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It’s all about the people.

Eileen's Machine Embroidery Blog

Eileen's Machine Embroidery Blog

It’s all about the people

Last weekend, my Stitching Sister, Marie Zinno and I taught at Amy Baughman’s Sewing & Quilting Center in Cranberry, PA. People make a great Stitching Sisters event. The people part starts at the top – with the dealer, Amy and Ed Baughman; with the Brother Inc staff, (they sent four highly-qualified and helpful) staff members; with the students: Amy’s well-trained and loved customers and finally, with the speakers, Marie Zinno and me. Marie and I can’t do a good job without all of those other people. Amy is a blast – her customers love her and she’s full of contagious energy and joy. You can visit Amy’s website here: The Brother staff came armed with gifts for every student and special deals for those who were interested.

Marie and I arrived with the desire to spend two days with 90+ passionate embroiderers and share as much knowledge as we possibly could. The setting was perfect – spacious banquet room, bright lighting, good food, Valentine’s Day decorations to set a party atmosphere and a plowed parking lot! We really appreciated that on day two.

Eileen's Machine Embroidery Blog

We met so many new friends, had tons of laughs and learned that we’re all more alike than we are different. Isn’t that what sharing a hobby is all about? It’s finding the common ground and sharing what you know. Here’s a comment from Facebook posted after the event.

Bonnie Best Readie

Thanks for two great days! Made a new best friend and learned so much. Came home exhausted but with a new Brother. Thank you, Eileen & Marie and Amy & Ed as well as the wonderful people from Brother. You made a dreary Pittsburgh winter like a breath of spring.

Eileen's Machine Embroidery Blog

We heard from other happy attendees as well:

Paula Roney

Thank you for such an inspiring, fun filled two day event in Pittsburgh. My sister and I had a blast and enjoyed every minute. The Stitching Sisters are the BEST!

Kathy Colwell

Thank you Eileen & Marie for a terrific show this weekend! I am so glad I could attend!

Connie Walsh

That 2 day embroidery event was fantastic!! Thanks Sisters and Thanks Amy!!!

Cristy Schrott

Thank you for the great 2 days in Pittsburgh Area at Amy Baughmans!

Amy conducts show-and-tell at lunch and wow –did we see some awesome projects. I was so touched that quite a few were from the pages of Designs. Here’s a recent project Connie made. You might recognize this bag—it was a project featured in the Volume 72 Jan/Feb 2012 issue, “Stitch it in No Time, Use it Forever!” by Lucy Holguin.

Eileen's Machine Embroidery Blog

Eileen's Machine Embroidery Blog

And Connie’s sister sported a brown and pink version of a jacket we featured in Volume 36 Jan/Feb 2006: “A Jacket With A Redhead Attitude” by Katherine Artines.

Eileen's Machine Embroidery Blog

Eileen's Machine Embroidery Blog

Marie and I love meeting you in person and we’re hoping to see you at an upcoming event this Spring and Fall. Click here for the schedule.

Here’s your assignment this week:

Tell me what you like best about attending embroidery events and you could win a one-year subscription to Designs in Machine Embroidery.

Eileen's Machine Embroidery Blog

The winner of last week’s assignment answered the following question:

What type of continuous embroidery project would you like to see featured in Designs in Machine Embroidery? Post your comment for a chance to win a $25 shopping spree on the Designs in Machine Embroidery website.

Eileen's Machine Embroidery Blog

And the winner is… Karin!

“I’ve been embroidering for a few years and I have never quite gotten the hang of continuous borders.  I have lots of designs that are digitized for it, just haven’t done it yet.

I’d love to incorporate this type of design in a quilt border or tablecloth, or even a Christmas tree skirt.  Or the hem of a square dance dress!  There are just sooo many uses, I can’t decide which one to do first!  Thank you for taking the mystery out of the process!!”


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  • Christine Everitt

    The thing that I like about attending embroidery events is coming in not knowing anyone and leaving like I have found a new family. I attended the Stitchin Sisters in Cranberry this past weekend and attended by myself. I made new friends and learned so much. Thanks for sharing all of your tips.

    • Carol S

      What I like most about attending embroidery or sewing events is first meeting people who share your passion for sewing/embroidering. I always meet a few new friends. Learning new tips and tricks is another plus. Also, learning about new tools, hoops etc. The great deals you get at some of these events. Unfortunately for my husband, I always go home with a bag full of goodies!
      Loved the Stitchin Sisters at the Cranberry event.
      PS I have never been disappointed at any of the events Amy Baughman has put together. They are fabulous!!!

  • Whitney H

    I attended the event in Pittsburgh and it was my first embroidery event. My favorite part was meeting the Stitching Sisters in person! A close second though was seeing all the projects from the magazine in real life. As good as the magazine makes them look, they’re even more impressive in person!

  • Connie Walsh

    One of the best things about attending an embroidery event is the anticipation for the actual day to arrive. I spent the evenings leading up to this event going through all my old
    “Designs in Machine Embroidery” magazines. These events offer so much valuable information to all of us “stitchers”, but the best gift they give me is INSPIRATION! I can’t wait to get back to my own embroidery machine and create something fantastic! What a thrill it was to actually meet the Stitching Sisters and share in all the fun.

  • karin

    THANK YOU for selecting me as last week’s winner! I can’t wait to go spend money!! I know I can’t win again, and that’s ok, but I think the best thing about attending an event of this nature (aside from the fun folks & food) would have to be all the knowledge that gets shared! I love hearing everybody’s tips & tricks and getting specific advice about specific problems that may crop up!

    Glad y’all had so much fun!!!

  • Pat

    There are so many wonderful things about attending an embroidery event–new techniques, new products, new people. Even when you’ve previously been to one put on by the same person, there is always at least one new and very valuable tip to be learned. It’s great to be at an event with like-minded people sharing something you love.

  • Gail Beam

    I have only attended one embroidery sew event, and that was years ago. The two shops that used to sell sewing and embroidery machines went out of business in our area years ago, so we have not had access to embroidery sew events for many years.

  • Kathy

    My favorite part is meeting sew many people with my same interests. I always get so motivated by meeting them and seeing what they are working on – gives me plenty of ideas to “run” with when I get home. many times i learn more from the ladies attending who have “been there and done that at home(made mistakes,etc)” and share their joys and sorrows about the projects!

  • Barbara

    I don’t know where to start! I love the hands-on activities and dreaming about my next dream machine — but what makes the events memorable is the people! The teachers are highly skilled and equally enthusiastic, and the participants — wow! They’re amazingly talented! Every minute is a learning experience!

  • Donna G.

    My favorite parts of an embroidery event are the ideas and inspiration from the projects, and the comraderie and new found friends! I’ve attended several events, and all of them have been fun and exciting!

  • Shirley R

    At your event several years ago in Salem, OR, I really liked to see and participate in the projects being done and then be able to buy the kits and hoops used. Thanks for bringing lots of inventory to sell!

  • Mary Haggenmaker

    The leaders of the event always make it a fascinating and inspirational experience. Knowledge is golden and every person you meet always seems to be able to impart something you did not know before you met. Of course your new friends benefit from what you know also. When it is over you are ready to embark on all the new and exciting projects you can use your new found knowledge on.

  • Sharon Aiken

    I’m always on the lookout for new ideas, techniques, and inspiration that these type of events provide.

  • Linda

    That’s equal to being a kid in a candy shop! what do I choose? Meeting new friends, getting so must inspiration,even feeling like I am in sew & embroidery heaven etc,etc. I suppose if I have to pick just one it would be meeting the people who bring such beauty and pleasure to the sewing world. Thanks for all you do!

  • Linda Coleman

    I love atending embroidery events as I learn so much, tips and tricks and go away with renewed enthusiasm.

  • Patty Sack

    I like meeting new people and learning new things! If I only take away one new idea the whole thing was a great success. Plus you can’t help but have fun and be inspired when you are with people who like doing what you like to do!

  • Pam J.

    I am new to machine embroidery, so I have not had the opportunity to attend an event. I would love to though if it’s near where I live. I can only imagine how much I could learn. Since I’m new I need all the help I can get! Thanks for all your tips!

  • Birdie Cade

    I love the enthusiam and knowledge presenters bring to these events. I learn solutions to issues I’ve had in the past, make new friends and get to spend quality time doing what I love; machine embroidery and quilting.

  • Glenda

    I am retired and haven’t had the oppportunity to attend an event. Saying this, I would love to attend if there was one close by, as I really enjoy Designs in Machine Embroidery. I know I would love all the gadets, etc that would be available. Plus all the information that would be available. Machine embroidery has been my hobby for several years and I really enjoy the stipple designs that are from your site.

  • Marlakay

    What I like the best about attending an embroidery event is meeting new people that can relate to my enthusiasm about machine embroidery.

  • Carol Seavitt

    Embroidery Event Fav: The Stitching Sisters. Both Eileen and Marie are the very best, funny, kind, patient, knowledgeable and informative teachers. Loved you both at the Mesa show last year!

  • Sherrie Lilly

    At every embroidery event that I attend I learn something new that can be applied to many different projects. I love to do gifts of all kinds. Quilts that are done in the hoop are my favorite. Now I just need to learn how to do perfect placement with my continuous borders. Haven’t yet mastered that.

  • Betsy

    It’s so exciting to learn a technique on my machine that I didn’t even know it (or I) could do!

  • Amada

    I have never had the pleasure of going to an embroidery event but I have discovered that anytime you are with a fellow machine embroidery person it is an event. They are the best people and are always willing to share their knowledge and enthusiasm. So I have my own little events when I am talking to my “stitching sisters” or brothers wherever I find them from the fabric store to my favorite local shop (Phil’s Sewing Machines inc. in Washington MO.)or online at wonderful sites like Eleen’s Blog.
    Thank you everyone for sharing all these events with me:-)

  • Nancy Owens

    The best part of attending one of your embroidering events is “The Sisters” you all are great and I love the way you bounce off of each other the give us so much information.

    The next best part is losing the “Fear Factor” Being hands with the projects helped me realize that embroidery is not brain surgery! It is easier than I thought it was, and if I goof nobody dies! I just start over and learn from my mistakes.

    Third and most exciting is I get to go to one of your classes the end of this month at the Sew Expo, where I first meet you many years ago, before Designs. Thank you so much for the wonderful way you have taught us to beautify our lives!

  • Janet K

    My favorite part of attending embroidery events is being with people who all share your same love! We all learn something no matter how long we have been embroidering. I also enjoy sewing on different machines than the ones I have at home.

  • Donna

    I just enjoy the whole experience! Meeting and working with the other attendees, talking with them, seeing what they’ve made and what they hope to make. I enjoy the projects we make as a group and learning the new techniques. It always amazes me to see how different each project is because of the fabrics and colors that everyone choses. I live with my husband, father, and two sons, even our dog is male, so I enjoy being away with a group that is largely female. Like I said I just love it all!

  • Bonnie Readie

    What I like best about embroidery events is having the time space and everything at your fingertips with no downtime for cooking or taking care of everyone else. But there is plenty of time to talk with new friends and share the excitement of learning more about what you love,

  • Tonya R.

    The thing I like most about attending embroidery events is the fellowship with the others in attendance and a chance to meet with some really cool teachers. It’s wonderful to get revived, inspired and just plain rejuvenated with ideas and inspiration. This time of year it’s not hard to get a little down, classes and magazines offer lots of really neat inspiration to feed off of and use. I guess the real reason I love classes so much is because it gets me away from the farm!!!!

  • Paule-Marie

    I haven’t attended an embroidery event in quite a while, but what I love about it and quilting events and classes is seeing how enthusiastic everyone is and what they make in the classes. Everyone has such a different vision of the projects. It’s always amazing to see the same project look so different based on each lady’s (man’s) perspective, choices of color, material, embellishments, etc. I am truly inspired by my class mates and always learn something new.

  • Bonita

    I have had the pleasure of attending a couple of embroidery events in the past. It was always a “Oh so that is how that is done” or ” Oh, my I just have to have that new embroidery machine”. Thank goodness for Nancy’s Sewing Weekend Babylock Machine sales!!!

  • Marge Jansonius

    I enjoy the shared knowledge from other attendees as well as the instructors. It is always a pleasure to attend classes and particularly embroidery ones, you meet people with like interests and friedships are always forged while there.
    Thanks for the informative blog. Marge

  • Diana Cleary

    I like many things about attending embroidery events, but the best is the motivation I come away with- to start new projects, finish old projects, and try different techniques shown and learned at the event. Diana

  • Judith Carlon

    I have never attended an “embroidery event” because this part of the country has not had one to my knowledge. I certainly would love to attend one and learn new techniques as well as improve on the techniques I have learned from my local sewing machine center classes.

  • Jo of So TX

    What’s not to like? Embroidery events give you the chance to learn new techniques, get great tips, ask questions, and of course meet a lot of really great people. You also get to make projects and take some home. I especially like being with my cousin when we attend these events, we always have a blast.

  • Anna Cameron

    Its the atmosphere and exciting hum of the place. Its is so easy to talk to the other ladies or gentlemen because you know you have one thing in common.

  • LeAnne L

    I love retreats because it’s a time to meet new friends, try some new techniques, get inspiration from what everyone else is doing. And there’s nothing better than being in a room full of people that love machine embroidery as much as you do.

  • Penny Kitzmiller

    I have not yet been able to attend a sewing event but boy would I love to!!!! I plan on going to one this year and I cannot
    wait…. I love people and I love to learn so I think that is a
    good mixture for fun!!! Love reading your blog and enjoy seeing the new projects featured.

  • Jack Williams

    I like going to classes you always learn something or like this weekend lots. you learn from everyone around you and to see thier projects

  • Nell Summerlin

    I love attending sewing and embroidery events, although they are few and far between in my area. I always make a new friend and get tons of inspiration, new ideas and always, always, always learn something new!

  • June Young

    I really enjoy meeting the personalities associated with the event and seeing that they really enjoy doing the same things that I do. It is nice to see their techniques in action, ~so much easier to learn this way. It always feels like a party atmosphere with friends and fun times.

  • Kathy

    I enjoy going to embroidery seminars to see the trunk show. I enjoy the designs but there is nothing like seeing them in person done on projects.

  • Laurie Dacus

    I love attending and participating in embroidery events. I attended Stitching Sisters at B-Sew Inn the last time around, and learned so much – from you two and from the other “stitching sisters” who attend. These events are wonderful for learning new techniques, and brushing up on “old” ones. We NEVER stop learning, and will not grow old if we continue to attend what we can, and grow from these. another benefit, most of these events pay for themselves, with the bonus gifts and special give aways and also with the product discounts offered by the companies who teach and hold the events. Search out what is available in your area and make the effort to attend, even if you go just by yourself…and then enjoy the time.

  • Robin

    Wow, this Event was SPECTACULAR! While I was there having fun, my poor husband fell and broke his foot in Pittsburgh. I never heard his phone calls either! Tried to explain to him, these events can get a bit roudy and noisy! Besides, where’s the priority? Sewing & Embroidery Therapy, or cries of help I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! LOL! (he’s OK, just in a cast for 5 more weeks)
    No matter the experience level, or, addiction level, you ALWAYS learn something new. This Cranberry event had cool projects to make. My project was an apron with silk flowers as embellishments,,,very unique!

  • Colleen Bell

    We are so excited about attending our first event this May, so we are looking forward to experiencing all it.

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