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Bubble Quilt Part 2

If you missed Part 1 of the Bubble Quilt, click here.

I’m getting there! Here’s a peek at my progress on the Bubble Quilt. Last week, I finished all of the embroidery (that is quilting) and trimmed my strips.

Now, I have to piece and bind. I hated walking away from this project but I headed off to Phoenix for an event where I found some serious inspiration from a fellow embroiderer.

Stitching Sister attendee Donna Farley showed me one of her recent creations, her own rendition of the Circle quilt. What an awesome job she did on this quilt for her granddaughter! I love her ingenuous use of the rectangle and circular embroidery designs from Stipple! Geometrics. Her fabric selections are luscious and she cleverly used up her appliqué fabrics by piecing them together for the binding. I think I’ll do the same on my Bubble Quilt.

I met Donna this past weekend at the Stitching Sisters event in Phoenix, AZ. The Stitching Sister event was hosted by Mulqueen’s Sewing Centers and 108 embroiderers enjoyed two fun-filled days of embroidery immersion. Since this was our second trip to Mulqueen’s, we felt like we were with old friends. And we were! Audrey Spigelmire’s notepad looked very familiar to me and no wonder, she made it during my very first Stitching Sister event. Wow – how time has flown!

Donna wasn’t the only one sharing her creations, I was thrilled when Carole Pauw showed me her Butterfly bag which was originally featured on the July/August 2010 issue of Designs.

Carol Kachelmeyer shared her satin pajamas – also inspired from a Designs cover. Her jammies were just as beautiful as the original, created by Joanne Banko for the Volume 67 March/April 2011 issue.

Sometimes embroiderers are inspired to share their hobby with their best friends with matching t-shirts. Carole Baker and Christina Martinez are also known as Betty and Wilma – and have the shirts to prove it!

Carole and Christina are just a fraction of their Stitching Sisters group – they are at least seven of them! We had a great time teaching and visiting with them.

A two-day event really gives you the chance to meet and get to know each other. A two-day event also reveals everyone’s true colors – especially on the second day of an event. It was on the second day that many shared their own work with the group. The Stitching Sister on the far left, June Young, brought in a quilted panel she worked on the previous night, until 1:30 AM! Wow – I was impressed with her ability and energy.

The woman just to the right of June, Janet Lennon, stayed way beyond the last goodbye on Saturday and helped pack up machines, hoops, threads, you name it!

The best part of my job is meeting fellow embroiderers and I’m always overwhelmed when I see that they have used Designs as a starting point for their inspiration. Marie and I have two more events this fall and really hope to see you at one of them. Next, we’re off to Florida with our friends at The Sewing Studio in Maitland, FL. Click here for more information or call 1-800-831-1492. In November, we’re heading to Eddie’s Quilting Bee in Sunnyvale, CA. Visit their website: or call 408-830-9505. Hope to see you on the road!

Here’s your assignment this week:

Speaking of quilts– how many will be attending the upcoming International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas?  The event is November 3-6, 2011 at the George R. Brown Convention Center.  It’s an amazing show with some of the most inspiring quilts and art pieces you’ll ever see.  I guarantee you’ll leave that show wanting to run home to your embroidery/sewing machine to start stitching your own creations.

If you aren’t able to attend and have never had the opportunity– we’ll be your eyes and ears!  Tell us what types of quilts inspire you the most–modern, traditional, realistic scenes, art deco… We’ll do our best to take photos and share them with you when we return.

If you post a comment one lucky winner will be chosen to win Eileen’s book, Machine Embroidered Quilting and Applique!

The winner of last week’s assignment answered the following question:

My niece chose a beach/surf scene for her baby’s nursery. What baby room themes have been popular with you, your family or friends? Share your stories with us for a chance to win the Adorable Décor, Embroider It Yourself series.

And the random drawing winner is….Karen Rilstone!
“Two work colleagues also did not want to know the gender of their long-awaited babies.  Their decision was cheerful and bright zoo animals.  There are wonderful zoo fabrics AND embroidery designs so I had fun making gifts. ” – Karen

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  • Paule-Marie

    I really wish I could be in Houston. I love seeing all sorts of quilts, but especially the ‘art’ quilts as I am trying to spin off from the traditional style quilts I have been making. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be down at Mulqueen’s event. I had to work.

    • Eileen Roche

      We missed you at Mulqueen’s, Paule-Marie. I would have loved to meet you and put a face with your pretty name!

  • Gail Beam

    I admire and love all kinds of quilts, so I will be looking forward to your sharing some if the inspiring quilts from the Houston quilt show.

  • Mary Haggenmaker

    I’m gonna get there..eventually I hope, making a quilt that is. These old bones of mine aren’t up to all the travel. I sure would be happy to see you come to Southern Maryland or even Northern Virginia. In the meantime I just sort of plod along doing the best I can with the books and designs I have accumulated. I am taking my trial stitchouts that turn out okay and put them together to eventually have a quilt of my efforts.

  • Clem

    I have made a basket weave quilt and I try not to make the same quilt twice. I have to change it up or I get bored. I am taking a ribbons quilt and turning it into a basket weave. One and a half inch strips, 5 shades, going from dark to light and back again, and eventually it will be a basket weave. 6 colors, pink, blue, green, yellow, orange, teal.(hand dyed, not by me) wild huh? Wish me luck. 😉 I will be at the show here is Washington in November

  • karin

    I’ll actually be attending the show for my very first time! I’m so excited I can’t even sleep at night! I’ve packed & unpacked my tote a half dozen times and I’m sewing a special, oversized, over the shoulder tote even as I type! Look for me – I’ll likely be on crutches (recent foot surgery) with a BEAUTIFUL (if I do say so myself!) flamingo shoulder bag!!! Did I mention how excited I am??? If there’s no one around to control things, that new Quattro just might jump into that bag!!

    I have a friend coming across country to spend a month with me in Jan or Feb & together we’re going to do a his & her quilt for her son & his new wife. We’ll embroider designs that signify their accomplishments & hobbies (triathlons, bike races, camping, cabin in the mtns, etc). We both are really pumped – partly about the get-together (it’s been a few years since we’ve seen each other), and partly about the quilty part! We’re both novice quilters & she’s never embroidered before, so it should be quite interesting!

  • Shirley R

    I would really have to say that I like all types of quilts, but lean toward the more modern. Now, after having become interested in quilting, as I watch TV on shows depicting the era of the late 1800’s through the early 1900’s, I find myself forgetting to watch the characters because I am looking at a quilt that happens to be in the scene – oh my, how far we have come but how blessed are those women who have come before us and have shown us the way!

  • Pam M

    I like looking at any quilt that is well made, has great colour choices and complementary quilting. Whether it is modern or traditional, big or small, pop art or realistic pictorial, hand made or completely machine embroidered – if it’s got “it”, I want to see it!

    • Eileen Roche

      I’m with you, Pam, I love them all!

  • Pam M

    I forgot to say that I am totally in love with your bubble quilt! Said to myself “must go and buy that Stipple Geo collection straight away so I can make a bubble quilt” – then had a “Duh!” moment when I realised I already had the designs but had never used them. One bubble quilt coming right up!

    • Eileen Roche

      Share a photo of your Bubble Quilt on Facebook when you get finished (or during the process!).

  • Vickie Glass

    Can’t wait for the Houston Quilt Show. I got to go 4 years ago for about 6 hours which just wasn’t enough for sure. Now 4 of us from New Hampshire and plus my Texas sister-in-law will be attending the four days plus Preview night. Attending the whole show plus spending 6 days with a great group of sewing/quilting sisters, what more can you ask for?

    • Eileen Roche

      You are going to have a blast! Enjoy!

      • Vickie Glass

        Will you be there?

        • Eileen Roche

          No! I’ll be teaching in Orlando. But I do get to go to Quilt Market which is ‘to the trade’ the week before Quilt Fest and the quilt competition will be on display! I can hardly wait!

  • Lyn

    This is one of the items on my “someday” list… until then, I will continue to experience it through your postings and that of others.
    Thank you for sharing!


  • Beth R

    I do wish I could be at the International Quilt Festival – maybe one of these days. In the mean time, I’m inspired by most all the quilts I see! I love to see the color combinations, the variety of techniqes, and beauty that results from the efforts of the quilt makers. I especially love to see quilts that combine techniques (embroidery, applique, others) with a variety of colorful fabrics.

  • Phyllis Hiles

    I love all types of quilts but I am really drawn to landscape quilts. I have never been able to do one myself but love to see other’s results.

  • Sandy Winiecki

    I hope some year to get to the festival, but in the mean time I will work my local quilt shop in Indianapolis “Sew Much More” so the owners Debbie & Betty can make that long drive to Market and be able to participate in the Festival this year. Stop by their booth and tell them Sandy sent you, I promise they will inspire you. Quilts of all kinds inspire me to learn more and try out new ideas.

  • Jo

    I was not going anyway but we have had yet another death on my husband side of the family his cousins son of 18 years old died..We still are struggling with our sons death and now in the same year another…I love the bubble quilt it make me happy just looking at it. I wish I could take a bubble bath and have calgon take me away like the bubble quilt does…Thanks for all the great pictures and ideas..I will try to get to some yet this year..

  • Cherie

    Love it!

  • Cindy McCord

    Hi Eileen. Hope you are doing well. I will be attending the Houston Quilt Festival for 2 days (1 day is just not enough). I save money all year so I have a “stash” of money to spend. I call it “eye candy for the quilter”!! I really love all kinds of quilts. It just amazes me what people can do with fabric and thread!!

    • Eileen Roche

      Hi Cindy! I was thinking of you today when I put the binding on the Bubble Quilt. You would be proud – I used the traditional method!

      • Cindy McCord

        I am sure you were wishing you were in San Antonio so you could call your “favorite binding person”!!! lol 😉 I am into “scrappy” quilts right now so I really like all the colors in your Bubble Quilt.

  • Barbara

    I would one day love to be able to make the big journey across the Pacific to see the Houston Quilt Festival. I particularly would love to spend time admiring the Art Quilts, especially the portraits and scenery quilts. Of course I would have to do a little shopping while I was there, just to prove I visited 🙂

  • Joy Wright

    The quilts that I am most interested in are the ones made from little tiny pieces of fabric with so much love in every stitch.

    I am so astonished at all the time and talent spent on each one.

    From the time I walk in the Quilt Fesstival until I leave I just can’t believe what all I’m seeing….I’m amazed!!!

  • Katrina H

    i am really inspired by modern art and quilts, i love the simplicity and easy beauty.

  • Barbara

    I LOVE our Quilt Festival and attend every year — and every time I walk through the exhibits, I have a new favorite! The quilts that I keep coming back for an extra look are the ones that represent faces; seeing how quilt artists use fabric that was portrait artists use paint is fascinating to me.

  • Donna G.

    I won’t be attending the Houston Quilt Festival, but I’ve enjoyed the quilt shows in my local area of Colorado! I love looking at all the quilts and styles. I’m always inspired by the creativity and work of fellow quilters. And your Bubble Quilt is awesome!

  • Shirley White

    These quilt tutorials are certainly inspiring!

  • Debbie St. Germain

    I love all kinds of quilts, but I do love art pieces and seeing ones with unique fabrics and stitching.


  • Claudia Blakely

    I really like the concept of the bubble quilt. I may incorporate this in a future project!

  • Susan J

    I attended the Houston show many years ago, loved it and always wanted to go back…and I will one day! Until then, we have one of Houston’s sister shows in the Spring in Cincinnati Ohio…right in my backyard! 2011 was the first year for the Cincinnati International Quilt Festival and it should be even bigger and better in 2012. It is not nearly as big as Houston, though, and I envy all you who are Houston-bound. Enjoy!

  • Evelyn Gonzalez

    My favorite quilts are dark in color and have paint strokes incorporated into the quilting. I also love applique quilting.
    Wish I could go to Houston!

  • Bonita Harms

    Looking foward to pictures from Houston. Sounds like it would be fun just like the one we have here in WI–Quilt Expo in Madison. Always enjoy your classes that you teach at Nancy’s Sewing Weekend in Beaver Dam.

  • Peggy Schroeder

    No, I won’t be able to go to Houston, and wish I could attend your Sister’s Event in Sunnyvale. The original Eddy is my stepbrother’s cousin—-they are both Leones’s!! I seem to lean more towards tradtional quilts, but now that I have done some on the embroidery machine, I find myself changing. Maybe it is because the one I embroidered all the blocks won a blue ribbon at the quilt show, what do you think? Please take pictures of all things embroidered, we love to look at other people’s great work. It is so inspiring to see what can be done when we put our heads (and of course, hearts) together. Have a wonderful trip.

  • Jean Hallum

    My favorite quilts combine dark fabric and bright colors.

  • Carol Seavitt

    Thank you ladies so much for the wonderful time in Mesa a couple weeks back. Mom and I had a great time and just loved meeting you. You are both so inspirational! Love and safe journey’s.

  • Karen Rilstone

    My cd, Adorable Decor, arrived in the mail today. Thanks so much for the gift. I do enjoy reading your blog and hope to make some projects from the cd.


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