Who doesn’t like a bargain? If you scour the pages of the July/August issue of Designs in Machine Embroidery magazine (Volume 75), you’ll find dozens of coupons and specials. I thought I’d do some of the legwork for you and provide the links directly to those sites. So here goes!
Did you know that every time you make a qualified purchase at Planet Applique you receive free appliqué alphabet designs? Now that’s a real stash builder! Just visit http://www.planetapplique.com
With the holiday gift-making season just around the corner, you’ll love the personalized customer service at http://www.discountembroideryblanks.com/ Visit the site to get started on your holiday stitching or call 1-866-210-0072 for more information.
Visit http://www.digistitches.com/ and sign up for their monthly newsletter – jam-packed with coupon codes, offer and the latest features. You’ll love receiving those updates in your inbox.
Get a free fabric bundle just by test-driving the amazing Horizon Memory Craft 12000 at participating Janome dealers. Visit http://janomespecials.com/mc12000/index.htm for more information.
Check out the latest offerings at http://www.embroideryonline.com I love the fresh, floral linework designs in Doodle Flower Glitz.
If you’re looking for affordable designs, view John Deer’s collections at http://www.adorableideas.com/ where you’ll find all the information you need on the Ultimate Design Stash Club.
You just never know what HoopSisters is up to until you visit http://www.hoopsisters.com/ You’ll find tried and true embroidered quilt patterns plus a whole new section titled, Young & Modern.
If software programs seem overwhelming, visit http://www.buzztools.com and see why they’ve been helping embroiderers since 1997. There’s a program for everyone – from BuzzXplore to BuzzSize to BuzzEdit. There are 21-day demos available, tutorials to simplify the learning process and projects.
A fast and easy solution to transferring designs from newer Windows computers and MAC is the The Ultimate Box. Learn how easy it is to use this clever tool by visiting www.vikant-emb.com
Here’s the coupon you’ve been waiting for – www.embroiderthis.com Save 10% off your order when use coupon DZ75. Shop now because it will expire on Oct. 31, 2012 – you can even order over the phone – 800-881-8144.
Having trouble locating designs on your computer? Install Embrilliance Thumbnailer and you’ll see every one of your designs in their folder – no need to open another program to view the designs. Visit www.embrilliance.com to see how it works – on PC and MAC!
Carry the spirit of the Olympic Games through the remainder of the summer with a USA crystal motif. Fast and easy to apply, you’ll love the bling and embroidery designs at www.CrystalEyeCandy.com
Save a whopping 20% off your entire order at www.EmbroideryGarden.com You’ll find tons of designs – appliqué, in the hoop, designs for Mini LED lights and more. Stop by today and enter your coupon code: EGDME.
Specializing in sports, mascots, double satin appliqués and more, visit www.katelynskreativestitches.com for a unique twist on appliqués. Save 15% when you use coupon code dzgns15 at checkout.
If you’ve never been to www.PicklePieDesigns.com then now is the time. You’ll save 20% off your first order, just enter DIME20 in the coupon field and pocket the savings.
Loralie is joining the August celebration of National Golf Month with 10% savings on all golf items at www.LoralieDesigns.com You can buy entire collections of You Golf Girl! CDs (there are four) or download individual designs. Stitch one of these golf girls and put a smile in your golf game.
Speaking of celebrations, there’s a really big one going on at Sulky. In honor of their 25th Anniversary, Sulky is launching a sweepstakes. So easy to enter, just Like Sulky on their Facebook page or visit www.sulky.com
Have you seen the new jumbo fonts at EmbroideryArts? They are divine – lush, historical, modern, Victorian, you name it, you’ll find it. Visit www.EmbroideryArts.com and save 30% on ALL products through August 31.
You’ll find another August blowout at www.BunnyCupEmbroidery.com. Deduct 35% off all orders during the month of August! Stock up now and save big.
Get your fix on over at www.AppliqueJunkie.com and save 30% when you enter DIME in the coupon code.
Oregon PatchWorks really does have it all – designs for children, teens, fabulous florals, home décor, quilts and apparel. There are thousands of the designs to browse and buy – visit www.OregonPatchWorks.com to see current specials and savings.
Looking for more specials? How about 24 pages of specials? Jump over to www.FiveStarFonts.com and click on Specials to see what’s on sale. And if you’re a new customer, just enter coupon dime-july and receive 20% off your first purchase. But hurry, sales ends September 15, 2012.
The SewphisticatedStitcher.com is a valued partner for locating affordable quality supplies and blanks at competitive prices. Visit www.TheSewphisticatedStitcher.com to see what’s new.
Love not-so scary monsters? Then you’ll definitely fall for the charming characters in the Monster Factory at www.urbanthreads.com
And of course there are more generous folks in the pages of Designs.
www.embroitique.com Receive 10% by entering coupon dzgns10 with your order.
www.shoppersrule.com is the home of the ‘pick the item, and you pick the price’.
Some are favorite digitizers can be found out
www.AllAboutBlanks.com for great blanks with flat rate shipping.
Donna Randall
13 years agoI just ordered the stipple quilting kit. I have never quilted before but this looks so easy. I can’t wait to try it.
Jean Lowenberger
13 years agoPreparing to monogram a set of towels for an early September wedding. Looking forward to getting another project crossed off my to do list.
13 years agoWe are searching for quilting (embroidery) designs to use on a Japanese fan quilt with 12 inch on point blocks. Originally wanted to do sashiko but is daunting to do by hand. Would love love love to get this queen sized bed quilt completed with quilting via embroidery technique.
Denise Holguin
13 years ago AUTHORHi Marcia,
Wow! Sounds like it will be a beautiful project! Will you be keeping this project or is it a gift?
When you mentioned Japanese fan quilt– I immediately thought of our friends at Anita Goodesign. You might stop by their website to take a look at their quilting embroidery designs:
Also Embroidery Online (OESD)
And… Amazing Designs:
There are tons more out there and I could probably spend the entire day window shopping! I’m sure whatever you decide will look great. Happy Stitching Marcia!
Toni Melton
13 years agoI have been working on blocks for an embroidered quilt. It will have a different butterfly on each block. I’ve collected a LOT of butterflies and am now embroidering some and auditioning more to find the final choices.
Denise Holguin
13 years ago AUTHORHi Toni,
I love butterflies too! What fabric color scheme are you going with?
I’m not sure if you’re on our Facebook page, but one of our fans posted a butterfly quilt she made… it’s super nice. I’m hoping this link will work:
If not, stop by our Facebook page, go to our Wall Photos album and look for a quilt made by Jody Tippi Rodarmel.
You’ll have to share a photo when the quilt is complete! (Or even a work in progress!)
Happy Stitching!
13 years agoTUrning everything into cupcakes in honor of a friend opening a cupcake shop locally. Hopefully the customers will want to purchase some hair clips, banners, coasters, pot holders, and placemats. Needless to say I have been busy busy and my sewing room is not air conditioned!!
Denise Holguin
13 years ago AUTHORNancy,
I love the cupcake theme and what a great idea!
I happened to come across this post on our Facebook page from our friends at OregonPatchWorks, I’m passing it along to you.. a cute Cake Shop Wall Hanging from Erina’s Designs. http://www.oregonpatchworks.com/items.php?did=50227&pid=116218
Hope you’re able to take a break or two to a cooler, well-air conditioned space.
Best of luck to you and your friend.
13 years agoThat design is very cute! In order to get a/c I have to get into my car and head to the nearest fabric store….oh wait….twist my arm!
Anne Marie Reilly
13 years agoI am making 3D flowers for a friend’s birthday present which I will turn into pins. She loves the ones that I’ve already given her.
Lori Mehrer
13 years agoI’ve been going through my design stash to figure out what FSL angels I want to make this year for Christmas gifts. I also am going to make some ITH stuffed animals for a new baby boy that a friend recently had.
Beth R
13 years agoI’m working on some FSL designs – doilies and ornaments, trying to get a head start on Christmas!
Lorraine Allen
13 years agoI am currently doing appliqué pink ribbons for a fund raiser for my daughter-in-law’s mother who has cancer in her bones. They are rising money to send her to Hawaii. My sin’s band and a bunch of other bands are doing a benefit concert and they will sell the ribbons. I am also embroidering can kookiness for my daughter’s work golf tournament to raise money for brain cancer. Will embroider a set of towels for the auction also. Last but not least, I am monogramming a set of towels for a wedding present.
Karen U.
13 years agoI just did a set of bath towels, hand towels, wash cloths, soap, & even T.P. for my son and new daughter-in-law. I’ll present it in a gift basket all done up in celephane.
Sandy Lai
13 years agoI want to start on a quilt for my daughter who is expecting a baby in January.
Jill Hicks
13 years agoI am starting the embroidered quilt Name Above all names by oesd. I love every single design in the quilt.
Denise Holguin
13 years ago AUTHORHi Jill,
I think I found the quilt on the OESD website:
It is very nice! When you complete the quilt send us a photo or post on our Facebook page. Would love to see it!
– Denise
Judy Wentz
13 years agoRight now I am making a label for a wall hanging. I also have two Hoop Sister quilts in progress. All of the blocks for Earth to Quilter and Goose Tracks are finished. I just need to sew them together and bind them.
13 years agoI have my fabrics bought, pre-washed and ready to go for the Stipple Butterfly quilt design that I purchased at a Stitchin Sisters event about 2 years ago. This will be exciting to do, now that I have more time to devote to sewing for the next five months or so. i want to make this a full size quilt, so will need to figure out how to make it larger. Also, I am going to be embroidering (flat) mylar Christmas ornaments to include in my Xmas cards to special friends and family again this year. These were a real hit last year; they are sparkly, easy, economical and fun to do.
Gail Beam
13 years agoI need to embroider some a towel for my daughter, as she wanted to know where hers was when I gave my grandchildren theirs!
Kathy Schmidt
13 years agoI am currently teaching myself to digitize and am working on my business logo. its been a long process, but the results are pretty good. love magazine & blog. Happy stitchin
Bonnie Gray
13 years agoI have to finish monogrammed napkins for a wedding Sat. And then do 2 baby record blankets!
Pam M
13 years agoI am working on an apron for a gift exchange. There will be machine embroidered “baking” type words and phrases, along with kitchen motifs in a sort of scrapbook-like collage over parts of the apron. Was supposed to start it at a sewing day at a friend’s house yesterday but I had packed up everything except my hoop! I was so frustrated when I discovered what I had done. So that’s my weekend task – get the embroideries happening.
Denise Holguin
13 years ago AUTHORHi Pam,
A gift exchange sounds fun! I can imagine a small fight breaking out because everyone wants your apron! 🙂
Must have been super frustrating to forget the hoop! I’ve had the same challenge in other areas of my life… going to the gym without gym shoes… going to the office without all my work materials.
On the bright side you’ll have a fun weekend stitching!
– Denise
Managing Editor
Dolly D
13 years agoI am working on a summer table runner with appliques of various picnic foods. I love appliques!!
13 years agoI am starting three Quiet Books that will be for my youngest grandchildren for Christmas.
13 years agoTwo black jean jackets. One for me and one for my sister! The jackets will be embroidered on the back with two designs I combined and they will be finished with lots of bling!
Carol Seavitt
13 years agoOh my! So many projects in the works. But my latest project (today) will be yoga mat bag for Mom. Her birthday is Aug 22 — she wanted to try yoga. Good for her and me since I haven’t made one of these yet. Think I’ll put her initials on it:)
13 years ago AUTHORHi Carol! Nice to hear from you – wish your mom a Happy Birthday from Designs! Stay in your sewing room – too hot in AZ to be outside at this time of year!
patty sack
13 years agoI am doing a denim shirt with a yellow texas rose and Texas above it on the back with Texas mylar designs for myself!
13 years agoI am working on some hair clips.. Doing some fun animals, pandas,
cats, zebra’s. So much fun to do!
Barb Miller
13 years agoI am expecting my first grandchild in a matter of days. I have been busy making burp cloths and last minute items.
Janet Lumetta
13 years agoI am working on nursery items and bedding for my second grandchild due in November.
Cindy McCord
13 years agoTomorrow I will start monogramming scarves for Christmas gifts. Yes, it is never too early to start on your Christmas gift list!! Hope everyone is staying cool in this Texas heat!!
13 years ago AUTHORHi Cindy! I’ll bet you’ll have all your gifts stitched by Halloween! Hope you and your friends are doing well…looking forward to Quilt Fest?
Sue Winnie
13 years agoI have been working on towels for a craft show. Next project will be butterfly pincushions from stitching sisters in Mystic
13 years agoCurrently I’m making and embroidering Communion table covers for our church….lined too. Plus matching small table covers. Whee!
13 years agoI’m currently trying to get my sewing room cleaned out, so I can begin (and hopefully finish) my daughter’s first-day-of-kindergarten outfit – 18 more days!!! I have an order of 17 shirts to embroider a Stearman biplane with my dad’s N-number on them. The order should bring me around $600, which I’ve probably already spent on fabric and designs this summer!!!
13 years ago AUTHORHi Kay – love the Stearman t-shirts. My dad had a Stearman for 20 years. My childhood memories are filled of that great airplane and time spent with my Dad. Hope your t-shirts come out beautifully!
13 years agoI am working on the lovely FSL angels for christmas the designs are from soniashowalterdesigns.com they are stitching beautifully I have already stitched 16 only about 40 more to go and all for family.
13 years agoI’m deciding on either a free-standing lace project or paper dolls with lots of clothes.
13 years agoI am taking embroidery lessons at a quilt shop.It is making me more comfortable and willing to try more projects.
13 years agoI just finished enhancing the neckline on a dress this morning for my mom to wear to my brother’s step-son’s wedding this afternoon. Procrastinate??? Not me… I started on 150 FSL crosses for my daughters’ service organization. They are handouts at the convention next March. Not waiting on these. Finished nine today between naps, hee hee.
Doree Shandera
13 years agoI am working on a lap quilt for my in-laws. It is a Southwestern theme, which they have decorated their house with. Perfect for those chilly evenings sitting in the family room.
Mary Haggenmaker
13 years agoWhere do I begin! I have 18 shirts that my son-in-law needs his company name on. I need to restock my inventory of kitchen towels and FSL bells that I embroider for Craft shows that I will be going to, starting in November. I just got a whole lot of material that is just so beautiful from a lady who is helping her sister that has Alzheimers. That material is calling to me for so many different projects. I think an embroidered quilt might be the one that gets the nod…maybe. There are ribbons for so many different illnesses. Do you know whether there is a particular color for Alzheimers?
LeAnne L
13 years agoHatched in Africa started a new contest, so my brain is whirling around designing my “large bouquet.”
[email protected]
13 years agoI am working on embroidery labels for some quilts I have made. But super excited to get started on an embroidered quilt that Eileen is teaching on the Craftsy web site. Long drive coming up out of town to get fabric for this quilt.
Dorinda DeScherer
13 years agoI am waiting (impatiently) for the embroidery machine I ordered to arrive. When (and if) I figure out how to use it, my one-year-old grandaughter and soon-to-be grandson will be inundated with personalized itemsw
13 years agoI am working on a quilt in turquoise, lime green, black, blues and greys. It is called Shadows on the Pond. I am not using the embroidery machine for this one but just finished three pillow for my sister and brother-in-law. They are in browns with a bit of green to match the quilt I made them. I put their wedding picture, names and date married on the larger pillow to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. I embroidered hearts with gold wedding bands and will applique them on the smaller pillows.
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