The new year brings exciting new features in Inspirations’ Perfect Embroidery Pro. On Monday, January 4, 2016, update your version of Perfect Embroidery Pro to the latest version: 8.62. Once you update, you’ll find new access to all other Inspirations software programs that you’ve purchased and installed on your computer. If you’re like me and have them all – you’re going to love the speed at which you can work now. Perfect Embroidery Pro is considered the ‘mother ship’ of all our software programs and it’s the program where you find every digitizing feature that we’re known for. Now, instead of opening separate programs to perform different functions (like block piecing, quilt layout planning, quilt block embellishment or fun lettering), you can do it all from one screen. Take a look:
On the right of your screen, next to the Properties Box, you’ll find icons for each Inspirations’ program you’ve purchased and installed. Hover your mouse over each icon to reveal its identity.
Click on the Word Art in Stitches icon to instantly access the bubble text window.
Need more Word Art in Stitches features? Just click on the arrow under the icon to access the other features of Word Art in Stitches.
Click on the My Quilt Embellisher icon to access the block library.
Select a block and click on the arrow under the icon to access all of My Quilt Embellisher’s rich features.
Click on My Block Piecer icon to access its block library. Then click on the arrow under the icon to access all of My Block Piecer’s features. The My Quilt Planner icon works the same way. Click on it to access the main quilt layout window.
Then access more tools under the arrow.
All of this is happening while you’re still in Perfect Embroidery Pro! This new feature saves so much time and gives you access to dozens and dozens of tools. For instance, if you’re designing an applique in Perfect Embroidery Pro and want to use your digital cutter to pre-cut the applique pieces. Just click on the arrow under the My Block Piecer icon and select Cutter. Boom – there’s the Cutter window. Sweet!
What else has been updated? The Snap to Grid feature is now more precise than ever. If the point, object, or design is within 10 pixels of the horizontal, vertical grid and/or guidelines, it will snap to the grid. Of course, you still the option of turning this off under Tools/General Options/Grid.
All you Handi-Quilters will be happy to know our software programs now read and write to HQV files.
In order to protect your software license, the registration/activtation process has been streamlined. As before, each serial number can be activated one time via the web in each of the software programs. If you wish to receive a second activation, you will need to contact customer support. You can now unregister the software from any computer and the system will add another activation so that you can install it on a new computer without contacting customer support. NOTE: Users can unregister/register up to 5 times after that, they will need to contact support.
There is a limit as to how many sites (computers) you can have live at one time. As a default, each serial number will have a limit of one site (computer). What this means is, only one computer can be used with any serial number at one time. If the customer wishes to receive a second activation and site (computer) in accordance to the license agreement, the user will need to contact support as described in above.
Next week, we’ll cover some of the other updates that have been included this month.
9 years agoWill the cut feature only be available if you have the quilt program?
9 years ago AUTHORKaren, the cut feature will be available if you have My Block Piecer. However, in Perfect Embroidery Pro, you can export cut files. Just go to File/Export Artwork. Select the file that’s appropriate for your cutter: SVG, PT or FCM.
9 years agoThank You!
Vickie DeAngelis
9 years agoI only have PEP…other than snap to grid were any other changes made to PEP?
Linda Mundell
9 years agoI don’t have PEP, but do have the QE, BR, and QP, can I download the update?
Nancy Harris
9 years agoLadies: I have recently retired at 74 years old. I look forward to getting involved after getting my house in order after working continuously since I was 16 and raising three sons.
9 years ago[url=]Speake-Marinの作品は全て可視作りに向けて、伝統工芸を集める経典表、伝統工芸の代表作で、その出現より今日の腕時計市場いくつか提供する別のスタイルの選択。ロレックス-スーパーコピーまさにブランドの創始者ピーターSpearke-Marinさんが「タブ目的は今日の市場を達成し、腕時計の真価は時間の変遷が历久弥坚経歴。」[/url]
また1つの上位10位の選手はオメガ名人大使セルジオ・ガルシア(Sergio Garcia)、これはガルシアの第4回W杯。前に、彼はかつてデビュー2001、2004年と2005年の試合、今年は祖国を代表スペイ
9 years ago[url=]また1つの上位10位の選手はオメガ名人大使セルジオ・ガルシア(Sergio Garcia)、これはガルシアの第4回W杯。前に、彼はかつてデビュー2001、2004年と2005年の試合、今年は祖国を代表スペイン观澜湖までゴルフ会試合に参加する。ガルシアは2003年にオメガ名人大使大家庭も、今とオメガ協力6年ぶりに及ぶ。今年は手を携えてスペイン同胞Constancio塔ノ(Gonzalo Fernandez・Castano)と共に出場。ガルシア信じて優勝の鍵は相手を負かすことより、自分に「ここは何の優秀なチーム。実は、ワールドカップはいつも多くの優秀な選手が付いて参加し。私の最大の圧力から優勝自体を、私たちはこのために最大の努力を尽くす。ブルガリ時計スーパーコピー私は前に言った、ここには多くの非常に優れたチーム。私たちも一本の優れたチーム。もし私たちが私たちの才能を活かし、実際のレベルを打って、私達は優勝を目指す。」[/url]
9 years ago[url=]あなたが持っている控えめなロゴの上の12時のスムーズな広がりをバラバラにして、日付表示の上に3時に、スモールセコンドダイヤルの下の6時。視覚の関心の1つのビットは、このサブダイヤルで60赤で印刷されているがポップアップします。 スーパーコピーガガ・ミラノ時計 彼らは、パワーリザーブ表示を含むために使われる大きなダイヤルを持っていることができる間、彼らはその代わりに、それは運動の裏に場所を選びました、そこで、それはサファイアの可視表示を(サファイア結晶としてのフロントがあります)。[/url]
スーパーコピー 財布真心込めて最高 レベルのスーパーコピールイヴィトン偽物ブランド品をお届けしています。安全税関対策+ 素早い配送+随時の在庫補給+丁寧な対応+スーパーコピー販売
9 years ago[url=]スーパーコピー 財布真心込めて最高 レベルのスーパーコピールイヴィトン偽物ブランド品をお届けしています。安全税関対策+ 素早い配送+随時の在庫補給+丁寧な対応+スーパーコピー販売業界最低価格に挑戦 !当店は業界最高品質に挑戦!全商品はプロの目にも分からないルイヴィトン 財布スーパーコピーです。[/url]
時計は代々、光を金庫は明らかに足りない。ある時計業界関係者によると、腕時計を絶好調そして将来譲渡時いい売値定期掃除は非常に重要な一環。ブランド 時計コピー3年ごとの週波数メ
9 years ago[url=]時計は代々、光を金庫は明らかに足りない。ある時計業界関係者によると、腕時計を絶好調そして将来譲渡時いい売値定期掃除は非常に重要な一環。ブランド 時計コピー3年ごとの週波数メンテナンス時間、毎回約5000元の通常のメンテナンス価格ざっと計算して、30年の保養費用とは6万元を投入。[/url]
8 years agoDo you have any update for 2017? Thanks.