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Embroidery Tips & Techniques

Holiday Gift Countdown: #8

Hello Embroidery friends!

We released number 8 on our Holiday Gift List countdown: The Patch Maker Kit!

Watch the rebroadcast of Eileen’s live tutorial below to see a couple of different ways you can use these versatile patches!

As always we love to create specials just for you during our lives! Get FREE shipping up to $10 in the US when you get the Patch Maker Kit on sale now HERE.

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  • Maryann Williams

    I have checked all your blogs and Celebration Quilts that are with the blogs and I have still not found the embroidery designs like PES for the sashing and corners for the Celebration Quilt. If they have already been on the computer (WHERE) and if not, when will they be on the blog??

  • Wende Gennardo

    I love your posts and have read everyone of them although I’m sure I missed a couple along the way. Thanks for all the instructions.