells. I also own a Baby Lock seger and it is a work horse that I cannot live with out. So I am happy with my Baby Lock purchases so far–but the multi needle is in the future.

  • Pamela Black

    I love the Ellisimo Gold 2. As it has everything, from Embroidery to Decorative stitches, to just sewing seams. I have made many things on mine. When I bought mine 4 years ago the sales clerk told me to take it home try it and see what I thought. It is very easy to learn the different steps. And with the help of Sewing with Nancy and You, Eileen I have grown. So A Big Thank you to both for sharing your knowledge.

  • Terri Willner

    Dreaming big, I’d want the 10 needle Enterprise. I’m ready to move on to multiple needle embroidery soon.

  • Sandy

    I’d LOVE love LOVE the Baby Lock 10 needle!

  • Patsy Thibodeau

    I would love the Ellisimo Gold 2.

  • Joyce Dobbyn

    I would love to have the Babylock multi-needle machine, a new Babylock Imagine serger and for my daughter a new Babylock embroidery machine.

  • Genness Addenbrook

    I attended a Stitching Sister Workshop this past week & I used a Babylock Elissimo 2 for the first time. What a wonderful machine:)

  • Libby

    Would love to own either the Ellisimo gold ll or the new serger. Live babylock products.

  • Lisa

    Hands down, I would like the Enterprise! I’ve had my eyes on an upgrade for some time now.

  • Julie K

    I recently broke down and bought my ‘wish I could have machine’…. the Ellisimo Gold II. So far I’ve taken it out of the box but haven’t plugged it in or started it up – yet! I’m counting down to the weekend when I can start breaking it in!

  • Catherine Miller

    I love my Babylock Ellure, but if I had the money I’d choose either the Ellisimon Gold 2 or the Endurance 2. Dream.

  • Sherri Hoy

    I taken a few classes, but it’s always nice to have the refresher on how to correctly hoop your projects. Thank you!

  • Lisa Krupa

    I love my Baby Lock Ellageo but a 10 needle would be just fabulous!

  • Carol Seavitt

    Babylock Evolution. I would love the auto threaders.

  • Pam Ziny

    I love my Ellegante. I would love to have a brand-new Babylock serger like the Ovation. I love to sew and Babylock makes the best sewing machines.

  • Ginger Sheppard

    I own the Ellisimo and the Evolution and love them both! They are the best machines that I have ever owned! Never will return to any other kind of machines again! I would like to own the Enterprise for embroidering and the Crown Jewel or the Tiara for finishing the quilting! Excellent tips!

  • Laura

    Babylock Ellisimo Gold…. But since I have that one. I really want the Ovation serger!

  • Karen K.

    I would love to own the Unity. I have 3 Baby Lock machines now, I just love Baby Lock.

  • Roberta

    I would love to own one of BabyLocks long arm quilting machines.

  • brenda fish

    I would love to upgrade to the Enterprise. I would also love the cover stitch machine as my old industrial serger does not have this feature. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  • Betty Woerner

    The Babylock Ellisimo Gold 2 for the larger embroidery field and the amazing array of decorative stitches.

  • Robyn

    A Babylock multineedle would be great!

  • Donna N.

    Ellisimo Gold 2. We are dreaming right?

  • Theresa Hayes

    I have an Ellisimo and love it. Would love to have a 10 needle. Thanks

  • Linda Murphy

    Dreaming BIG… The 10 needle Enterprise would be my choice. After attending a 2 day event with the Stitching Sisters, that would be my pick! Of course even if I hadn’t seen them, I still would have picked that one!

  • Jennifer P

    Ellisimo Gold appears to be the machine to get. It looks very nice.

  • Marcia Siluch

    All my machines are Baby Lock, would love to upgrade my Ellegante2 to the Enterprise. Love, love love the stitch quality of the 10 needle machine.

  • Sally Red

    The Ellisimo Gold would be my dream machine. Thinking that be a domestic diva could take on a whole new meaning! OOOOOOH! Thank you for the chance to win it!

  • Janice Humphries

    I recently bought a used Babylock Ellageo and I am in love with it… would be nice to have a newer model that has even larger hooping area and doesn’t need a floppy disk for me to move patterns…..but I can only afford what in have currently……I owned a brother pe770 before this machine and am now in love with Babylock!!!

  • Lela Abate

    Endurance 2 – When my daughter asks me if I can make something she saw, I won’t have to say “No I only have a 5×7 sewing field. But maybe one day”

  • Fran

    The Tiara would be the machine of my dreams!

  • chanda jones

    I love the features on the ellisimo gold 2 I keep watching the videos and dreaming of having in my craft room.

  • Connie Kessler

    Ellisimo gold of course. Just the best

  • Barbara Miget

    Ellismo Gold II

  • Cathy Van Daalwyk

    I love my Ellismo Gold if i could pick any machine it would be the ten threader. Oh what fun my sisters and I could have!

  • Patricia

    Ellisimo Gold would be my machine. I could sew up a storm!!!

  • Leora B

    I have the Crown Jewel or the Enterprise (10 needle on my wish list.. they have such great products.

  • Sylvia Kidwell

    I recommend using a piece of rubber griping mat ( under rug mat or kitchen drawer grip mat )under the hoop, this prevents hoop from slipping while hooping.
    I Love, Love, Love my Ellageo Plus, Baby Lock!

  • Evelyn Barnes

    I would love the ellismo gold 2! Love the larger framesand allthe other new applications that I do not currently have on my old ellagqnte.

  • Paula Peraino

    Have loved my Baby Lock Evolve and would love have the new Ovation serger. Thanks for this info on proper hooping – it was great.

  • Ronda Halvorsen-Ferns

    I would love the privilege of an Enterprise machine, I had the opportunity at the Stichin Sisters event to use one and could double my productivity having one machine (a Babylock of course) dedicated to embroidery!

  • Peggy Finney

    I would love yo own the biggest and best Babylock machine.

  • Florence Daly

    I have been going to embroidery seminars and have us the Ellisimo Gold II. I really like it.

  • Marta Tapanes

    I just got the Spirit in December and love, love, love it. But, now I am wishing I had an even larger embroidery field. I would want the Ellisimo Gold II because it has an 8″ wide field whereas my Spirit can only go 7″ wide. It is making a difference In The finished sizes of my quilt squares… Sigh

  • Dee

    Oh – a 10 needle Enterprise – nothing like a multi needle for embroidering – also some hooping issues are resolved with a multi needle machine!

  • Deborah K.

    The Ellisimo Gold II is on my wish list!!!

  • Jean Workman

    Would love to have the Enterprise. I am new to machine embroidery, but I am hooked!

  • Susan Slovinsky

    My dream machine would be the Ellisimo Gold 2 but I could be perfectly happy with the Unity too. 🙂

  • Jo Anne Watson

    I have two friends that own the Ellisimo Gold Machine. If I could have my dream machine, it would be the Ellisimo Gold II. The needle threader is fabulous, and the needle beam and cam look amazing. One day I’ll own a

  • Adrian Deanhardt

    I like to read the blogs about embroidery. You can always learn something new. I have a baby lock evolve serger and I love it. I would like the newer ovation because of the larger work space.

  • Shannon Fitzner

    I would love to have the Ellisimo Gold II or even the Enterprise. But I would really like to have the Crown Jewel. I love my babylock.

  • Paula

    I have the Babylock Endurance and love it! But if there is one out there that has other or better feature’s I would love to own it. Thanks for the great hooping tips.

    • Paula Smeltz

      I have the Babylock Endurance and love it! But if there is one out there that has other or better feature’s I would love to own it. Thanks for the great hooping tips.

  • Debra Kay Neiman

    I am going for broke…The Crown Jewel longarm machine from Baby Lock. So want a Longarm machine. But I also would love the Baby Lock Ellisimo Gold II embroidery and sewing machine. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  • Donna F

    I would love to own a Tiara long arm machine. Or an Ovation serger. I have an awesome sewing/embroidery machine already.

  • Jeannie dougherty

    I would love to upgrade to Ellisimio Gold 2. I haven’t done much sewing or embroidery for many years. Now that I have a new 18 month year old granddaughter,I haven’t been able to stop doing either activities. It doesn’t hurt that I can no longer work as a nurse. I have so much more time available to improve my skills.

  • Jackie Kemper

    I already have your serger. I wouldn’t traipse it for the world . If I could choose to have another machine it would be the 10 spool embroidery or thr Tiara. I don’t have a lot if space and it would be perfect. I have done several test runs and it is awesome….

  • Joyce Caruthers

    I would love to have the Baby lock top of the line!I would like another single machine also.

  • Bonnie Abbott

    I have the Ellisimo Gold Nancy Zeiman edition so now it would be nice to get the New Ellisimo Gold 2 or at least the update for my machine.. These machines are just great.
    If I had the chance to get a new machine I would also love to have the Endurance 2

  • Kate

    I would love to have the Evolution!

  • Becky Winborne

    would love to have the Ellisimo Gold 2. I have a machine with a small hoop now. But would so love to have the Ellisimo Gold 2. I have heart problems and have had to quit working so now need to start selling my projects.

  • Janet

    I have the Evolution and love it…could upgrade to the Ovation, but instead would choose the Ellisimo Gold 2. That would be most awesome! Happy sewing to all…for the love!

  • Donna jenkins

    I would love to have the new ellisamoe gold, I used my friends and was in seventh heave. I already have two baby lock sewing machines and two servers but more is better

  • Kathy Elamon

    I’d love to have the Ellisimo Gold! Second choice would be a great serger.

  • Sherrie Lilly

    The Babylock Ellissimo Gold II is the machine that I have drooled over for the past 3 years. I finally realized my dream this past November and purchased my dream machine. This machine was added in addition to my Janome MC11000. Now I can have 2 machines going at once. Yeh!

  • Jean Lowenberger

    The Enterprise would be my choice of machines….looks like a challenge, would Love a challenge!

  • Liz Renner

    Ellisimo Gold, of course!

  • Rosmari Wall

    Ellisimo Gold 2 please!

  • Elaine Gilfilen

    I would love an Ellisimo Gold 2 or a multi needle machine

  • dawn davidson

    I would love to own the Ellis simp ! I have seen it in DME and LOVE the projects it can do. I am limited in size that Ican do. The Ellis simp seems endless in its possibilites. It is a dream machine.

  • Vicki Heim

    I so love my Ellisimo Gold. I would like a Babylock serger. Their new sergers are capable of doing so many wonderful new things. Much more than my old serger. I think the combination of my Ellisimo and a new serger would bring on many wonderful projects. Thank you Eileen and Babylock for all you give to us sewing maniacs. Thanks

  • Cathy Plomos

    I’d love to have the Ellisimo Gold 2. Of course I would take any new machine if you want to give me one! LOL.

  • Lynn Poulin

    Babylock Ellisimo Gold!

  • valerie csmith

    I know that I could dream of owning all kinds of different/better/larger machines BUT you know what I have found it best to just be content with the machine that I have. It does so much more than my regular sewing machine and I have been having fun just doing the smaller projects.

  • Miriam

    Thank you for “The Value of Hooping Correctly”. I would love to have the Ellisimo Gold 2. It would be a big step up for me and I’m sure I would enjoy it.

  • Enis

    I would go for the Crown Jewel Quilter. I would so love to take my quilting to the next level and I think this machine would do just the trick!

  • Terrie Pagel

    I would LOVE the Enterprise! I currently have a Janome MB-4 and although I like the machine a lot, I am always wishing I had more needles and a true cap frame. Life would be SO much easier with the Enterprise, if only my budget had room for one.

  • sue

    Like most everyone that’s posted, I too would love the Baby Lock Ellisimo Gold! 🙂

  • Annette Wright

    I have machines from many different brands, my Pfaff sewing machine, my Brother embroidery/sewing machine, my Babylock Enlighten serger. I would love to own a Babylock Coverstitch machine. I think that would be a fun one. What a happy sewing room I’d have.

  • Bobbie Fesler

    I would love to own the Ellisimo Gold II. I’ve seen it demonstrated, and it is a fantastic, dream machine!

  • Pamela W.

    I would love to upgrade my embroidery machine and the Ellisimo Gold II would be my choice.

  • Priscilla Frappier

    Actually, I don’t want the Ellisimo Gold. I want the embroidery only machine (can’t remember the name). It would go next to my Tiara and my Quilter’s Choice.

  • Francine Williams

    I would love to own the Ellisimo Gold 2

  • Carol fanning

    I would love the Babylock Ellisimo Gold or the 10 needle machine. I have the Babylock serger and love the products from Babylock.

  • Mary birenbaum

    My wish would be an Ellisimo Gold. Then I would have a REAL machine.

  • Carol Floyd

    I already have a Baby Lock Esante sewing/embroidery machine, which I have loved for several years. I would love to have the Crown Jewel long arm quilter or an Ovation serger.

  • Joyce Adams

    I want to upgrade from my Ellegante to the Ellisimo Gold II

  • Susan Shapiro

    My dream is to own the Ellisimo sewing and embroidery machine.

  • Marsha H

    I love my Babylock machines. I would love to own the Tiara and eyeing the Ellisimo Gold 2.

  • Klaziena

    After been very ill and lost of that my job, I start sewing again.
    Machine embroidery is the only thing my body accepts to do for not too long behind the machine. Last year God gave us a wonder by a grandson. Now I make all kind of things for him…

    Seen the Ellisimo Gold on a YouTube site: how wonderfull that must be to work on/with.
    I think it is great to work on, but am also proud with my 4×4 machine.
    My next project wil be a Quilted playground for our little mirakel..

  • kc

    Oh gosh, my ONE favorite? Not sure if I can come up with just one…I’d love to have either a Crown Jewel or a 10-needle embroidery machine! I’ve owned an Elageo, an Ellegante and finally saved up enough to get my Ellisimo Gold II…and I’ve loved ’em all!

    I appreciate you sharing all these tips – I can always count on you to teach me something new!

  • Cathy

    Elissimo Gold, or Enterprise, as they both have large hoops, and lots of options.

  • Christina Lynch

    I’m looking into a serger and any Baby Lock serger would be nice. The Ovation is a nice machine and I would be happy with it in my sewing room.

  • Leslie Oliver

    I already have a Baby Lock Evolution, just need the Ellisimo Gold 2 to keep it company.

  • Barbara Rowlan Wong

    I’ve loved my Babylock Ellegante for years now and while it still embroiders and sews like a dream, my greatest wish would be the Enterprise. If you’re gonna dream, dream big is my motto.

    I’m sure my Babylock serger and Ellegante would enjoy having their big brother to keep them company in the sewing room!

  • Kathy Meyer

    Babylock Ellisimo Gold is on my radar! Used one at a class and loved how easy it is to use,

  • Lynn Hursey

    I would love to upgrade to the Elissimo Gold. Looks like a WONDERFUL machine.

  • Brenda Grern

    I would love to have a serger and learn to sew with knit fabric.

  • Sheryl Matthews

    I would love to have the Enterprise.

  • Cassandra Hammond

    I would love to upgrade to a ten needle embroidery machine.

  • Sue Johnson

    I own an ellisimo and would love to upgrade to a machine with a larger colored screen

  • Sandra Davis

    I’d love, love, LOVE to have a Babylock 6 or 10 needle. A girl has got to dream!

  • Judy Brennan

    I would LOVE the 10 needle!!!!

  • Debby Gallagher

    I have an Ellisimo and an Evolve and I love them. My dream. Is to own a 6 or 10 needle machine, so I could support myself.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  • Petra White

    I have to pick only one? That would be tough, as I my heart has been longing for the embroidery monster that is the Enterprise 10 needle machine, but my more practical head would love to wrap itself around the Ellisimo Gold 2. Decisions, decisions!

  • Barbara McKenzie

    Either the Ellisimo Gold or the Ovation serger….I’m not greedy at all…. 🙂

  • Paula Lund

    I have a Ellegante and would love to go Ellisimo.

  • Lynette

    I would love an Ellisimo Gold 2. To be able to place a design where you want it without having to do a lot of marking would save a lot of time and also to be able to size at the machine would be great.

  • Sandra Fidler

    I would love to have a 10 needle. I have an Ellageo and love it, but would love to do larger projects than I can with it.

  • Dianne Sanchez

    I would really like the the Elllisimo.

  • Marlene Schurhammer

    Would love the ellisimo. Actually any machine that embroiders bigger than a 4×4. Thank you for the article on the value of hooping correctly. Very informational.

  • Beverley Moore

    i really love my Baby Lock Imagine Serger & have talked several friends into buying one too. After bad luck with Elna I can’t be happier although I wouldn’t mind trading up to the newest model. I have a Janome MC11000 that does all my embroidery.

  • Chris

    I have 2 Babylock machines and I would love to have the Ovation!

  • Brigitte Davis Cowan

    I’d absolutely LOVE to have the 10 needle machine. Oh the things I could do with that machine. Makes me happy to even think about it, lol.

    • Carolyn

      I would love to own the ovation serger so when I sit down to sew I can be sure it’s going to sew and not have to hope and pray it will.

    • Carolyn

      I would love to own the ovation serger so when I sit down to sew I can be sure it’s going to sew and not have to hope and pray it will.

    • Carolyn

      I would love to own the ovation serger so when I sit down to sew I can be sure it’s going to sew and not have to hope and pray it will.

    • Carolyn

      I would love to own the ovation serger so when I sit down to sew I can be sure it’s going to sew and not have to hope and pray it will.

  • Rhonda Kimbrough

    I would love to own a Baby Lock Serger that’s my dream!.

  • Valerie Jennings

    I just bought the Baby Lock Ellisimo Gold and love it. My next new machine will be the Baby Lock Serger. Thanks for the hooping tips.

  • Linda

    Of course, I would choose my Baby Lock Ellegante.

  • lefloch

    I would love a server. So many projets require one for perfect results….

  • Elizabeth Tornblom

    I’m pretty happy with my current sewing and embroidery machines, but I’ve got my eye on the Evolution serger.

  • Eileen Bulger

    I dream of owning the cover stitch. Love my Imagine!

  • Lynn Hodges

    I would love the Ellisimo Gold 2 because of the embroidery field, and it has so many other features that are so cool

  • Sarah McKinney

    I would love the Baby Lock Ellisimo Gold 2. I like the features that is has. I have a Brother 2500D.

  • julie boyack

    I would LOVE to own a Tiara. I just learned to quilt and as it turns out, I am completely enjoying free motion. Actually, I am more like… adicted to it…I just wish I had a bigger machine to work with. My arms feel like rubber bands by the end of a day pushing and pulling the quilts through my current machines. I have an Ellisimo that I have upgraded to a gold and love to piece and embroider on it! Babylock rocks!

  • Patti

    The Tiara is next on my list of Baby Lock machines. So many features that would be great in my small sewing/quilting area! My first machine was the Evolve, followed by my Elissimo Gold. The Tiara will be next, then the Embellisher, then the Enterprise. Whatever I want to create, Baby Lock has a machine for that! 😉

  • Teresa Simon

    I would love to own the Ellisimo 2 gold!

  • Nancy

    I would love to upgrade to the Ellisimo Gold II. I LOVE my Ovation serger — just need to learn to do more on it. Actually I love any and all Baby Lock machines I have owned or own. Thanks for the hooping tips.

  • Pat Bollman

    I would love the Ellisimo Gold 2

  • Charlotte Silber

    Oh my gosh, I would love the Ellisimo Gold. I would even enjoy the second place package. It is all good. I do a lot of embroidery on an older embroidery machine. The Ellisimo would be a dream machine.
    Thank you.

  • Brenda Sutton

    I would like to add the Baby Lock Ellisimo Gold II. I have 2 other Babylocks but would love to add this one. Thanks for the giveaway.

  • Barbara

    I would love to own the Baby Lock Crown Jewel, but would still be thrilled to have the Tiara. I’m really interested in long arm quilting and need to start with baby steps! Thanks for all the valuable tips you provide, including hooping correctly.

  • Sherry Peterson

    I Would love to have a quilting machine or a newer embroidery machine. I loved your article on hooping, it was very informative and helpful.

  • Pam Dunbar

    I would love to have the Ellisimo Gold II. I had the privilege to play with the Ellisimo at the Stitching Sisters workshop and loved it. Thanks for all the helpful tips.

  • Virginia Frazier

    I would love a Babylock 5 thread serger with the cover stitch. I love the threading concept. The Babylock serger is my someday dream machine. I have an older serger a 4 thread and threading the loopers is terrible. I love your tutorial on hooping/ thank you so much for the fabulous hints.

  • Jebbie Austin

    I covet the Ellisimo Gold. My dream is to have one by the time I retire and sew every day for my grandchildren.

  • Alisha S.

    I would love the Enterprise because I would be able to do volunteer embroidery for our town’s hockey and ice skating teams.

  • Brenda Matlock

    I would love to have one of the 10 needle Baby Lock embroidery machines or one of the quilting machines.

  • Karen

    I would love the Ellisimo Gold II….but who wouldn’t! ha ha I have two other Babylock machines and this would be the perfect addition to my sewing creations. You all are so supportive and creative I spend so much time reading your tips and trying many of your projects….keep up the good work!

  • Paula Bodden

    I would love the Enterprise. I hate changing the thread. Plus I could do more projects in less time.

  • Linda McKay

    Thanks so much for the article, there’s always something new to learn about hooping as stabilizers and thread and hoops evolve, it’s an ever changing thing. If I could choose any BabyLock machine I would love to have the Long Arm Quilter, there would certainly be a learning curve but I’m up for the challenge!

  • Brenda Matlock

    I would love to have one of the Baby Lock 10 needle embroidery machines or one of the quilting machines. Thank you for the information on hooping!

  • Karen Moore

    I would like any of the machines, as long as they have a cap hoop, I currently do 250 hits a year for my sons business with out a cap hoop. A cap hoop would make my life great.

  • Cindy

    Ellisimo Gold, no question, been drooling over that one for quite a while now!

  • Paulette Kellerher

    I would love to have an Ovation serger. Babylock sergers are the best!

  • Lynette Oliver

    I would LOVE to own the BabyLock Ellisimo Gold 2. It has a large embroidery area, the ability to create your own designs and lots of fonts. With all the decorative stitches and the ability to sew as well as embroidery, who wouldn’t want to be the proud owner of this beauty. I would never get any sleep because I’d be sewing and embroidering to use up my large fabric stash.

  • BJMarley

    If I could have any machine, I would choose the Enterprise.

  • Heidi

    I am wanting to replace my old serger that was lost when our home flooded in 2007 (don’t tell my hubby, but I was never happy with the old one, can’t even remember what brand it was-always threading issues) open for suggestions for a new one?

  • Carolyn morgan

    I would love the BabyLock Ovation Serger. I saw it demonstrated and it was awesome. I have a very basic Simplicity serger from WalMart and would love to expand my creativity.

  • Karen Blancher

    Thank you for all the tips on hooping.

  • Suz

    I would love to own the Ellisimo Gold 2 or the Unity Sewing/Embroidery machines. The technology available in these 2 machines is incredible and definitely appeals to a techie like me:)

  • Kathy A

    My heart yearns for the Baby lock Elissimo gold 2. At 68 years of age, I hope I’m not running out of time:)

  • Connie W

    I would go for the Crown Jewel or the Enterprise. I currently own the Ellisimo, Evolution and Enlighten and I use these machines daily. I absolutely love my Babylock machines.

  • WyoDi

    The Enterprise – beam me up Scotty – that machine looks like it is out there! Wouldn’t mind an Ellisimo Gold 2 either!

  • Cathy Dwiggins

    The Enterprise. I’ve never owned anything other than a single needle. Love to feel how it is to be a proud owner.

  • Carla Wilson

    Ellisimo Gold or a Unity would be great.. my dream machines

  • Donna Burton

    I have a BMP9 but would love to upgrade to the 10 needle.

  • LeAnne L

    I would love a stand-along embroidery machine like the Endurance 2 or Enterprise. Since I never do anything but embroider with my embroidery machine, I have no idea why I didn’t think of getting one the last time I upgraded.

  • Roxanne Wheeler

    Enterprise would be awesome…and I could start a business, with professional results.

  • Catherine

    I’m very new to machine embroidery and love this blog. As for a Baby-Lock machine – I would go for the best! The Endurance 2

  • pat seeley

    I would love to have a new allorgio as I have had 3 baby lock macines and I just love them I have no trouble with any of mine they r just perfecty machines they r so easy to use.

  • Lorie

    I absolutely positively love my Babylock hands down.

  • Barbie Swope

    I have been wishing for a way to support myself and I could do it with the Enterprise!!

  • Jana Leonard

    I would love the Ellisimo Gold 2! I am addicted to machine embroidery!

  • Deborah Snyder

    I would love to have a new serger that is self threading. I have trouble seeing thread and needle holes, and this would be a great help. I would no longer have to wait for my husband to do it for me.

  • Susan Novak

    I have the Ovation and LOVE it. I’ve never embroidered on a Baby Lock so would love to own one with the laser. If I jumped in big, it would be the Ellisimo Gold II.

  • Kathy McDonald

    I would like to upgrade from my Esante machine to the Enterprise so I can do more embroidery when I retire.

  • Nancy De Pas

    The Ellisamo Gold thats a dream machine. I would love to have one but retirement income will not allow that luxury.

  • Kim H

    Got to have this set and Thank You for the tips!

  • Nancy Newman

    I would love to upgrade from the disaster I now own. Even thou it’s a top of the line name brand.
    I want a Baby Lock soooooooo bad.

  • Jane Graber

    I have Sofia and would love to upgrade to a larger hoop.

  • Mary Lou Pegg

    I have an Ellisimo Gold and I have the upgrade…love my machine….BUT I would love the Ovation!!!

  • Beth R

    I would go for an Endurance II, to (as the description says) ‘take my embroidery to the next level’!

  • Tracy Jones

    I would love an Enterprise so it could help me with starting a home-based business. My current machine is limited in design size and is not going to be able to keep up with what I hope the demand will be.

  • Linda Foulks

    I would love to update my Babylock BMP9 (6 needle) to the 10 needle. That’s so much for the hooping tips.

  • Cynthia S

    I would love to get the Ellisimo Gold II. I already have an Ovation serger and Symphony sewing machine, would love the Ellisimo Gold II.

  • Tina

    If I could have any Baby Lock I wanted, it would be the Elissimo Gold.

  • shelly Kalal

    I would love to move up to the 10 needle enterprise. This would allow my little home based embroidery business to grow and go on the road to do craft shows.

  • Dottie W

    I would love to upgrade my Imagine serger to an Evolution serger-would love to have a cover stitch machine and this one looks awesome.

  • Lori Erickson

    The Ellisimo Gold II. I have the BL Coverstitch and BL Enlighten serger, both of which I absolutely LOVE. So the Ellisimo would be the perfect fit.

  • Melissa

    I already own a baby lock serger and embroidery machines. Now I crave an embellisher!

  • beth daniels

    I would like to have the Ellegante II sewing/embroidery machine. It would do bigger designs than my 5″ by 7″ hoop. I have seen how the machine handles and I would definitely find it easy to pick up and do any project I want to do. Also, the Ellegante II is just the right size for my sewing table that I have my sewing machine on right now.

  • Edna

    Definitely one of the Babylock sergers with Jet-Air threading!

  • Linda Myers

    The 10 needle Enterprise to go with my BMP 9 and newly purchased Evolution serger. Love them both.

  • beth daniels

    I would want the Ellegante II sewing/embroidery machine. It would do bigger designs than my 5″ by 9″ hoop. It is probably easy to understand and pick up as all Babylock machines are. Also it would fit on my sewing table that I have my sewing machine on now.

  • Gladys Stanley

    Baby Lock Enterprise multi needle machine

  • marianne myrick

    I would love an Elegante3 -it sounds fabulous. So many features -built in designs, editing features and connectivity directly to a computer. Many years ago my husband foresaw this happening (he was in the computer business).

  • Lorri

    I love the Babylock Ellissimo Gold. Oh the things I could make with that. Love the camera!

  • Melissa Sciolino

    I would love an Ellisimo gold- oh think of the ease of hooping with the on screen camera!

  • Esther Hopland

    I would love to own the Ellageo.

  • Lorri

    The Ellissimo Gold helps those of us who are less confidant & talented look good. This is an extension of my previous comment!

  • Barbara KRatz

    If I could upgrade my ESANTE 2, it would be an Ellisimo GOld 2. I dearly love my ESANTE, but it would be a dream to have all the bells and whistles that the ellisimo GOld 2 has.I have 2 Babylock sewing machines and an eclipse serger. Without a doubt, I am a dedicated Babylock embroiderar and seamstress.

  • Teresa Vicars

    I would love to have an Ellisimo Gold by Baby Lock. It has so many features not seen on other brands. It would make sewing and embroidery fun for anyone lucky enough to own one of the most amazing machines on the market today.

  • Tammy Soety

    I would choose enterprise would be huge timesaver over my futura

  • Kam Watson

    I would upgrade from my Evolution (but still keep it) to the Ovation for the extra lighting and space between needle and solid area. Both machines are worth their weight in gold!

  • Cathy Goforth

    I would love to have the ellisimo gold. My mother has the ellisimo and she loves it. I own the ellegante 2, but it would be nice to be able to do wider designs like quilt blocks.

  • Regina

    I have dreamed of having the Baby Lock 6 needle ever since the first ne came out. I have one of the second generation Estante, I bought back in ’93 or ’94. Also I have the Ellageo Plus. I embroidery fleece blanket for a kennel and the Endurance II would make handling those large blankets so much easier.

  • Edwina Burt

    the Ellisimo Gold top of the line I think is the one to have

  • Rosalie Sharps

    Ellisimo Gold for this girl! Love to embroider things for my granddaughters…sort of expected. They are always excited to see what I come up with next!

  • Vicky

    I have a beginner babylock Sofia 2. Would love an Ellisimo machine!

  • Celeste Hemby

    I would love to have the Ellisimo Gold and the Ovation server.

  • Susan Abbe

    I think the Baby Lock Elissimo Gold II is probably the best choice. It is a sophisticated machine that gives you lots of options and excellent results on your projects!

  • Cindy Broome

    Dreaming is free— so I’d like to dream of owning a Babylock Ellismo Gold 2 and an Evolution Serger – as I said dreaming is free so I’d dream the biggest and best Babylock has to offer.

  • Tamie

    I love both of my Baby Lock machine:)

  • Helen Bowie

    Hi, would love to own the Ellisimo Gold 2 but would also love Baby lock serger. Their auto-threader makes live so much easier and more fun to use.
    Thanks for the hooping tips.

  • Darlene Pino

    I’d like the Babylock Endurance 2. I already bought the best Serger ever, the Babylock Ovation. Now to try for the best embroidery machine!

  • Bobbie

    Omg…the Ellisimo gold 2….it would be crazy…I would have to shake myself to make sure I wasn’t in heaven

  • Barby

    I would choose the Ellisimo Gold II. I have a babylock sewing/embroidery machine that is probably 15 years old. It still stitches beautifully but I’m ready for USB memory and a larger embroidery field! I could then give my Esante to my niece to encourage her as she continues to learn.

  • Dona Holt

    I would love to have the Ellisimo

  • Carol Goertz

    I would love to own the newest long arm quilt machine that babylock has.


    I would love to own a CRESCENDO from Baby Lock. That has been my dream machine. Thabjs for the hoop information.

  • Alice Phillips

    The Tiara would be an absolute joy to have join my Ellegante which sews and embroiders beautiful quilts. The Tiara would be a great way to quilt these wonderful quilts.

  • Lynn Lawrence

    I would love to have a 10.needle. I love all.of the.bells and.whistles. great.machines,!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Lawana Whaley

    Evolution or ovation serger

  • Teresa Mitchell

    Oh my, where should I start, so many wonderful choices to choose from – tiara, ellisimo , the enterprise. I open for any of those.

  • Judy Mathis

    I would love to win the Ellegant 3 with Nancy Zieman’s designs! When I watch her show it looks so easy to use!But I’d really love to win these products!Thanks!

  • shirley simmons

    I would love to have the babylock ovation serger.

  • Maureen Mcgraw

    I have never owned a serger. Really want a Ovation. I love the ease of threading, so great for a novice serger person. It is a beautiful machine.

  • Melissa Rosander

    I’ll be honest here- my husband recently purchased me a top-of-the-line sewing & embroidery machine from another company. I was so excited about learning it and the possibilities I would have creating that I decided I would try and start my own little home business out of it to help support my family. I got it in November and it’s already been in the shop for fixing twice. Infact, it’s in the shop now and I should have taken it in sooner but I was determined to fight with it and make it stitch right to no avail. Thank God maintenance is covered by the warranty for the first year, but I must admit this machine I thought I had fallen in love with is not living up to my expectations at all and I’d give anything to be able to replace it. I wish I had known more about Baby Lock before my husband took me to Joanne’s! The Ellisimo Gold 2 seems so innovative and full of features. If I could replace what I own already, I think I would get that! That being said, I do have a sewing/embroidery machine currently, even if it’s not really useable and problematic. Since replacing it is not really an option, my 2nd dream would be to own a serger. I’ve heard they make finished edges a dream! Since I’ve never used a serger before, I’m not sure which one to pick, but I’d be excited even just to have a beginner machine like the Lauren or maybe even the Diana to learn on!

    • Kristi

      I have had other machines and I do believe that BabyLock makes the best machines. They are so solid and sew and embroider wonderfully.

      • Melissa Rosander

        I had heard that the brand I have is wonderful, holds their value, etc etc…. but boy I’m getting a completely different side. I’m very disheartened with it. The dealer at the store is really nice, but the machine is very problematic. It’s the most expensive thing I’ve ever owned in my life and to have it behave like this is more than disappointing. I’ll be in the market for a different brand if they don’t get it fixed right soon. Next time I’ll definitely do more comparison shopping.

  • Cindy

    It would be the Ellisimo for me. I would so love to have that camera and the larger hoop size. I would also love the bigger border hoop.

  • Debbie Wakelee

    I would love the newest Babylock Enterprise. Ohhhhh! Ten needle with all the goodies and upgrades! Yeah, baby!

  • Charlotte Trabue

    I would like to up grade to an Ellisimo Gold. The one I have now is very little. It only does a 4×4 pictures sure would love to do bigger pictures.

  • Keri

    I don’t have a baby lock. My friend has one, I’d love to get one and sew!


    I want the top of the line embroidery machine with the largest hoop!

  • Jeannie Garcia

    I would love to have a long arm quilter.

  • Pam Bricher

    Would love to trade my janome to elissimo gold

  • Karen Blancher

    I would love to have a new serger.

  • Natalie C

    I would LOVE to have an Ovation or Evolution serger! I have an Ellisimo Gold – it is the BEST

  • Berenice

    Ha ha, as tempting as it is to make numerous Star Trek references, I will just say that the Enterprise would make my day!! I have drooled a few times over the website. I would also like to have a go on a newer serger, mine was made in 1984.

  • Joaniez

    Hi, I would love the 10 needle Enterprise machine or the Ellissimo Gold! What FUN I could have with either machine!! All the wonderful capabilities both machines offer is Phenomenal!! :):):):)

  • becky3580

    Endurance 2 would be wonderful but to put the icing on the cake would be the Endurance 2 signed by Eileen Roche, Marie Zinno and Nancy Zieman. WOW!

  • Mary E. Lee

    I have always wanted a multiple needle embroidery machine…….namely the Enterprise because of the features and especially having 10 needles. Second choice would be the Crown Jewel quilter.

  • Rosemary

    The Ellegante 3 would be my choice to accomplish creativity in my sewing room.

  • Vera Gomez

    Ellisimo gold would make me happy.

  • Kristi

    I would love to have the BabyLock 10 needle machine. I love how easy and solid the BabyLock machines are.

  • Dani Haynes

    I would love to upgrade my Ellegante to a Baby Lock Ellisimo Gold 2.

  • TroyJennene Gibbs

    I would love to own the Baby-Lock Ovation! What a crowd pleaser. If I couldn’t get that I would go for the Ellisimo Gold. Happy puppy I would be . . . . .

  • Tammy Wright

    The Babylock machine I would LOVE TO HAVE is the Ovation. I discovered it on an episode of Sewing With Nancy. I was very Impressed with all the useful and creative teqniques this wonderful machine has to offer. I hope to be a proud owner of one of these beauties in the near future.

  • Benie Webre

    I would like to have the Babylock Evolution serger and the Enterprise multineedle embroidery machine.

  • Alice A-R

    The 10 needle Enterprise please! Now that I have been learning to digitize and create machine embroidery and machine applique on a one needle machine for a few years, I would love to step up to the most efficient and productive machine.

  • Lola Gerhard

    I would love to have the Ellisimo Gold 2. I used it at a recent embroidery show and was impressed with all it can do. I also would like a long-arm machine like the Tiara and be able to quilt my own quilts instead of paying someone else to do it.

  • Jeanette Friscia

    I would love to have the Babylock Ovation Serger and someday an even bigger dream I have is to own a Babylock Crown Jewel Long Arm Quilting machine. I love Babylock machines and am thrilled with my new Babylock Unity. Either of these other machines would truly take my dreams to the next level.

  • Casie Williams

    I would love the Babylock Ellisimo Gold. Had the opportunity to sew on one in a class and it was hard to keep the drool off the machine. 😀

  • Karen Misner

    Would love to upgrade to an Endurance II. !

  • Donna Smith

    While I was at the Phoenix Quilt show I fell in love with the Baby Lock 10 needle embroidery machine Enterprise. What a dream machine it was. That is the machine I lust after.

  • Susan J

    I have had my eye on a Unity to upgrade my Ellageo, but I would love an Ovation serger or Crown Jewel. It is just too hard to choose from so many great machines!!!

  • Vanessa B

    me too, dreamin’ big for the Ovation 🙂

  • Monica

    3 years ago, my husband bought me an Ellisimo. 3 weeks ago, we purchased the Ovation. Best decision ever!!!

    I would like to own the Enterprise someday.

    Baby Lock makes great quality machines.

    • Nancy L Owens

      Hi Monica,

      I finally bought the Enterprise. I absolutely love it!!

      • Monica

        I’m glad you enjoy your Enterprise. Someday…

  • Nancy L Owens

    I would love to have the new Ovation Serger. I have the Imagine and the Ovation has so much more. The motorized threading, the wave stitch, and the extended sewing area.

  • Darlene Khosrowpour

    I would LOVE the ellisimo or the ovation. The Ellisimo is a wonderful machine and so is the Ovation. I love the wave stitch.


  • Judy G

    I already have the an Baby Lock Ellisimo Gold 2 and I love, love, love, it! I really like the convenience of being able to do so much without having to change machines. As I am not running an embroidery business, the Ellisimo Gold 2 fills all my sewing, embroidery and quilting needs, except for serging. So, what I really want a Baby Lock Ovation serger.

  • Elizabeth Will

    I would love to have thte Ovation serger. It would be very helpful finishing embroidery projects, clothes and adding interest to quilts, embroidery and other projects. The Enterprise 10 needle would be nice also to due embroidery faster.

  • carroll campbell

    Have never tried a Baby Lock machine but would love to try one.

  • Gail Beam

    My dream machines would be the Ellissimo Gold 2 and the Ovation serger!

  • Kathy booth

    I’d love to have a babylock 10 needle. I love embroidery and would love to start a part-time business and move to full-time, and I really need something that will help with speed, efficiency and productivity. Right now I use my Ellisimo Gold and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Would not trade it for anything…so easy to use and learn new things! It has so many cool features for sewing and embroidery and quilting.

  • Christine Westbrook

    I would love to upgrade my Evolution to the new Ovation. I love to quilt, so the larger machine would be heaven! Thank you!

  • Chris

    WOW, Eileen! You’ve really hit on a super topic that ‘if wishes could come true’ what Babylock machine would we all love to have in our sewing room! So many ideas! I would love to own the Ovation Serger. All of its amazing features–air threading, super lighting, the large throat space, speed control and all the stitch combinations (especially the wave stitch)–would certainly make this a fabulously fun addition to my sewing room! Now if only….

  • Sharon

    would like to have TOL Babylock machine, like on Sewing with Nancy. They look magnificent, easy to use. But no dealer close to me 🙁

  • Phyllis Anne Kukucka

    I would love to own the Ellisimo. Babylock has such a reputable name, any of your machines would be wonderful and I promise I would give it a good home.
    Thank you for your tips, they are always welcome.

  • Terri Bradford

    Oh totally the Ellisimo Gold 2 or the Enterprise! I have the Ellure 2 and my first baby, Sofia. I love my two machines and sew on one or both of them EVERY day, but dream of adding one with all those cool features!

  • Frances Powell

    I have Babylock’s Grace Sewing Machine, Evolution serger, and the 6-needle embroidery. I love every one of them. They all work so hard for me and are so dependable. I would love to add the 10-needle to my team of Babylocks.

  • Barbara Schwartz

    Would love any of the sergers

  • Tammie

    If I had to choose only one, I would get the Enterprise 10-needle embroidery machine first, but shortly after I would really like to have the Crown Jewel longarm. Both are amazing machines.

  • Ellen perry

    I Own a ULT in embroidery machine
    Someday I would like to have either six needle Or 10needle machine
    Only Babylock since I love their products…
    My largest hoop is 6×10 and would live a larger one

  • Joyce Hardiman

    Elissimo Gold 2

  • Sandi Copeland

    Once you own a Babylock you will never switch! The machines are dependable with features and a user Interface that shows the company listens to their customers. Next on my wish list are the ovation;the endurance and Ellisimo 2 Gold of course!

  • Judy Wentz

    I would like the BabyLock with the biggest hoops.

  • nancy

    O my goodness… I would adore owning the 10 needle embroidery machine! What a delight that would be…Gotta think positive! Thanks for the hooping tips…always a good refresher! Have a great week!

  • Helen Harris

    I absolutely love my Babylock Ellisimo. I do a lot of embroidering for family especially grandchildren and friends. I would love to have the Babylock 10 needle. First of all because it is Babylock and secondly because of the camera on it. I have been saved many hours with the camera on my Ellisimo. If I don’t win it, I will never get it!

  • CaroB

    I am fortunate enough to have the Ellisimo Gold & the Evolution serger. I am very happy with what I have, but a 10 needle would be nice in my fantasy world.

  • Charlee Turner

    A multi-needle machine is on my wishlist!

  • Lisa Boyer

    I was fortunate to have received both a Babylock Ellisimo and an Evolution as gifts. I previously had a Bernina Embroidery machine. The Babylock has been wonderful and I have taken several classes by Eileen Roche online. The information presented here is excellent and Eileen’s teaching has taken me from a somewhat timid embroiderer to a confident one. Thank you so much for all of the great information. I hope someday to own a multi-needle machine and a Tiara as I am an avid quilter. Now that my kids are a little older, I am finding more time to sew and it helps me to relax! Thank you again!!

  • Karen

    I would absolutely love to own an Ovation serger! It looks like it would be so easy to use.

  • Ellen

    I would love the crown jewel.

  • Gail hynes

    I have an ancient serger and I usually end up wearing more thread than I use in the project. I would love to meet the acquaince of a new Ovation.

  • Rosa smith

    I would love the Ellisimo Gold 2, it looks like a dream machine and mine is old and well used. Do a lot of sewing for others and quilting. Thanks for the tips on hooping, very helpful.

  • Colleen

    Ellisimo Gold 2 would be my choice

  • Marilyn Weyman Kegg

    Oh wow, after a demo at my local dealer, I want the Baby Lock Ellissimo Gold II soooooooo badly! I’m plotting how to get enough money together to buy one!

  • Shirl R

    Well, Eileen, you’ve convinced me with your wonderful blogs on the multi-needle machines, so I’d love to play with a 10-needle, and if I may presume to dream BIG, I’d like have the Ellisimo Gold 2 as well! I love Babylock machines!

  • Lynn

    Either a Crown Jewel or Tiara would be nice.

  • Valerie Brown

    I just went whole hog and traded in my Evolution on an Ovation! What an awesome serger. Now, I would love to upgrade my Ellisimo Gold to the Ellisimo Gold II. I’m hoping that the Enterprise will be in my future plans, too. I love, love, love my Baby Lock machines!

  • Maga

    Having followed this blog as well as Nancy Zieman’s I can see that any Babylock machine would be an improvement on my current sewing machine! They always seem to work flawlessly – you don’t see them eating the thread when seams are started, cut the threads when asked and not leaving huge thread nests that stops the sewer from sewing. I have already decided that my next machine will be a Babylock and I am constantly checking my piggybank’s bacon to see if she is fat enough 🙂
    Thank you for the chance to win goodies and the very informative article on hooping.

  • Carmen Wilson

    Would love a new serger, I use mine every day and would love to upgrade…thank you for the hooping tips!

  • Kimbra Huber

    My dream would be to own their best combo sewing/embroidery machine. I bought their “Diana” serger and after two weeks was back at the dealer upgrading/trading her in on the “Evolution” because I fell in love with Babylock and now plan on eventually upgrading my Brother Innovis 2800 to a Babylock combo machine so I will be an all Babylock sewing room.. As far as which beautiful model, I have to say it will be the best one I can afford at the time. Of course I want the top of the line, who wouldn’t, but they are all good so I can’t go wrong with any of them.. This was my plan and reading your blog and the assignment it just felt like you were speaking directly to me..

  • Kimbra Huber

    My dream would be to own their best combo sewing/embroidery machine. I bought their “Diana” serger and after two weeks was back at the dealer upgrading/trading her in on the “Evolution” because I fell in love with Babylock and now plan on eventually upgrading my Brother Innovis 2800 to a Babylock combo machine so I will be an all Babylock sewing room.. As far as which beautiful model, I have to say it will be the best one I can afford at the time. Of course I want the top of the line, who wouldn’t, but they are all good so I can’t go wrong with any of them.. This was my plan and reading your blog and the assignment it just felt like you were speaking directly to me..

  • Carolyn

    I would love to own the ovation serger so when I sit down to sew I can be sure it’s going to sew and not have to hope and pray it will.

  • Carolyn

    I would love to own the ovation serger so when I sit down to sew I can be sure it’s going to sew and not have to hope and pray it will.

  • Carolyn

    I would love to own the ovation serger so when I sit down to sew I can be sure it’s going to sew and not have to hope and pray it will.

  • Carolyn

    I would love to own the ovation serger so when I sit down to sew I can be sure it’s going to sew and not have to hope and pray it will.

  • Linda MC

    If I were to splurge, I’d go for the sashiko machine – only does one thing – but, boy-howdy, does it do it well!!!

  • Lindae

    I have the 10 needle and would love to have a 6 needle.

  • Francine Mollica

    There is no doubt that the Babylock Ellisimo Gold 2 would be the machine I’d want, and not be wanting another after that. I’ve been watching it for a number of years and love the upgrades, and have seen a number of demos, along with trialing it myself. Spectacular. I’ve got the Evolve serger which is great – no more sweating over threading!

  • Billie

    Would love to own the Ovation serger. Have never personally owned a serger and would love to use one on the grandchildren’s clothing

  • Glenda Britain

    I have an Ellissmo Gold 2 and a Unity.

  • April C

    I go into the local shop each week while my daughter is at gymnastics and ogle the Endurance 2. I’m working on my husband and feel that he’s going to give in…one day.

  • Nancy Reukauf

    I have an Ellisimo Gold and an Ovation, next would be a Tiara. I love the machines I have and have seem beautiful quilting done on the Tiara!

  • Carol

    Beam me up Scotty, I’d absolutely love to have the Enterprise!!

  • Patty Fiske


  • Debbie

    At this point I think that I would go with the Tiara. It’s hard to choose from all the machines, right? I have the Ellisimo, and I will say thank you over and over to the shop where I purchased my machine–the ladies there spent hours helping me to choose so that I purchased the right machine the first time!!!!

  • Nancy Weber

    I would love to have the top of the line embroidery machine with the largest hoop available! If you are going to dream, dream big. Hugs.

  • Carol Kapsalis

    I would love a multi thread unit. I just started embroidery a few months ago with a single thread and already am wishing for the multi thread unit.

  • Pat

    Would love to own the Ellisimo Gold II. I took a class recently and some of the ladies had this machine and were singing its praises. Loved the big screen and being a quilter loved, loved, loved the large space foe quilting. For baby gifts, I take an 18″ piece of Minkie and embroider either the baby’s initials or name on the diagonal and then back it with a fat quarter of a coordinating print. This size is perfect for covering the baby in a car seat, bouncy seat, etc.

  • Sheila Cupples

    I would love to have a new Baby Lock multineedle Embroidery machine.

  • Ruth

    I would LOVE a Sashiko machine. I have tried it out at my dealer, and she let me use it for some finishing stitches on a jacket I made. It’s beautiful

  • Debbie Galotifiore

    I would love the Enterprise, more needles makes multi colored designs a breeze, especially Steve Wilsons designs.

  • Agnes B. Bullock

    I am really greedy about my machines- I want the Ellisimo Gold2, the ten needle Enterprise, and the Ovation Serger! (have an Ellure Plus and a new Esante that my husband gave me for Christmas)

  • Maria S

    Oh My ! The Enterprise would be at the top of my list !

  • Barb

    Thank you for the hooping tips! But to choose one machine is difficult. I have a Baby Lock Unity and just love it. I have done soooo much sewing, and embroidering with it. I have dreamed of all the things I could do with the Ovation Serger, and the Enterprise 10 needle Embroidery Machine.


    I could definitely use a new serger,Ovation Serger!

  • Katherine

    I would love a new embroidery machine maybe the new Enduarnce 2

  • judi

    I would like to have the BabyLock Ovation serger to add to my collection.

  • maria elena blecha

    The Ellissimo is a dream machine!!! I just did a workshop and got to embroidery with it, it a a beautiful machine, the ovation serger also is a perfect machine!!! Thanks for the info in hooping.

  • Janet Kirby

    IWouldLoveToHaveThEllissimoGold2 AsMyEmbroideryMachineIsQuiteOld

  • Donna Klug

    I bought an Imagine Serger last summer, and I LOVE it. It us so easy to use! Chanfging thread or type of stitch is a breeze! I would like to upgrade to the top of the line because I like the additional features, such as the decorative stitches.

  • Dale Fedor

    I would love the Ellisimo Gold 2. I’ve always have had a BL. Thanks

  • Carole D

    I already own my dream machine – the Babylock Ellissimo Gold 2. Have had it for about four months now and I am very pleased with it so far. Much easier to use than my former embroidery machine of another brand! I would someday like to have a Babylock serger also, but will be a little while until the purse can extend that far.

  • Montell Lanier

    I would love a 6 or 10 needle Baby Lock machine.

  • Sharon Sproles

    I am fascinated by the technology featured in the Crescendo! Everything I read about the Guide Beam, Sensor Pen, and Digital Dual Feed tells me it would fit perfectly with my other Baby Lock machines.

  • Barbara Jones

    I love my Ellissimo Gold!! (Almost as much as I love my husband, who gifted me with it) Now I dream of adding the stitch regulator. . .

  • Michelle Norris

    I have the Imagine server and love it. I would love to upgrade to the Ovation, but my wallet won’t allow me! I had owned Viking machines for years and yes they are excellent machines but I am so enjoying the Babylock machines now. Thank you for the great hooping tips!

  • Dinah M.

    I would love to have the Baby Lock top end serger! What a dream machine.

  • Brenda Melahn

    I would love to have the Crown Jewel quilting machine. I am very blessed to have an Ellisimo embroidery machine that was my retirement gift and I LOVE it. Still would love to learn to machine quilt.

  • Donna

    Thank You for the wonderful information and helpful hooping tips. I am just beginning my embroidery adventure. I thing the Babylock Ellure Plus would be my machine of choice. It has lots of built in designs and stitches so I would be able to sew and embroidery on the same machine instead of having two separate machines.

  • Joy Carroll Miller

    The Ellisimo and Evolution have been wonderful workhorses! A multi-needle embroidery machine, an up-grade to Ovation serger, a Tiara, and a Sashiko are on my “want” list! Thanks for all you assistance.

  • susan james

    would love to upgrade to the ovation serger.

  • Sheila

    I would love the Babylock 10 needle.

  • Rita Rodenbaugh

    The next Baby Lock machine I would love to have is the Ellissimo Gold II. I have the Ellageo and the Imagine Serger. The shop where I purchased my machines has closed due to the owner retiring. My absolute dream would be to re-open that shop and fill it with all the Baby Lock machines available!

  • Sophia Hall

    I would like a working serger–I love how Nancy Zieman advertises the “whoosh” when it threads easy.

  • Ruby

    I would love to get an Ovation serger. I have a hard time threading the one I have. I got a Baby Lock embroidery machine last year, love it.

  • Joanne Gilliam

    I would love to have self threading serger. SO much valuable time is lost trying to thread correctly. Sometimes, I just have to walk away from the machine.

  • Jane Cornett

    I Would Love To Have The Babylock 10 Needle With The Camera. After Attending The Stitching Sisters Event AndSeeingWhat It Can Do I’m In Love.

  • Linda Harrigan

    I would love to have a machine with a large embroidery field. An Ellissimo Gold would be perfect. A self threading serger would be a much appreciated addition to my sewing room also!!

  • Fonda

    I just love Babylock.. I have an Ellegante.. But my dream machine is an Ellissimo. Price is out of reach right now. I love to watch Nancy Zieman. She has the best machines out there. It is amazing what you can make with a Babylock.

  • linda staiger

    I would love to have a 12 needle machine as I have been collecting fabric and designs for a long time now and I am putting together a sewing romm and that is ‘THE’ item I am saving for now.

  • Darlene Graham

    My dream machine? The Enterprise. With the super large hoop (7 7/8″ x 14″) and 10 needles I can only begin to dream of all the decor projects and quilts I could complete.

  • Marilyn Weiss

    An Endurance 2 or better yet, an Enterprise. Love all of the Babylock Products. Always have, always will.

  • Robbin E. Dillon

    I am returning to machine embroidery after an almost 25 year ‘rest’ – I’d be honored to be the winner of this prize! My dream machine? The Enterprise!! Multi-needle is the next step – someday….. in the meantime, I’ll keep busy with my single needle!

  • Kay Schroeder

    As a recent retiree, my goal is a quilt for all my children and grandchildren (9 at this point in time). A Tiara would be a big help. I have seen one up close and personal and could barely stop drooling.

  • Laurie W

    I do not have a serger, sew would like to own the Ovation

  • Carolyn Goodworth

    Would love an Ellisimo Gold, but what I really need is a new serger. My old serger is so old and difficult to thread. I need a 4 spool Baby Lock Serger!!

  • Sally Kalb

    Oh my goodness! I am such a Baby Lock girl. I have the Baby Lock Embellisher machine and an Evolution serger. My pride and joy is my Ellegante 2 that I just had upgraded to 4. My husband teases me that I love my Baby Locks more than I love him. Whenever they need to have their annual checkups, I make sure it is a time when I will be out of town so I won’t have sewing withdrawal. My machines survived our move from Ohio to Arizona. I took them in the RV with us; I didn’t trust my babies with the movers!! I would love to own a Tiara or, in my wildest dreams, a Crown Jewel for quilting. I am hooked on Baby Locks!

  • janice

    I would love the “new” serger that came out for Babyloc. I purchased the top of the line 7 yrs ago and I would love to use the top of the line today. It has so many new features that I would love to use in my sewing.

  • Cathy Bremer

    I would love the new serger! I as the women who wrote before me have the top of the line older serger but took it to a class and it couldn’t do what the instructor wanted us to do! I love my old machine just missing the new features!

  • Debi Farrell

    My dream machine has always been the 10 needle since it came out. I currently own 3 Baby Lock machines – the Sofia 2, the Ellegante 2, and the Ellisimo Gold which I saved for 2 1/2 years to purchase. I frequently have all 3 machines going at once. I am trying to start a business and the 10 needle would allow me to so anything my customers would want! The features are second to none. The support you get from the dealers and Baby Lock are awesome – I have never had an issue that was not solved from one or both. The projects and Sew at Home classes are great too.

  • Debi Farrell

    My dream machine has always been the 10 needle since it came out. I currently own 3 Baby Lock machines – the Sofia 2, the Ellegante 2, and the Ellisimo Gold which I saved for 2 1/2 years to purchase. I frequently have all 3 machines going at once. I am trying to start a business and the 10 needle would allow me to do anything my customers would want! The features are second to none. The support you get from the dealers and Baby Lock are awesome – I have never had an issue that was not solved from one or both. The projects and Sew at Home classes are great too.

  • RSM

    I have the Evolution and love it but would love the Ovation or the 10 needle.

  • Linda Burwick

    I attended a workshop yesterday at my local Babylock store and got to work with an Ellisimo II. It beats my Esanto all to pieces! It has so many wonderful technological features, but I loved the larger 8×12 hoop and the bigger size in the hoop projects that could be done.

  • Christina

    I would love to have a crown jewel – but I would also need more room for it!

  • judy Williamson

    I have a Babylock Elegante and LOVE it! I would like to have a 6 or 10 needle Babylock to go along with it.

  • Christine Gibbons

    I would love the Ellisimo Gold. I do have an Ellure Plus that I love dearly.

  • Debbie Myers

    The next step for me would be a multi-needle embroidery machine, the Enterprise. I am a quilter as well and would also love to have the Crown Jewel. I recently retired and dream of spending my days in my sewing room!

  • Royce Zook

    Owning the Enterprise, Ellisimo Gold, Evolve and Audry it hardly seems there would be more to wish for but, the Ovation has the features which bring serging into the realm of ease similar to the Ellisimo’s impact on fancy stitching and embroidery. My wife has found serging to be her major method for stitching all projects and the Ovation’s added throat space, knee control, speed control and the fantastic air threading make it a machine worth dreaming for.
    The advice on hooping for embroidery is priceless!

  • lorene taylor

    The Ellisimo, that is one nice machine!

  • Barbara Leatherman

    I would love to have the Ellissimo Gold. I have a different brand embroidery machine. I used the Ellissimo Gold in a class I went to. I fell in love with it, just can’t afford it, but still hoping.

  • Jackie Peters

    I love Baby Lock quality and when I can afford to replace my 10 yr. old Bernina I would love to get the Baby Lock
    Elissimo gold 2. They are so much less complicated. I have a BabyLock serger and it is fantastic. I would not want another brand!

  • missy k

    I would want an Enterprise. I am very interested in a multineedle machine. I have heard good things. Besides, who wouldn’t want a machine named after a Star Trek reference.

  • Colleen Gnehm

    I have already splurged and spoiled myself and purchased the Ellisimo Gold, and Ovation. Two great and wonderful machines. Wondering why I waited so long. If I were lucky enough to get another machine, it would be the Enterprise. Machine embroidery has become an addiction for me. Love, Love, LOVE Baby Lock products.

  • Glenda

    Gold, let’s go for the Ellisimo Gold 2 and the silver for the Ovation serger.

  • Dale Skinner

    I would love to have a Babylock Ovation serger. I think I would love to learn to serge.

  • Penny

    Got the Ellisimo Gold II a couple of months ago so am still in the learning phase, but absolutely love it. Once I got over the initial intimidation factor, it’s actually pretty easy to use. Loving the embroidery capability and already sold 1 design. Hoping to start a small business. So, if I could get another machine, it would have to be a larger embroider machine.

  • Mary

    The Ellisimo Gold is my choice of the next Baby Lock to own.
    Thanks for the tips on hooping.

  • Rhonda Higgins

    I love my Esante but would love to have the Ellisimo Gold 2. Would love the bigger hoop.

  • Gloria Craig

    I have an Ellageo and Ellisimo and LOVE them. They are the best, would love to have a 6 needle. Also have the Evolve and Imagine sergers. Always telling everyone how wonderful and user friendly they are. I love sewing and embroidering with them.

  • Joyce Fike

    Hi, I would love the Ellisimo Gold; a honey of a machine, I am told. I do love my Babylock serger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mary Gambino

    Elisimo Gold please!

  • Santell Mings

    The Ellisimo Gold is on my wishlist.

  • Debbi Kulick

    I would love to have an Ellisimo 2. Having a camera which assists with perfect placement of your embroidery would be a dream come true. Love my Ellegante, but would love to upgrade to the Ellisimo.

  • Laurie Sieg

    I would love the Tiara. I truly enjoy my Ellisimo Gold! Just bought a Sashiko machine and am starting to learn how to use it.

  • Anne Groskreutz

    Thanks for the hooping information!
    I have a BabyLock Pro serger that I got in ’89 and would love to have any of the new sergers with the Jet air threading… it would be much easier with my “old eyes”. Have always loved my serger and it is still serving me very well.

  • Suzanne Felckowski

    I have a Baby Lock Imagine Serger & a Spirit Embroidery Machine, Would love to have the Ellisimo Gold 2. A Sewing/Embroidery Machine would not only complete my craft room, but condense the space needed. I LOVE Baby Lock !!

  • Myron Ridgeway

    Would like to learn how to digitize the designs so that I can edit them or make them larger or smaller depending on what I need at the time. I have a program, but can’t get it to do very much.

  • Mary Jean

    It would be nice to have an embroidery machine that could do larger sizes then 4×4, I also make quilts, so would be nice to have a quilting machine which I will never have because I can’t afford one. I will have to use stitches on my regular machine or do it by hand. I try to make a quilt each year to raise money for the Pharmgirls Diabetes Walk Team. Mary Jean’s Walk Page

  • Karen Dale

    I have the quilters choice and ellure. Great machines and dealer satisfaction.Can you ever have enough machines and accessories?I’m open to a larger quilting machine.

  • Kathy Richards

    I found your hooping information very helpful. I would love to own the Ellisimo Gold machine. Last winter I purchased the Evolution serger. What fun to play on that!

  • Darlene Costello

    I would love the Ellisimo Gold 2. I started out with the Sophia and very quickly decided I needed more so I upgraded to the Ellure Plus. I love my machine but would be in-love with the Ellisimo Gold 2 if I had one.

  • Judith Kennedy

    Ellissimo Gold Naturally! Then I could use all the new stuff I’m learning about embroidery.

  • Cheri Schultz

    I have no other desire to have any other machines but the 2 machines that I currently own – Ellisimo Gold and the Crescendo!! These 2 machines are absolutely incredible. While one is embroidering, I am working on a quilt on the other.

  • Pam Uhan

    I would love the Ellisimo! What a beautiful machine. Just got a Spirit and can’t wait to dig into embroidery!!!!

  • gina Hernandez

    I think either the Enterprise or the Tiara.

  • Donna wohler

    I would love to own the Crown Jewel to start quilting my own quilts!

  • Lynda Malcolm

    I would love to own the Ellisimo Gold II!

  • Cheryl Leabo

    I would love to have the Tiara with Tru-stitch–long arm function in a sit down model–my back would thank me!

  • Denise Monday

    That is a tough question! Wow! I love to quilt and embroider both. I think for an embroidery machine, I would have to choose the Enterprise, and for a quilting machine, I would choose the Tiara. I have been drooling over both of them for quite a while now.

  • Althea McRae

    Ellisimo Gold! I have had the Ellageo for 7 years and when I upgrade I want to go for the Gold!

  • Crystal

    I would love to have a newer serger. I have enjoyed the one I have, but the newer models have so many more capabilities including self-threading (that would be awesome!).

  • Mary Graff

    I would love the Ellisimo Gold 2. Baby Lock machines are the best!

  • Sharon Smith

    I would love to upgrade to the Baby Lock Enlighten serger. I can’t wait to try the wave feature. Of course, the Baby Lock Ellisimo would be a great help in finishing my long list of unfinished projects.

  • Lynn Berry

    If I could have any Babylock machine, I’d trade my BMP-8 for the latest 10 needle machine. I love my BMP-8; but the 10 needles are incredible!!

  • Marian Murawski

    I would love to own the Endurance 2! Would love to be able to embroider designs downloaded from the computer!

  • Jeannette Covan

    I would love to have the serger

  • Linda (Petey)

    A new serger like the Ovation would really add a spark to my sewing room. What an awesome machine!

  • Melissa

    My dream machine would be the ellisimo gold. I currently have a Sofia 2 but really want a bigger hoop size!

  • Barb

    I have a serger, not Babylock, that is a nightmare to thread. I dream of an air-threading Babylock that I have seen on Nancy’s TV show. Thanks for the chance!

  • Perri Hogue

    If I could have any machine I wanted I think it would be the Serger machine Evolution. I have an Ellisimo but I think that a serger would be a complete set. A serger would make project finishing easier and increase the scope of things that you could make. If you had the Ellisimo AND the Evolution you could make anything!!

  • Saralyn

    I would love the Ellisimo Gold. I have just retired and hope to do both the embroidery and quilting projects that I previously did not have time for.

  • margaret eligh

    If I could, I would upgrade my 6 needle to the Enterprise.

  • Cindi Carroll

    I would love to own one of the Baby Lock sergers. I hear they are excellent.

  • Susan Davies

    Recently my sewing distributor, Meisner held a Zundt embroidery class, which used the Babylock elissimo gold. It was fun to use a different machine. Very easy to pickup the steps. This is the one I would pick if I was to trade machines. Great product.

  • Joan Blum

    I would love a Babylock Tiara.

  • Twanna

    I would love to own a Babylock Tiara

  • Michele Holt

    I have the sofia2 for embroidery which is loads of Fun…and just upgraded from the quilters choice to the Aria for sewing and quilting… But how can I not dream about the Ellisimo Gold 2? Thanks for the Great info on hooping.

  • Denise Fiorentini

    Elissimo Gold…so many thongs to do for my first grandchild. I could ninja sew with 3 machines!

  • mimi

    I have the Babylock Ellisimo I LOVE IT!!!!!!. Would love to have the Babylock Endurance. Less thread chances would make things go faster.

    • mimi

      I also quilt,so, I wouldn’t mind The Crown Jewel and as long as I’m dreaming how about some rails and lighting. Dream big or go home

  • Paula R.

    I love all of my BL machines – I have the Ellismo Gold, Ellegante II , Evolve and Enlighten sergers. If I could have any other BL machine, it would have to be the Enterprise 10 needle embroidery machine. There’s nothing like a BabyLock Machine!!!!

  • Belinda Germain

    The info on hooping was very good. I would like, no love!, the Ovation. I do alterations and mending for friends and family and the Ovation would give a more professional look to those items. I love my Babylock BMP8 too i have been sewing since I was 8years old, mostly self taught. Quilting, embroidery and sewing are my passions.

  • Kristal

    The Endurance 2 would be my dream!

  • Deborah Courville

    I would love the Ovation serger. I have the Imagine serger and am truly satisfied. Well worth the money.

  • Jamilla Anderson

    I would love love love to serger from baby lock!!! Ohh how my life would be complete.

  • Barbara

    I would love an Ovation Serger. I have been sewing for over 45 years and have had many sewing machines over the years, but I would love to own the ovation!

  • susan

    I would love the Baby Lock 10 needle and/or the Ovation serger, my sewing buddy has both and I would love having them also.

  • Susan Quigley

    I would love to have the 10 needle. I currently own a Unity and an Evolve server. Have made beautiful embroidered quilts using both of them

  • Becki P.

    Since 90% of what I create is embroidery, I would Love the 10 needle machine. Then I could have my Ellisimo gold going at the same time really increasing my productivity! !

  • Becky

    Of course, I would love to have the Ellisimo Gold, but really any of the Baby Lock sewing/embroidery machines with the bigger hoops would be wonderful. I would also love to have a new Baby Lock serger…the Ovation looks really cool.

  • Mary Ann Genre

    I would love to own the new BabyLock serger. Air threading is so awesome.

  • CarolKE

    I would love the Ellisimo Gold II or the Ovation.

  • Judi Casadei

    My wish just came true! I just upgraded my Evolution to the Ovation. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Nancy

    I am secretly coveting, and SAVING for, a Baby Lock Enterprise 10 needle. Mmmmmmm.. One of these days.

  • Cheryl

    If I had the Ellissimo Gold II, I’d never leave my sewing room!!! It does everything except cook dinner!

  • Karen

    I am saving for the 10 needle enterprise.

  • Lori Vale

    I would love to have a multi needle

  • Ellyn heymann

    I recently finished a couple of quilts (my first in 20 years). I am so glad they did not end up as UFO’s (unfinished objects). I think it would be sensational to use the BabyLock long arm quilting machine, the Crowne Jewel. It looks really sweet:). Love the article!!

  • Sharon Rogers

    I would love to upgrade my 21 yr old serger to the Evolution!! It is so hard to thread my old one that it doesn’t get use much! Even the Enlighten would be wonderful.

  • Darla

    I am the very proud owner of 4 Babylock machines!
    Two are sergers, Imagine & Evolution, Ellisimo Gold &
    6 needle machine! Love them all & my distributor to boot.
    My oldest granddaughter just turned 5, and regardless what
    I sew or embroider for her, she loves it! Her famous words
    to me are “Nana, you’re the best!”. My heart melts.

  • Darla

    And, a Babylock long arm machine Is on my wish list!

  • Cathie

    I have the ellisimo Gold. This is the best machine I have owned. I have an old non-babylock serger and would love to upgrade it to the ovation or evolution serger. I just love the babylock machines!!

  • Kathryn Hayes

    The BabyLock Ellisimo is the most user-friendly machine I have ever owned and in the 63 years I’ve been sewing I’ve owned quite a few. I would love to upgrade to the Ellisimo Gold 2 and the Ovation, even though I do enjoy my Evolve serger.

  • Karen

    I love my Babylocks I have the Enterprise, ellisimo, and the Evolution serger. They are great machines

  • Maggie Potter


  • Gail

    I recently traded in my Evolution for the Ovation. I would love to have the Crown Jewel.

  • Kelly Jackson

    I love my Babylock but if I could have any of them I wanted free…I’d definitely take the Endurance 2!

  • Sandra Sanders

    I would love to have an Ellisimo Gold 2 embroidery machine. It has so many wonderful features! It’s largest hoop is much larger than my largest hoop. The LED lighting – woo hoo! I love the idea of the needle light, so that I can see the center of the design. Those are just some of the features that really get me going about the ELlisimo Gold 2 embroidery machine.

  • Lois Jessup

    I have learned so much from reading your blog and subscribing to designs in machine embroidery. I have a brother ult and would love to upgrade to an Ellissmo gold. Thanks for sharing.

  • Lorrie Riley

    I love my Babylock Ellisimo Gold and my wonderful Enlighten serger.
    I would like the next machine to be something small for my Granddaughter that would do her for many years while she learns to sew.

  • Kathy C

    I already have an Ellegante and Ellisimo. I would like to have an Ovation serger to see what I could do with it. Thanks for the chance to win the Embroidery Essentials Kit!

  • Carrie C

    I would love to have the BabyLock Ovation. I have upgraded my sewing and embroidery machines, but have not yet upgraded my serger.

  • jo shedd

    I guess ovation serger, if I had to choose only one. Thanks for your blog.

  • J K

    Would love a TOL embroidery machine, either embroidery only or embroidery and sewing. BabyLock embroidery machines have a great reputation!

  • Sally Hudson

    I would love to have the Ellisimo Gold, I have gone up from an Ellure to an Elageo to an Elangante – so next one is the gold – I really love the Babylock = they stand behind their product – I would also love a Serger but maybe later.

  • joyce

    I have the Elllisimo Gold machine and it is my dream machine! Keep finding new things I can do on it . I like how Baby Lock has the option of purchasing an upgrade when something new comes out instead of other machine companies want you to purchase a complete new machine. Good marketing for Baby lock.

  • Brenda Shelton

    I would love to have the Crown Jewel or the Ellismo Gold II. These machines look so awesome!

  • Dana

    I would love to own a Baby Lock Enterprise. With the Enterprise my creativity could soar! There really are no limits with a machine like that. Baby Lock has the best machines.

  • Joan D

    I would love to own the Babylock 10 Needle Enterprise. I have seen this machine demonstrated at various shows and lust over it. What an amazing machine. I am sure it would take my embroidery to a whole new level!

  • Diane Cockman

    Would love to move up to the Ellisimo Gold 2 or the 10 Needle Enterprise. My husband would like to do hats.

  • Dianne

    I am about to be a grandmother for the first time. Baby due in August. I own the BabyLock Imagine and it is a dream machine. Being recently retired, I have added the BabyLock 6 needle embroidery machine to my bucket list. I am learning the embroidery process and have mastered many techniques with you assistance. My embroidery machines largest hoop is a 5 x 7 so I am saving dollars to get to the next level. Reading this blog has helped me tremendously and I can’t thank you enough. I look forward to making many many baby gifts. Thank you for your assistance.

  • Crissy Caldwell

    I’d love to have the Ovation Serger. We have an embroidery/sewing machine that was my first embroidery machine. Learned on it a decided to go bigger. We purchased the Babylock Emp6, so we now just use the combo machine as a sewing machine. With a sewing machine and embroidery machine, a serger would make a great companion. I love the features of the Ovation. My Mother has a serger that I hate to use because of having to thread all of those needles by hand. The Ovation features the ExtraordinAir system that does the threading for you. Love that! I also love that it has the Knee Life function. How wonderful it would be to have the ability of using both hands to guide your fabric through the serving process. I’ve had my eye on the Ovation ever since I saw it work in our local sewing shop. I was amazed!

  • Patty

    I would love an Ellisimo Gold II and the evolution serger! I think they are both great machines.

  • Linda Backen

    I have the Ellegante and the BMP9 Six needle embroidery machine. I would love to have the Ellisimo Gold and and a 10 needle embroidery machine

    Fun times with Babylock Machines

  • Deanna LeBrun

    Definitely the Ovation.

  • Cindy Schulteis

    Would love love love love to have the Ellisimo Gold 2. I have the Ellure Plus. This is my first Baby Lock and it is awesome but I can see myself upgrading to the Ellisimo someday 🙂

  • Mary Scott

    Would love to add a BabyLock to my sewing room!

  • Linda

    I would so so love the Ellisimo Gold…..someday…thanks for the chance to win..

  • Luann

    I would love the Tiara

  • Karen Storer

    I love my babylock machines. I have the Esante 2, the Ellisimo and the Eclipse and Evolution Sergers, I recommend to everyone I know to purchase babylocks because they are sooooo easy to use and results are fantastic. If I was given the chance to upgrade one of my machines, it would be a difficult choice, but looking at all the upgrades on the sewing machines, I would have to opt for the Ellisimo Gold 2 or one of the babylock/brother long arm machines…

  • Donna

    I would love to have the Ellisimo Gold. I am going to quilt show to look into getting one.

  • Carole D

    Just stopped last night at my dealer’s shop and looked at the Enterprise. Would love to try a 10 needle embroidery machine, although I am very happy with my Ellisimo Gold II.

  • Mary Parker

    Hi Eileen,
    I have the Ellisimo, but not the Gold, but I love my machine! I think it is the most user-friendly machine to use! I have lots of other brands but the Baby Lock is by far the easiest to use, and getting the gifts from Baby Lock will really help me to do more beautiful embroidery!

  • J. Anderson

    So where’s the “very generous give-a-way”? Enjoyed reading your article. Lots of good information.

  • Mimi

    I’d love to have the Enterprise!

  • Sharon L. Davenport

    I truly enjoy sewing so much more now that I have been able to add four different babylock machines to my family. Love them all with their ease of using them and how they help in keeping the young onesm getting discouraged

  • Sharon L. Davenport

    From getting discouraged by how easy they are to use. Would love the enterprise

  • Pat Bartholomew

    I have a small home embroidery business that I want to build upon since I will soon be retiring from my 9 – 5 job. The 10 needle embroidery would certainly help as well as a serger. With all the sewing I have done throughout the years I have never owned a serger. BabyLock is by far the best machines I have used.

  • Angela Brady

    Just checked the website, and I would love a Babylock Ovation Serger. I have sewing and embroidery machines, and a very old serger. I’ve heard Babylock are the best.

  • MoeWest

    An Ellisimo Gold would be lovely!

  • Annemarie McCoy

    I am thinking of one of the magical self threading Babylock sergers.

  • Linda W

    I have an Ellageo–and it’s wonderful. But, I would love to have the Ellisimo Gold 2! It would be great to have the larger hoops and the Neelecam for embroidery positioning.

  • Terri Stockinger

    I just upgraded to the Ovation serger, and just love all the improvements! The Babylock serger has definitely added less stress and more fun to my serging!

  • Jean Guenther

    I would love to have the ovation . I sadly traded my baby lock for a pfaff and am very disappointed. I used that baby lock for over 10 years sewing every day and never once had a problem. I am so sad to have changed.

  • Olivia

    I’ve been “longing” for the Unity since seeing it in action at embroidery club. I have viewed the Unity video numerous times and because I want to do it all – sewing, quilting, and embroidery, the Unity is my choice. I’m convinced the convenience and technology of the Unity – the automatic sensors, the editing features, the large hoop, accessories, and the built in help would all assist me in making many of my dreams come true.

  • Phyllis Pope

    I have used Baby Lock embroidery machines since about 2004. I loved watching the demonstrations at quilt shows around the U.S. so I went to my local Baby Lock dealer and purchased the “beginner machine” and have upgraded about every four years. I love the quality of the machines and the “extras” that I get on each upgrade. My ultimate dream is to make it to the Ellisimo Gold. The extra length of the arm and the larger hoops are what I would love to have to work with.

  • Denice Weys

    I would of course ask for the Ellisimo Gold 2. I have an old Ellageo with a floppy drive and it is still going strong but one has dreams if funds were not limited. All Babylocks seem well made. My sister has a 20 year old serger we share and it too is still going strong.

  • Barbara

    The 10 needle embroidery and the ovation are on my wish list. It’s like Lay’s potato chips….you can’t just have one! I have the elegante and LOVE IT!! The 14×14 hoop on the 10 needle is fabulous. I plan to embroidery many quilts in the hoop. Also love the camera and positioning system for hooping. Would love the ease of hooping bags, sleeves, and pants legs! The beautiful stitches the Ovation are so amazing. I would love being able to do a real coverstitch hem on the ovation and not a twin needle on the machine.

  • Sharon Taugner

    I have never owned a serger, but since I love knitting on my Brother knitting machines and embroidering on my knits with my Ellagio, I’d love to own an Ovation serger. Been looking at them for a while.

  • Pam

    I would love the Enterprise. I have the small multipurpose Brother right now and would enjoy the chance to make great projects and possibly turn it into a business! My current sewing machine is a quilter’s choice and I could not have asked for a better machine — way ahead of its time when I first got it.

  • Sheila

    Iwould love to have a babylock 6 needle embroidery machine!!!

  • Marge Geraci

    I would love to upgrade to the Ellisimo Gold. This is my dream wish.

  • Dawn Taylor

    I would love to have an Ellisimo Gold 2. It’s time to upgrade my old machine soon (a Brother 4000D.) Dreaming probably….. how to get hubby on board? I love my Baby Lock Enlighten serger!

  • MJ

    I would love the Crown Jewel long arm with the computer
    Program to sit next to my Creshendo and my
    Sophia 2!!
    Please please please….long arm quilting is my
    next adventure!

  • debbie anatole

    I would be happy to get anything babylock has to offer.

  • Linda Mitchell

    I recently purchased the Ellisimo Gold II and I love it! Would love the Ovation Serger.

  • Judy Donnelly

    I have many baby lock machines but if I were to get a new one, I think it might be the Crown Jewel.

  • Brenda McNeil

    I would love to have an Endurance multi needle embroidery machine and a serger. I have never used a serger but I do sew and embroidery alot using my Elligante 2.

  • Sue Winnie

    I would love to have the crescendo. I have 3 other baby locks and would love this one 2.

  • Calla Ferguson

    The Ovation Serger of course! Silly question……lol lol

  • Cindy Amend

    I would love to own an Enterprise 10 needle machine.

  • Carol Hofstetter

    I have the Baby Lock Elegante 3. I would love the Enterprise 10 needle and while I’m dreaming the Tiara also! I do both quilting and embroidery and both machines are in my dreams. I LOVE Baby Lock!

  • Ellen Kautz

    I’d like to have the Tiara. I piece a lot of quilt tops and quilt them on my Baby Lock Quilter’s Choice Professional that I bought used seven years ago. The stitch quality is wonderful and it’s a real work horse. It’s also great for piecing. However, I really would like the extra quilting space that the Tiara provides. It would make my quilting so much easier and more enjoyable. I also have an Elissimo Gold that I absolutely love. The Elissimo stitches the most beautiful embroidery trouble free. It is so easy to use. The big, bright screen and the Never Fail needle threader sold me since I’m “of a certain age.” Being able to update the machine’s firmware is such a great idea. The Baby Locks are so user friendly and just keep on stitching with no problems. Maybe someday I’ll win the lottery so I can adopt a Tiara.

  • Vicky Isliefson

    I would choose the Ovation Serger.

  • Corky

    I help sew quilts for World Wide Relief. Our church could use another sewing machine, bless you for the opportunity to win one.

  • Corky

    I sew quilts for World Wide Relief. Our church could use another sewing machine. Thank you for the opportunity to win one, bless you.

  • Doreen

    I’d have a tough time choosing. Either The Ellissimo Gold or the 10 needle Enterprise. Both look like excellent machines. The cameras are great options on both and snow man placement are amazing because sometimes you just don’t get the hooping perfect. Okay more often than I would care to admit. I guess I would have to say if I can only pick one it would be the Enterprise. No wait the Ellissimo Gold.. I mean the 10 needle. Too tough a decision!

  • Susan Weber

    I would love a Baby Lock multi-needed embroidery machine. I have a Brother embroidery/sewing machine but would love a larger one to do larger projects and hats. Would be so much fun to make hats for my grand children. It would also be so much easier to do the pant legs of purchased pants.

  • Sandy Eustace

    Since I just got the Ellisimo Gold 2 a week ago I would have to say my machine of choice is without a doubt the Babylock Ellisimo Gold 2. Am learning how to use and having a really fantastic time.

  • Becki Bowman

    The Babylock Enterprise❤️

  • Sharon P

    The Babylock Enterprise is at the top of my wishlist.

  • Idalia

    I would love to have the Enterprise.You can not go wrong with Babylock!!

  • Maria Laurence

    Would love to own the Ovation serger. Thanks for the tips on hooping correctly.

  • Janet Sorensen

    I have an Ellageo 3 and an Evolution, which I love, but would love to upgrade my Ellageo 3 with an Ellisimo Gold 2! I have never enjoyed sewing and embroidering more than with my Baby Lock machines.

  • Karen Wells

    I have a Baby Lock Estante2 and have used it for many years. (purchased in 1998) It still sews and embroiders beautifully. The only issue I have is the size of the embroidery hoops. I would LOVE to upgrade to the Ellisimo Gold so I could enjoy the larger designs.

  • Tamra Botkin

    It would be such a blessing to win any of the Baby Lock machines!! I really need a serger so I would choose the “Evolution”. Like the one Nancy Zieman uses on “Sewing with Nancy”.

  • Pamela Whatley

    I would love to have the “Sophia”–so I can do embroidery away from home!

  • Sandra Hammond

    I want the BabyLock serger that air threads and no manual tension! That sounds like serging heaven.

  • Jerlyn B. Hutto

    I would love to have the Babylock Ellisimo Gold or the Ovation Serger. I would give it to my 12 year old granddaughter who loves sewing on my machines. She is a very talented young sewer and I encourage her at every turn. Have carried her to Martha Pullen School of Art Fashion for three years and hoping we can go again this year in July. She would think she had died and gone to heaven if she had one of these machines. I would, too, because I only have the Ellisimo and Evolution but I do love those Babylock machines of mine.

  • Julie Daugherty

    I bought the Ellisimo Gold 2 years ago and I absolutely love it. At the moment I’m drooling over the Sashiko machine, it would be so much fun to be able to combine these stitches with the embroidery work! Next up would be an Ovation serger.

  • Faviola Martinez

    I’ve been wanting a new server and my choice would be the wonderful Ovation!

  • Faviola Martinez

    I’ve been wanting a new serger, and my choice would be the wonderful Ovation!

  • Roxanna Flint

    My ultimate dream would be to own the Baby Lock Enterprise! It provides so much flexibility and hooping variations. What an amazing machine!

  • Janice

    Would love to have the Spirit. I could embroider while sewing on my Ellegante 3. Then after getting a Baby Lock serger… heaven!

  • Paige

    If I could have any machine, it would be the Endurance 2. 🙂 Of course, I would be happy with any Baby Lock. What a great product!

  • Ann

    Would love to have A Baby Lock Embroidery machine with good quality, at least two hoops, added designs, etc. I have a
    Baby Lock Serger and love it!!!even though a few years old.
    Now that we on fixed income, my hubby got me a much cheaper
    line of embroidery machine and no lessons or instuctions and it was not BabyLock.

  • Terry Senko

    I’ve had 7 terrific years with my Brother Innovis 4000D, but I would really like to have the larger hoop size of an Ellisimo Gold.

  • terrry

    I have an Ellismo and an Ovation, I think I’d like one of the multi needle machines

  • Linda Lester

    I just upgraded from an Esante for 7 years to the Ellisimo Gold 2 and haven’t had the chance to u box it yet! I’m so excited! The machine I would like to have would be the Tiara for quilting. I love the Babylock machines!

  • Nancy Newcomb

    Would love to have a multi-needle machine

  • Mimi McNairy

    If I could own any Baby Lock machine, I would own the Crown Jewel. It’s the perfect machine for any home/business sewing studio. The projects you could make and finish with the Crown Jewel are endless and it will provide owners with heirlooms that will be treasured for centuries to come.

  • Myron Ridgeway

    When is Baby Lock going to offer a magnetic hoop like your competitor has. I can see a lot of uses for it with the Embroider work that I am doing now. I then wouldn’t have to use the spray adheasive which makes a mess at times.
    It would also make it a lot easier to reposition the material once it is on the machine and not centered just where you want it.

  • Mary Beth Gibbs

    I received a wonderful gift of a Baby Lock Journey Sewing/Embroidery Machine about a month ago. I am SO thankful for it and started making gifts for me, family, and friends right away. Since I’m not close to a retail store, I’m learning on my own and loving it. The gift offered today would be an added bonus. Thank you, Baby Lock!!

  • I’d like to find out more? I’d care to find out some additional information.

  • Veronica Siegel

    Wow. I have “another” brand and it is very limited and I would quit my job and embroider all day with a new Baby Lock Enterprise. That ranks right up there with retirement on the beach in Costa Rica!

  • Mimi McNairy

    Baby Lock Enterprise is the machine for me. What a workhorse! Baby Lock is the best — and if you dream of owning your own business you need the best.

  • Myron Ridgeway

    I love my Baby Lock Esante BLN machine. It is soo much easier to use than the other machine I had. If I had it to do over again I think I would of liked to gone to the next higher model. I haven’t looked into it, but it would be nice if it had a color screen as well as a larger screen so that you can see just where it is stitching.

  • brenda

    I would love to have the elisimo


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  • Mimi McNairy

    I would love to own a Destiny, Baby Lock’s reputation for making quality, innovative products coupled with technological advances makes the Destiny a winner for anyone who loves creating through sewing.

  • Mary D

    The Destiny would be my choice for sure! Not a feature on it that wouldn’t be great to have!

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  • Mary D

    Great post with helpful information. If I could have ANY Babylock??? I would love the Unity. I already have 4 Babylock machines; sewing, embroidery, serger and embellisher! Best ever machines.

  • Mimi McNairy

    Wow! This would be a hard decision to make – but I narrowed it down to 3 choices – the Enterprise, the Crown Jewel II, and the Sashiko 2, but not necessarily in this order.

  • Lois Rosenlof

    I would love the Baby Lock Ellisimo Gold II. I have heard so many good things about the precision screen, and its endless. It would be wonderful to be able to upgrade my current machine to a Baby Lock product!

  • Melissa Vaughn

    Just starting out with machine embroidery, always did hand embroidery before. Would love to have a Surger!

  • Jessica

    I need to add a serger to my sewing machines. The ovation would be awesome!

  • Janet Shirk

    I will scrimp and save until I can afford to buy my dream serger “The Ovation” This is a must for me in my sewing room.

  • Becky Windham

    The Babylock Ellisimo Gold. I have a Symphony and am very happy with it but hear great things about the Ellisimo Gold.

  • Donna Austin

    I would love to have the top of the line serger. that the Ovation? My current server is giving me fits.

  • Eunice Misbe

    My first Baby Lock was an Ellageo ESG purchased back in 2002. It still sewed beautifully, actually, but I upgraded to an Ellegante 3 after Christmas and love all the new features. I also upgraded my old, old Baby Lock serger BL 3200 to a previously owned Evolution.

    What I would love to get now is a nice Baby Lock starter machine for my 12 year old niece who is interested in learning to sew. I would like to get her a sewing/embroidery combo because she would have a great time with embroidery too. But….my shoestring isn’t long enough right now, lol.

  • Cheryl Bassler

    I would love the ovation serger!!!! Thanks for the helpful tips.

  • Sheila

    I disagree with this definition of “IN THE HOOP” ……“In the Hoop” Embroidery – What It Is & When to Use

    This term relates to placing the fabric in the hoop for stabilizing during embroidery. “In the hoop” embroidery is usually used whenever you will have little to no problem hooping the fabric. To summarize – if your item is large enough to be hooped, the fabric is not too heavy and the hoop won’t damage the fabric, it is usually easier and better to hoop.

    I think it is a project started and finished/constructed entirely “IN THE HOOP”

    • juditZ

      As I am loosing my eyesight for the moment with cataracs, and hands with carpal tunnel I would love machine with auto threading. The threaders on most are not that sturdy. Also love the camera feature to audition fabric for the design before sewing it out. That would be fantastic. Babylock has been a very good brand for years. Some others at JoAnns are in the repairshop way too often for the cost of the machines. So sad. juditz

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  • Jackie Hargett

    I have have Destiny! LOVE it!! Babylock is the only way to go! I would love to have a serger or a multi needle.

  • Linda Smith

    I purchased my used Baby lock last year and have enjoyed sewing again…I was recently asked “you started a new project, don’t you get tired of sewing?” my reply was ” No I enjoy seeing your faces when I gift projects to you all” and it is so relaxing to sew!

  • Maggie Hubbard

    I would love to own either the Endurance or Enterprise Baby Lock. Both are beautiful machines. Have always wanted one.

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  • Brent Amos

    We just got the Alliance back in September and are already over a million stitches just practicing and learning. So I would like the Valiant from the embroidery line. On the other hand, the wife wants a serger, so I would consider the Ovation or Evolution.

  • Dianne Finnegan

    I am new to machine embroidery so I would really like to learn more on the Ovation. I would take classes at our local Babylock shop which really helps in the learning process.

  • Christin G

    I would love the endurance II! I have out grown my current embroidery machine but at the same time I am just starting my own business. So money is tight and I can’t upgrade at the moment. I have found a new love in sewing and embroidery and it has become my daily therapy. It makes me so happy to see people get excited when they receive what they ordered from me! I am also interested in sergers!

  • Fran Bruce

    I would love to own the Solaris. I have visited my dealer numerous time and what I’ve seen, this machine is the machine to top all. I love to embroider and create. It would definitely be my hero. I have owned 4 embroidery machines by Babylock and this is my machine choice.