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Fusible Web

I have a love-hate relationship with fusible web. I like to add it to the wrong side of applique fabrics, even those that will be finished with a satin edge. I love the insurance fusible web provides through the life of the garment because the applique will not work itself away from the base fabric. That’s the love part.

The hate part? The application. I always seem to struggle with fusible web. I apply the heat, let it cool (well, almost let it cool) then disaster strikes. It doesn’t release properly – oh no, part of the paper peels off with a good bit of the adhesive still stuck on it. In fact, it now looks like a hot mess – adhesive is no longer a smooth sheet – nah, it’s a jumbled mess. I hate this! I curse the manufacturer of the fusible web, (how can they put their name on this product!). I blame the store where I bought it (surely they’ve had this bolt in inventory for a century).

I stalk out of the sewing room and hit the chocolate stash. After a few moments, I realize I’m still in love with the fabrics. I still need to finish my project. I still have to get this figured out NOW!

So I walk back into the sewing room and assess the damage. Hmm. Maybe it wasn’t the fusible web. Maybe it was the iron. Oh yes…hmmm….I was supposed to apply DRY heat. Not steam. And let it cool – completely cool – before removing the protective paper.

But my iron is full of water. And when I switch it to no steam, steam still escapes, apparently too much for this task! Then it dawns on me, I need two irons in my sewing room!

I can hear you laughing as you read this, “Really? It took you 20+ years to figure this out?” I now have two irons on my board. Yep, one full of water set for steam and the other one – DRY – forever!

Embarrassingly, I actually had two irons in the sewing room. The second one was deposited by one of my college students who didn’t need it any longer. And it just sat on a shelf. Not anymore – it’s hobnobbing with its steamy partner on the ironing board – a lasting marriage. And they are both labeled. This leaves no doubt if a family member pops into the sewing room to use the iron.


Here’s what I learned from this sticky situation: read and follow the manufacturer’s directions. They really do know best.

Investing in duplicate tools makes sense – it saves you time and sanity!

Finally, label your tools – it keeps everyone in the house on the same page.

Here’s your assignment this week:

Look around your sewing room and tell us what your most unorganized area is. Don’t be shy! One lucky comment will be chosen to win the latest Stipple! Sassy Cats by Katherine Artines.

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The winner of last week’s assignment is:

What a fascinating woman! Tell us what your favorite pastime is besides embroidery and 2 winners will be selected to win a $25 gift certificate to the Kreations by Kara website. Good luck!

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And the winners are…Debbie P and Cindy M. Congratulations!

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  • Ellen Perry

    This is an easy question
    My closet.. It is bulging with fabric, yarn and more
    I just don’t have room on the shelves. It is embarrassing

  • Teresa Mitchell

    My closet shelves in my sewing room are a disaster, but come to think about it, so is my cutting table. Goodness, I honestly don’t know which is worse.

  • Sandy Smith

    I seem to have a decent handle with organizing my larger pieces of fabric, but I’m having a really hard time with trying to organize leftover fabric pieces from completed projects. Right now I have a basket spilling over with bits and pieces that I just can’t make myself toss…too many ideas for using them!

    • karen

      I, too, don’t have a problem with large pieces of fabric, it’s the scraps, left overs, that always look like an explosion! I’ll refold and put the fabric in the plastic shoe boxs and in no time it’s a mess again!

      • Carol

        Try zip lock freezer bags for the small pieces. I stuff my ‘leftover fabric’ with yardage labeled. I love it for all my fusible interfacing.

  • Judy Wentz

    My Resource Center, aka the fabric room, is so full that it is overflowing into the next room. I really need to get in there and straighten it out while I still can because the next room has its own problems.

  • Judith Torphy

    My fabric stash is the worst. I start to organize it and then I find a fabric that I just have to use–hence nothing gets organized but on the upside I have a new project finished.

  • LaNae Walters

    my sewing room problem, well the problem is i dont really have one i have an entire craft room that has turned into a junk room, so my sewing room has migrated into my bedroom and that is a problem with my hubby! my biggest problem is i want to paint sew craft anything and everything but i have no oranizing skills at all. I need an organizing fairy to visit my craft room!!

  • Karen Rilstone

    My embroidery machine is surrounded by a battalion of threads – cotton, polyester, rayon and metallic, each marching forward to take his place on the machine spindle.


  • Susan Burns

    Definitely the thread area. They are everywhere. The more racks I buy, the more thread I get. The paper ends fall off, then I don’t remember what it is, other than a color!

  • Virginia

    My cutting table is my most unorganized. I have rulers, marking pens project I am working on and last but not least a small waste basket for the my cuttings. I so wish I had more room.

  • Cindy Amend

    This came as a shock to me, but I was recently told my sewing room was the most organized they had ever seen. I feel my most unorganized area is my stash. I have it on shelves under my cutting table and in bins in my closet. I can never seem to find what I want.

  • Karen

    I have a draw of scrap stabilizer that started out as separate zip locks which I labeled with each type but now the draw is overflowing with bags and scraps some in bags some loose. A mess! Needs some organization. Help.

  • Donna

    Hard to say, my whole crafting, quilting, sewing area is a mess. But I guess my threads are in the worse state of messiness. They are in boxes, bins, baskets, on shelves and over flowing from the drawers of a desk I have pressed into service. There are so many of them and yet when I go to sew something I never seem to have the color I need. HELP!

  • Beth R

    My whole sewing area is a mess – because I also watch TV, exercise, and let guests sleep there! Maybe one of these days I’ll get better organized.

  • Mary Haggenmaker

    Actually the only thing that has any resemblance to organization would be my thread racks and my hoops,most of the time. I have so many projects that I intend to do with the directions scattered and waiting to be organized it is unreal. My offspring may be the ones to one day pick up the gauntlet and delve into what mom never got around to. In the meantime I am slowly working on the organization.

  • Peg Schmidt

    My computer desk is a mess that can never stay cleaned up….I am always printing something, ideas, techniques or copying on CDs, USB sticks, or making notes of web sites. I have a hard time finding my stapler because of all my paper treasures. Getting rid of the paper clutter or organizing it is my most failed accomplishment.

    • Karen W

      I agree, Peg! With embroidery, quilting, crafts, home dec & regular sewing, all the paper eats up space that should be available for actually working on projects. There are printouts of templates, design ideas/inspiration, projects, magazine clippings, etc — this list goes on & on. Issues I’ve solved w/ cabinets: 1) binders filled with printouts of embroidery designs (by designer/website), as it seems to take longer to find a design I know I have on the computer & more difficult for others to see; 2) Magazines, in holders; 3) Threads for embroidery, serger, sewing, etc on turntables inside a corner cabinet. I’m normally organized, but I can’t seem to find a way to get all those papers that get stacked & moved around — no place to file them. And when I manage to stash them, they just reappear!

  • Jane Towsley

    My sewing room is pretty well organized, it’s me that needs organized to stay on track and finish my projects. I have friends and family that stop by and want things done for them. So I guess I need to organize my time better.

  • Lilia O

    Well … I would have to say the WHOLE room – LOL. Now, that’s what I call a W.I.P.!!! 🙂

  • Messy Bessy Donna

    I think the best description I can give you is one of what I see as I sit at my computer in my library, office, sewing room, and storage room. I see a beautiful embroidery machine setting on an uncluttered piece of real estate, a desk arm. Then the rest of the room is totally trashed with computer projects for my Garden Club, unfinished quilting projects, stacks of every stabilizing product known to man (or woman), 1000 books fairly well organized in beautiful oak lawyer’s cabinets, a dozen shirts, jeans and blouses awaiting to be embroidered and given away to friends and then plastic tubs filled with priceless junk which I cannot throw away. There’s a small closet with beautiful clothes which I may FIT into again (if only I could sew my mouth shut with the embroidery machine). On a scale of 1 to 10 for neatness and organization, it may rank a 1.5 but that is being generous. An empty desk is a sign of an empty mind, a cluttered room is a sign of a wacko with too many projects going on!

  • Heidi

    my craft rooom/s are organized chaos. I know what I have but not necessarily where I will find it. I hope to soon change this when my sewing room gets done and can divide the chaos a bit. HA HA. I will always be in crafting chaos!!!

  • Sandy Wahl

    Can I say the entire sewing room/office? It’s my sewing room, craft room, and has my computer in it.

  • judit z

    Doing bridal alterations and others over the years I have left over fabrics and trims of all kinds…
    unfortunately I have them….. finding them in the at least 30+ boxes and drawers is another matter.

  • LeAnne L

    My cutting table is terrible because it’s the largest surface so that’s where I audition all my fabrics and threads, which means I also have about five project piles going at once. If I need to cut something, do I clean off the table? Oh, no. I just put everything in a separate corner, cut my fabric, and then it all migrates to the center of the table again.

  • Leanda Mayer

    My “projects to do” area. I have an area where all the “to do” things go. However, there are just too many and it overflows.

  • Louise

    My organisation skills are the most disorganised part of my sewing room! I try to be organised and go and buy the right tools, but it never quite works out! For example, I bought a set of matching baskets for my fabric off cuts. I separated them out by size, but then decided to separate them by type of fabric, then decided that colour would be better, but wait, no, purpose would be good – in the end, I throw them all in one big tub, and use the baskets for trimmings and am back to square one… colour? size? purpose? type? …

  • Suzanne

    under my sew mach tables…………i have more of those plastic drawer sets than Carter has pills! 2 deep and then baskets in front of them………Grrrrrrrrrrr LOL!

  • Frances Powell

    My sewing table top is the most un-organized. My husband made me a sewing table that is 8 feet long. On one end I have my regular sewing machine and on the other end my sewing/embroidery machine. If I am working on each machine at the same time, I can no longer see the top of the table.

  • Sue D

    I keep adding bookcases to store things, but they fill up and now there are no walls. My design wall ended up behind my sewing machine table so I have to pull the table from the wall to hang and see a quilt design. I’d say I have too much stuff.

  • Nancy Popp

    The first thing that comes to mind is my files. They are a mess. Also lots of stray thread cluttering up my desk and various UFO’s scattered around. Like someone else said, when I am gone my children will curse me!

  • Joyce Hardiman

    My embroidery area. I have tons of thread around and scraps of fabric that I am not going to throw away but have gotten around to putting away. My scissors and seam ripper are always buried.

  • Kathy Meyer

    My most unorganized area is my stabilizers! I keep saying that I am going to label and sort the types but never get around to it,

  • Joan Strayham

    My sewing area is disorganized to my personal comfort level, if that makes sense, lol. What is disorganized is my gazillion embroidery designs on my laptop. The hardest part of a project is finding the design I want on my computer!!
    By the way, 2 irons is absolutely genius!! Cannot believe I did not consider this already since I have an extra one in my attic!! Thanks!!

    • Jackie Barwick

      I have a USB hub that holds several flash drives. On each flash drive I have opened folders that are labeled according to the category of the design– eg flowers, animals, heirloom & etc. They are stored in the format that my machines use. I use my embroidery software to view & utilize them. This works really well, and is economical to use.

  • Liz Fergus

    The large table my sewing machine occupies is a disaster. I have my current project as well as two other projects, unfinished and waiting to be worked on. There are all kinds of sewing supplies just waiting to be picked up and used, as well as many just waiting to be put away properly. Lots of scissors, pins, rippers, a magnifying glass, writing pens, rulers, markers, you name it – all within reach, should the need arise. Once the project is complete, I will gather everything and put all in their proper places until … the next project begins, OR I decide to complete the two still sitting there waiting to be finished.

  • Janna Patton

    I have 4 work stations, my embroidery machine, sewing machine, serger and cutting table. No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to organize my tools! Scissors, rotary cutters, pins, etc.! I try to keep a set at each station but when I need it, it’s not there! Would love to know how to keep them put!

  • Carol Bartlem

    My Worst area is the fabric cupboard. While sitting here sewing the other night I heard a loud noise and had no idea where it came from. My 2 little king Charles Cavies even barked. I continued what I was doing only to have the doors of my fabric cupboard fly open and all the fabric spill out onto the floor. I nearly S… my self.Yes that one last piece that I had stuffed into the cupboard forced the shelf to collapse. So there it still lies on the floor while I finish my baby quilt and decide what am I going to do. Buy a new cupboard, donated some of the fabric to charity or repair the old one. Will take some serious thought a cup of tea and some chocolate Sounds like a plan

  • Karin

    I’ve got so many UFO’s and bolts of leftover fabrics stashed under the cutting table (and truth be told, there’s a box of special stabilizers that I don’t have room in the rack for) that even the dog can’t get under there anymore. She is really pretty miffed about that, so I’ve really got to get busy and clean it up, ‘cuz I do love having her around. I’m so glad to read that I’m not alone in the unorganized areas…my cutting table is only half available too, ‘cuz there’s even more UFO’s piled high on the end of it. Oh look, there’s some more leftover fabric, and some more stabilizer rolls. Oh well…maybe I’ll clean it all up tomorrow.

  • Ena Hitt

    the worse area of my sewing room has got to be under my cutting table.It has clear plastic totes under it and other scraps of batting material, etc seem to get thrown on top of them!! Its what you would call a “hot mess”!!

    • karen


  • Mary

    My whole room is one big mess. The fabric is pretty well organized. It’s all the other stuff lying around, on top of each other and all over the cutting table that drives me crazy.

  • Liz W

    Oh my! It’s the piles of projects I have yet to start & those I still need to finish. Right next to that mess is my stack of sewing, quilting, and embroidery books. So many ideas & so little time!

  • Jan D

    Oh my, The Lab, aka seeing room looks/is a mess!

  • sandie taylor

    My sewing area is most disorganized. I have an extra table butted up against my machine cabinet so that I have a large amount of area to use for when I quilt. But since i am not quilting at the moment I have threads and baskets that I keep notions in and ribbon, just a bunch of stuffffff on top of the extra table that will take a little while to unclutter when it is time to use it.

  • Marcia

    That is really easy, it is me. I have so many things that I want to make and I have a difficult time getting organized long enough to get very much accomplished.

  • Terrie Underwood

    The most organized/unorganized area of my sewing room is the place I put things for safe keeping. Last week I put instructions for a project I knew I was working on the next week, in a safe place, so I would know where it was. It is in such a safe place, obviously along with several other project directions, I don’t know where I put it.

  • Tris Thompson

    The area where I am working… Around the machine & the floor.
    Also the cutting table.
    Must learn to put things away as I go.

  • Linda Stokes

    The whole room! A few years ago I moved in with my Mom because she can’t live on her own and all of my things went into storage. I do have one sewing machine and one serger here at the house, and over the years I have moved in some sewing items, but…. nothing is where it is easy to get.

  • Casie Williams

    I’m pretty organized . . . but my stash of blanks for “last minute gifts” is embarrassing! Whenever I take a big breath and open the drawer I’m attacked by items from the top of the stack. If I make it to the bottom to find that “special something”, I usually find at least five things I forgot were in there and would have been great for the last project!


    The area where I put things that need to go to other rooms and just haven’t left yet.

  • Rita Erickson

    My worst area is the collection of project instructions, patterns and magazine pages. (And I have experience as an archivist-shame on me!)

  • Rita Erickson

    My most unorganized area is my pile of instructions for future projects, mixed in with photos and magazine articles of inspiration -and I am a trained archivist -shame on me!

    • Lynn Zukowski

      By far the messiest part of my sewing area is my material. As I sort through the piles for the perfect colour for a robot body applique, or the best contrast for a pillowcase zinger- fabric flies everywhere as I make my way to the bottom of the bin( it’s always on the bottom of the bin- never the top!)Once upon a time the quilting cottons were with quilting cottons, sorted by colour, and the fleece was all in one area. Now it’s in a mountainous pile that spills over onto the floor – daring me to find what I am looking for! I keep on telling myself how much easier it would be if it was once again sorted into colour and content – but somehow a new project always takes priority. Oh well, I can live with mess – really where would the fun be without the challenge of the hunt!

  • Sue Winnie

    I wish I could find my table. It’s covered with everything and any thing. I need thought I’d use this table. It was my mil dining room table that can seat 20. And yes I’m embarrassed to say all leaves are in and table top covered.

  • Carolyn H

    There isn’t much organization for anything that isn’t in a drawer with a label. Strange
    as it may seem I know where most things are. I describe it as organized chaos!

  • Pat Scull

    My entire room is a disaster…I have said many times if I get rid of this computer, I would do much more sewing and use some of these patterns, fabric and notions that I continue to buy. My neighbor offered to help me organize, but I do not even want her in this room. It doesn’t help that I continue to have hospital visits for myself. Someday maybe I will get it done.

  • Pam Rohlfs

    My basket full of big but not so big interfacing Know I will use it (maybe)?

  • Fran Wiest

    It is definitely my bookshelves, no matter how carefully I think I am putting away a pattern, a sewing machine manual, (or my embroidery manual!) I simply can’t find it when I need it. I always think I have put it away logically but somehow that logic changes by the time I need to retrieve it!

  • Carol K E

    I am really fortunate as I have a lovely cutting table with storage and drawers below on both sides. The worst cubby is the elastic and ribbon drawer as it has bits left over from a variety of projects.

  • Doree shandera

    I would have to say my ribbon stash. It is piled in a box that is overflowing. I grab a roll and five fall out onto the floor. I really need to get them under control!!

  • Terri

    I would have to say my mind! I have good intentions and I get part of my sewing room organized, but then the next area remains a mess. I have two closets and I have organized one but not the other. I organized most of my fabric by color, but my storage drawers are a wreck! I can’t seem to get a cohesive plan for my sewing room organized in my mind…

  • Betsy

    I’m in the middle of a move to a smaller home. Every bit of my previous sewing room is in boxes in my new sewing room…waiting for me to start organizing and putting away. So, nothing in my sewing room is organized. I can’t wait to tackle the mess because I’m having sewing/embroidery withdrawal!

  • Lynette

    My fabric stash. I have been trying to figure out a way to get it under control. I think that it isn’t to bad and than I try to find something and it is a disaster again.

  • Jane

    I can’t narrow it down to any particular area of my sewing/quilting/embroidering room. I think I have too many different supplies in one area – but I don’t know what to do about that – I am engaged in all three at any time – I have too much thread for all three things – too much fabric, notions and software. Now I need to just be more aware of what I do own. Thanks for the chance.

  • Judy Williamson

    My whole sewing room is a disaster! It started out neat and then I began sewing. My husband says I have a pig trail from the door to my sewing machine.

  • Ruth Thompson

    My sewing tables are the disasters in my sewing area. They are always piled high with projects- the ones that are half finished, the ones that haven’t been started yet, and the ones that are cut out but laying in a heap because I got that far and other things came up that needed to be done.

  • Karen

    Well since I just switched places with a sewing room and a bedroom I am in between, but the thing I can’t seem to figure out how to organize are all my embroidery designs. Some are in larger cases like your designs and some are in dvd type cases. Do you have a suggestion?

  • Laurene Shewan

    My sewing room (an embroidery and a sewing machine and all their essentials like hoops, thread, etc.) shares space with shelving units of ebay inventory AND my genealogy stash……..not to mention our computer and all that equipment (scanner, printer, camera, paper, software, manuals, etc.). Don’t even try to imagine it! I keep the door closed to this room except when I’m working in it.

  • Eddie's mom

    I get too many projects going at once….that makes
    a confusing, chaotic, messy sewing room! Help!

  • Vici Fallin

    This is sooooo frightening to read over and over about yourself. Oh my, are all people creating also creating chaos, I thought I was the only one. I am always so thrilled when I find something I have lost in my sewing room. Keeping my cutting area clean is probably my worst area, because as my husband says I cannot pass a flat surface without putting something down on it, but all areas could use a little help.

  • Vici Fallin

    My three year old granddaughter calls this the “Makin-Stuff-Room”so I do eventually make stuff out of the chaos.

  • Pat Buehler

    It’s definitely my craft table but I think that is because hard as I try I just don’t have enough space for fabric, yarn, thread, stabilizer. hoops, rulers and all the other miscellaneous things that are absolutely necessary when creating. To make it worse, I sometimes buy another of something because I just can’t find the one I thought I had.

  • Rosalyn

    It’s my bins of trim, elastic, bias tape and ribbon. I can spend hours organizing the bins and the first time I need something, everything seems to explode.

  • Shirley

    Well! I out grow the bedroom I had my sewing in so my husband said we never use the livingroom just collects dust so we moved my sewing room into the living room. I have a stand up divider that I use when guest come so they cannot see the sewing room. My threads are in good shape and stablizers all organzied. My material another story I have tried but to no a vale. Someday maybe I will get it done but I find a piece when I a sorting and have to use it then. So nothing else gets done.

  • Laurie

    My closet is full! I can’t put another piece of fabric in it! When I buy more fabric it stays in the bag and piled on the floor. If the fire dept ever came for an inspection. My sewing room would be declared a fire zone! And what cutting table? I know I have one!

  • JudiC

    In my opinion, my sewing/craft room is well organized except for my UFOs and Embroidery Designs. I have so many embroidery designs but they are all stored differently, some on USB or

  • Colleen Gnehm

    fabric, fabric scraps, I hate to throw anything away that I think I will be able to use later. Its all sort of thrown into a bin. what I would give for those magic fairies to come sort and organize. I spend far too much time looking for a piece of fabric I know I have hidden.

  • Paula Lund

    The most unorganized area in my room is the fabric. I love buying it so mI usually find more projects each time.uch that organizing doesn’t last. It does make it a treasure hunt when I want to make something.

  • Antoinette

    Daughter and I share a craft room, well… almost. It’s not that large and it’s really embarrassing, because the sewing and embroidery notions, threads and we won’t mention the fabrics are everywhere. I’m sure she’s about at her wit’s end. Each time I must look for something to complete a project, I reorganize… then can’t find other things. Ahhhh… the creative mind.

  • Sherrie Lilly

    I have an 8′ x 18′ (144sq feet) trailer that is my craft/sewing room. I would have to say the back 9 feet of it is unorganized. Whatever I don’t have a place for goes back there. When we move next year my one requirement is a 240 sq foot craft room. Hopefully then I can be organized.

  • Brenda Melahn

    Well, it’s definitely a tie — my 8′ long counter top that I insisted I had to have to “craft” on … (right now has sleeve board, deoderant, paper towels, Tarot cards, box of painted rocks, 2 hooded Abby Cadabby bath towels, sewing machine cover, Skyrim costume I’m working on, box with various tapes in it, spray glue, packaging tape, my tape scissors, large 2′ paper mache` M, fabric to go back on the shelf, magazine, my granddaughter’s toy fabric basket, and a container of D rings and other fixings. Never mind — not a tie — we have a winner 🙂

  • Becky

    My biggest problem is having too many ideas and too little time. I buy the items needed to make the project, then never get to it. I have things together in a plastic see-thru boxes, but I now have stacks of these boxes and no place to put them. Surely there is a better way to store things. Help!!

  • Carol Seavitt

    My counters have half-sewn projects on them. And I don’t want to put them away for fear I will forget about them!

  • Darlene K

    Fusible Web and duplicate tools. No, No, NO!!! you have it wrong, Eileen! haha You don’t label for your family. You label for the times you are overwhelmed with a brilliant idea and aren’t paying attention. AND you TELL your family not to touch your tools. hahahaha!! No, I really tell my family hands off. I have bought each of them their own tools – scissors, tape dispensers, irons, etc, with the hopes they leave my sewing supplies lonely. So we have duplicates all over the house so that my babies stay safe…..

  • Jill T.

    Right now it would be all my flat surfaces. They are all covered with “stuff”. There are projects in progress, projects to start, fabric and projects want to be.

    • eileenroche

      I know Jill, those flat surfaces are just waiting for me to dump something on them! I often think I should slide a wedge under them to place them on slant – that way, anything I put on it will slide off! I should have been a sailor – that’s about the only way i’d break the habit.

  • Marilyn K

    I thought I was the only one with an entire room which is unorganized! All my quilting and sewing friends are neatniks–well, maybe only those who are have let us see their rooms. I don’t let anyone see mine.

  • Cynthia S

    My whole room is a mess! I clean it up and then mess it up again. But don’t tell the kids…sometimes it gives me a place to hide and relax for a while! ;o)

  • gayle

    I don’t have a very big area for sewing so my whole room is a bit unorganized. I know where everything is and when I do tidy up I can’t find a thing lol.

  • Roberta Bowie

    That is pretty easy for me. Where I am is the mess of all messes. I sit at the sewing machine with the iron on my right with marking pens , scissors rulers and fabric pieces to iron. Duplicates of these items are usually on my sewing machine cabinet with thread, seam ripper , more marking pens,pins, fabric scraps I can’t throw away, and not last by any means a threaded needle.
    Believe it or not I make quilts. I am left handed, very compulsive when I start sewing so I know what I need is at arms length. No matter how I try to clean up my act,I just can’t manage to sew without the clutter. It finds me like white on rice.

  • Vicky Isliefson

    I have a row of coat hooks laden with tote bags that hold unfinished projects of all descriptions. These are the all the things I tried and never quite took to: weaving, cross stitch, needle felting, yarn animal pom poms, etc.

  • Jennifer Berry

    My unfinished project piles are my clutter nightmare!

  • Delia

    The most disorganized thing in my sewing room is ME! I tend to multitask and have so many UFO’s that I don’t know which way to turn. Some days I feel like a spinning top. The Gremlins are against me and seem to pile up more UFO’s in the most unusual places. Maybe I should just muck the room out and start all over again. Ya right!

  • Delia Tapia

    The most disorganized thing in my sewing room is ME! I tend to multitask and have so many UFO’s that I don’t know which way to turn. Some days I feel like a spinning top. The Gremlins are against me and seem to pile up more UFO’s in the most unusual places. Maybe I should just muck the room out and start all over again. Ya right!

  • Delia Tapia

    I did use the required fields!!!
    Delia Tapia

  • Rosa Gray

    I usually start off the week with the sewing room nice, neat, organized. Then I start thinking about my next project….playing with ideas, fabric, border prints, etc. I think I’ve made a mess? THEN the grandchildren come to visit. The 10 mo. old loves to touch the fabric, especially the minkie. She pulls a piece of the shelf, holds it, squeals, then piece by piece, she pulls out as much fabric as she can reach. Laughing out loud & having a good time, she checks to see if I am watching her. How can you get frustrated with a messy sewing room when a little one enjoys herself so much. After playing with it, she decides to pat it and lay her head down. I smile to myself & laugh as I am refolding fabric & place it on the shelves, knowing all too well, it will be pulled out again another day. Messy, disorganized…no way. Contentment.

  • Martine

    I just reorganised my sewing room and it looks well far better than before. Problem is there are 4 boxes waiting in the hall just outside the door the contents of which I yet have to get into a spot of their own – and I haven’t a clue how to! And as I have visitors coming over the weekend I need to find a place fast – or shove them in the attic?

  • Darlene K

    My most unorganized area is the whole sewing room. I have a small room with way too much material stuffed into a closet and in bags on the floor. My oldest is about to move out which is sad but also joyous in that I will have a real room all my own. Yea! But I do have a problem figuring out what to do with all my thread. I have bought organizers and it is just not enough.

  • Mary Jane T

    My sewing-craft room is a mess. I can’t even get into my closet because there is so many boxes in front of it. I have plastic rubber maid boxes filled with different types of material for my embroidery machine then boxes of quilters cottons.Plus I keep a bag of strips of left over materials that I cut into 3/4 inch to 2 inch wide strips that I use for making rag quilts. Talk about thread, I have 5 boxes of embroidery machine thread sitting there plus regular thread for quilting and hand embroidery, there is even 2 sewing machines and and the embroidery machine attachment case. That only half the room, the rest is my crafting and card making side…….I need a larger house.

  • karima misraoui

    My sewing room is also my children’s play/tv room complete with a table soccer table. I have overtaken this and most of my materials and threads that I’m working on ends up here, and my children know not to touch any work in progress.

  • Cheryl Greenleaf

    Although I’ve tried to organize my fabric stash by sorting it into plastic bins, it seem that my sewing room closet still looks like a huge lava spill oozing out the door.

  • Berenice

    I have to organize???!!! I can’t just wave the magic wand and have what I need float to the top? I would be lost if the organizing fairy came. We would be able to see carpet, sit on chairs and eat at dining room table. And getting duplicate items, would that include getting the extra pair of scissors, mark them “FABRIC ONLY” and hide the really good pair so the other one can be used to trim the rose bush?

  • Paula l

    I wish there was just one area….the worst is probably the stuff that isn’t in the room yet. It sits piled by the door waiting to come in and join the chaos…..or maybe the UFO pile, or the scrap/batting pieces that are escaping their bags….I could go on but I had better not….

  • Penny Kitzmiller

    I have my sewing room combined with my Scrapbooking so everything is a mess. My cloth needs to be organized along with all of my cloth scraps. I do have all my sewing books separate from my craft ones. I love to read sewing articles.

  • Vicki L in MN

    I don’t have a dedicated sewing room, I have a craft room. It’s only 10×10 and holds 3 crafts worth of stuff. My jewelry was a small business for a number of years and I still have a large inventory of beads, cabochons, etc. Then I got into paper crafting. The punches, stamps, paper, EVERYTHING for that craft takes up a HUGE area. Now I’m in love with embroidery! I have tons of fabric, and my embroidery machine is in the dining room because I can’t get INTO my craft room. So, the entire area is chaos. Sigh.

  • Jane Ruhl

    My worst area is the cutting table. It is never clean enough to actually cut or hoop something on. I think because that table is waist high, I (and my helpful husband) deposit everything on it when we walk into the room. It is the first horizontal surface we encounter. Every time I need space for a large project, I have to clean it off first. It doesn’t help that there is a futon in there too that we use for occasional overnight guests. When someone is coming, everything residing on the futon gets shifted to the cutting table. Soon the futon will be gone, and maybe I can get organized permanently. Nah…

  • Nancy De Pas

    Under my cutting table is a mess. I have boxes and rolls of fabric under my under my cuttig surface that has been there for years. I just can’t let go of any of it. I keep thinking some day I will find the right project for that special fabric. What do I do ? Go shopping to the fabric store when I get a 40% off coupon. My statch gets larger.

  • Mitzi

    I’m so glad to see I am in good company when I say my most unorganized area is my stash! I make good starts at organizing, then I go and get involved in a project – imagine that – and the organizing gets either undone or delayed. Part of the problem is the fact that my creativity is sparked by visual stimuli, so putting all my fabric away in bins or a closet is putting it in exile.

    On the fusible fuss, I have long had an inexpensive second iron dedicated just for fusibles. That way, I don’t have to worry about gumming up my steam-generator iron with fusible gunk from the inevitable accidental ironing on the wrong side of the stuff. Another trick I use in my classes is to place a teflon applique pressing sheet over the piece before fusing. It takes a little longer to fuse, but no gunk happens. Score the paper backing with a pin to help ease release. If it doesn’t release, but the piece under the teflon sheet and press again.

  • Sue

    My most disorganized part of my sewing room are my embroidery designs. I have floppy disks and I have to go through all of them every time I want to do a project. My husband tries to get me organized but to no avail.

  • Debe

    My cutting table & ironing board; they are flat spaces that can get piled way too high with things to be finished or the sewing room is a good place to put things quick as I can shut the door when company comes. Bad habits to have!!!

  • Sue

    I have a drawer that I wanted to put all my fat quarters in color order. Well, not only did they never get in color order they are all open and wrinkled and I can barely get the drawer closed. One day I will iron them and clean it up. Ha Ha…someday. LOL

  • Terri L

    My fabric stash & thread bins are the worse.

  • Marie

    My entire sewing room looks like an explosion happen. Try as I might I get it cleaned, straightened and OMG here I go again. I am sure there is a better way to organize. I have 2, yes I said 2 closets so hello. I need 2 full weeks to clean out and start this process over. But I also have a full time job so vacation time coming, I will be trying to get my room in order. Praying it will stay that way. LOL.

  • elaine woods

    My 2nd bedroom is my sewing room/computer room & guest bedroom. It is a total mess with fabric on the bed, closet, floor, & portable shelves piled high. All threads, notions, etc. are in disarray, & I cannot find things I want to work on. Kits are together, but too many to find time to work on. Hopefully, some day when family doesn’t need me as much as they do now.

  • Hettie Herron

    We have a home in AZ and had one in WA which was recently sold and, you guessed it, the hobby room in WA moved to AZ which already was very full. I am basically an organized person but it is very difficult to maintain with duplicates of everything and a penchant for not finishing quilts after the blocks are completed (that is my favorite part), hence, the bain of my existence is the UFOs. I really must finish all the quilts that are lolling about in an unfinished state. I am getting older and fear my children will throw away all the blocks I have worked so hard on. My children call me an organized hoarder and say I would get permanently lost in the hobby room if I wasn’t organized. It really is quite full (or should I say my hobby room isn’t large enough) but I know where things are and truly enjoy mucking about in my treasures. AND, with the cost of fabric increasing at the current rate, I am glad I have a large stash. My husband is sure I could sew until I die and make only a small dent in it. And each time he starts in about the stash I remind him that the quilter who dies with the largest stash, wins and, that I intend to win.

  • Eliza

    My worst area is the floor. Bags: purchased fabric not yet laundered, new notions, projects not yet completed. In fact, I’m so inspired by this question that I’m going to set the timer right now and take 30minutes to see what I can do. Thanks for asking!

  • rho

    My most unorganized area is sewing tools; scissors, thread, feet, screwdrivers, needles, rulers, this and that. They all need to be sorted and labeled.

  • Barb Miller

    My work table always seem to build one layer of projects on top of another. I need to learn to clean up and put away between projects. Maybe I’ll do that someday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Melodie B

    My cutting table and my embroidery area. It seems like I am always arranging and rearraging the stuff on my cutting table. I cut fabric and place it in a pile and some how it gets all strewn all over the table…Whew! What a mess… And, my embroidery area gets to be a wild and wooly disaster area…threads here and threads there…scissors, tweezers, this and that…things roll and drop in the floor and I spend more time picking things up than I do anything else. Gets to be a nightmare. Anyway, it brings a lot of joy and pleasure when you get to see the end result so I guess I will keep on reorganizing away!!!

  • Nancy Elliott

    My most unorganized area is my various tools (cutters, rotary cutters, machine needles, and thread!

  • Chris

    At times the whole sewing room but when I am in the middle of a project I just don’t clean up the room. I wait till I am done, then I clean up. I still don’t have a system I like for scraps. I’ve tried them all. They just don’t work for me.

  • beth daniels

    My most unorganized space in my sewing room is usually my cutting table. I have UFO’s and other miscellaneous quilt kits, fabric and things I use for when I do machine embroidery. Near my cutting table is another unorganized space with fabric just piled up. I have mostly cotton fabric just piled up waiting to be put up for the next quilt I work on. I really need to have a little organization on the cutting table and the space next to my cutting table.

  • Paula Roney

    I’m bound and determined to have an organized sewing room this year and it’s gone fairly well. My fabric storage is one area that could still stand some improvement. I roll my fabrics and store them in antique armoires but I get the colors all mixed up. When I pick out fabrics for a new project, I get so excited about starting a new project, I tend to slam the ones I’m not using any place there is room and end up with a mess!

  • Cath T

    I try so hard to keep stuff organized, and labeled, but there are always these oddball things that don’t fit into any labeled drawer or shelf. They go into a “misc” box, which has now regenerated itself over and over.

  • Janette Reynolds

    I have turn my breakfast area into my embroidery and sewing area. It is always cluttered with scraps and projects in progress. I refuse to give it up even during large family get togethers. Everyone has learned to tolerate it!

  • Doreen

    Much quicker to say what’s not cluttered. I have one work station that is cleaned off and the area where my six needle embroidery machine is clear. Everything else is a nightmare.

  • Cathy Mullis

    I am glad that I am not alone when it comes to organized kaoss. My WHOLE room is a mess but with a little effort and a lot of time looking just where I know I saw it last…under what pile???? LOL I defie the odds and move on to complete the project only to have seen something I put on my bucket list to make and then start it!!!!! Now 2 projects started and still looking under another pile on the cutting table. I am so blessed……………..

  • Linda

    I sew in my sunroom with the overflow into the dining room- yes-stuff everywhere–now I have to bring plants in for winter and where to go with everything…I need the HGTV to come and help me work out a permanent sewing area……

  • Marilyn Weiss

    Love the kitties! I have a 9×9 foot sewing room that feels more like 9×9 inches…I press and iron in the guest room across the hall… further down the hall all of my fabric is stashed in bins in a closet in my other guest room…my pillow forms and battings and machine cases are stashed in a cubby hole crawl space accessed from the sewing room…that’s my idea of “organization.”

    By the way, I own a Reliable iron and even after 4 years of pretty heavy use, it never spits or steams or dribbles when water is in it and it’s set to dry.

  • Carole Bartnett

    I recently spent maybe 5 days organizing my sewing room due to a case of shingles — I HAD TO TAKE MY MIND off the bloody situation…in any case, I sorted, stacked, removed old books, etc and ended up with a drawer full of varigated threads of all types: quilting, embroidery, thick spools of embellishment yarns AND spools of bobbin thread — I won’t need to buy any for several years! That’s it — I have already moved the “collection” to a larger bin — haha!

  • Liz Silva

    I just re-organized my sewing room, so everything is pretty good right now – except the closet! It’s part working closet and part fabric storage – mostly fleece and thick fabrics in see-through zippered bags. The fabric gets totally lost in there among the clothing, but there is no room to bring it out of the closet. (Sorry – I couldn’t resist…)

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  • sandra smith

    I got booted out of my sewing room when I had a grown daughter move home with an illness so half my stuff is still in the room only because I have no room anywhere else. I moved to the formal dining area what a joke formal haha looks like a tornado struck any day of the week and probably twice somewhere inbetween. I have filing cabinets and 2 huge closets in it to hold my fabric and they are so unorganized when it comes to doing a project out it comes til I find the fabric I want to use or I cheat and buy more which is a no no. I saw online where this lady had here fabric hung and I thought oh how beautiful what does she do with the small pieces because I throw no fabric away it can be utilized somewhere. I have 2 emmbroidery machines perched on there cabinents and a serger set to the side when I just might need to use it. So as you can tell there is no non messy spot but then it is my favorite part of the house. I see by the dates this contest is over which is sad because I really wanted the cats I fell in love with them the first time I saw them. But I thought I would share just the same. congrats to the winner.

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